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Brave New Empire - Character Backgrounds

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 6:51 pm
by Liquidprism
This is where I want people to post their character's backgrounds for my game: Brave New Empire. This will really help me as a reference source (which includes bonuses to your starting characters). If that doesn't motivate you... I have no idea what will.

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2009 5:26 pm
by rydi
Miri "Stardust" Kjell was a star virtually from the time she was born. The first and only child of the Darian and Irini Kjell, both immensely famous entertainers from the Hapan sector, Miri was in films before she could walk. As she grew, she displayed a great deal of talent in both acting and dance, eventually gaining fame on her own merits instead of riding on her parents success. She was a very bright child, possessed of great natural talents which were further fostered by the best tutors that money could buy.

By the age of 14, she had made 10 wildly successful holovid films, and begun her career in music 'vids. By 16 she was an unruly, self-centered young Diva that was famous less for her talent than her flamboyant personality and over-the-top exploits. By 18 Miri, now "Stardust", was deep into the party scene, moving with celebrities and politicians, and immersed in a world of dangerous drugs and illicit activities. By 21, only her popularity and her parents money could keep her out of jail and in the 'vids, and she spent far more time partying than on career.

On her last 'vid before her "mysterious disappearance", Stardust was off set most of the time, "working" with the Armored Infantry adviser, who's job it was to make sure that the Empire was "accurately and fairly represented" in the 'vid, an action adventure musical about the soldiers of the Armored Infantry. Stardust was insufferable to most people, but when she turned on the charm, as she did with her adviser, she was also irresistible. The two got to know one another very well, and were inseparable throughout the film. He taught her everything he knew about his armor (it was novel, and she was bored), while he picked up on her quirks, including the strangely accurate hunches she often had that kept her out of trouble. After the filming of the 'vid was over however, she quickly tired of the needy soldier, and dumped him for an underwear model... This did not sit well with the soldier, and as a means of revenge he used his position to report her "suspicious abilities" to his superiors. Stardust was quickly captured after the report was received; she was kidnapped from her quarters after a particularly wild party sponsored by some very powerful criminals in the Black Sun that were more than happy to take Empirial money to look the other way.

When she woke up, she found herself in a small cell. After the first few days of screaming, pouting, and starving herself, she realized that she was no longer living the life she was accustomed to, and that she had little control over her captors. When it was clear that she understood her new predicament, the rules of the Program were explained to her, and she was branded with her serial code (normaly done on the arm or shoulder, after the fuss she made her trainer decided to make an example of her and brand her under her left eye so that she would see it every time she looked in the mirror).

Mirri spent her first few months in the basic Force exercises and training activities that all of the prisoners were put through. After her training was complete, and half of her training squad dead, she was sent for special training. To be accepted for special training (and to live), #X93 (Miri's new moniker) was required to kill one of her former training partners. She impressed her trainers by her blatant disregard for life or friendship, and stabbed her former companion in the back as #89 swore to "never harm her friend". X93 felt no remorse, only happiness at surviving, and a thrill at her own success. From that point she was one of the trainers favorites, and even the emperor smiled slightly when reading about her in progress reports.

In special training, X93 became an experiment in precision and manipulation. Building on her natural abilities and augmenting them with special training and the force, X93 was turned into a paragon of grace and subtlety, learning to balance on a tightrope, shoot a blaster with pinpoint accuracy at 100 yards, and easily thwart security systems. Her body was hardened, and her mind was shaped to only consider her own needs and survival (not a very difficult thing, considering her prior life). The final task in her training, before graduation, was to seduce and betray yet another training partner. She accepted her orders without question, and assumed that it would be a simple task, but her mark was more than she had bargained for.

Her target, #S47, had been in the facility for at least twice as long as 93, and had apparently trained under some old man experienced in the force. He was a "good" man, and refused to cave in to the requests of his trainers. He was kept alive only because of his skill (which the trainers used to teach others), as a test (if his "morality" rubbed off on a trainee, they were a failure), and as an example (he was punished frequently, and had far worse accomodations than the others). X93 befriended him, and over the course of months gained his trust before she prepared to kill him (the trainers had decided he would be more useful in training their new agent in betrayal than he would be alive). As she made her final preparations, S47 explained that he knew what she planned, but would not fight back. He said he knew that there was good in her, and that she would not harm him. X93 was shocked that he saw through her so clearly and easily, and for a moment she was tempted to spare him... then the moment passed, and she killed him. X93 felt little upon doing so, and she was praised by her trainers. Only a few tests and formalities remained before she would be promoted out of the Program, a thought that should have made her happy. Instead, as time passed, she was plagued by nightmares and memories of the kind man that had trusted her, the man she had killed. Her victory and all the training she had received began to take on a different meaning to her, and she questioned what she had become... what she had been even before she came to this horrible place. It was at this point of confusion and self-doubt that the Alliance attacked Coruscant and she escaped with her fellow trainees, into the vastness of space with only a faint feeling leading them towards the obscure Rim world of Dathomir...

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2009 3:20 am
by Liquidprism
I enjoyed this story. It was fun to read. The first part reminded me of Paris Hilton in space, and if Star Wars had porn vids on the holonet.... she so would have been in one, complete with night-vision filter, and everything. I really enjoyed the jailer that purposefully marred a pretty girls face, just to be cruel. I also liked that she totally embraced the training, and became a remorseless killing machine... almost. Then at the end she began to feel something else, a twinge of actually humanity. It was cool, enjoy the goodies, and the power suit operation skill.

Of note Robot Chicken needs to do a skit with all the famous hotties of Star Wars doing a Girls Gone Wild video (or a jawas/wookies, either one would be funny). It could be called Sexy Hotties Going Crazy... In Space! I can see it now...

Out on the rim, with nothin' to do between hyperjumps these normally no nonsense nymphos bare it aaaallll! After months of travel they just want to get out... of their clothes. Space sickness be damned these girls are gonna par-tay!!! Woohoo!!! So
come join all the action as these space addled hotties go... CRAZY IN SPACE!!!!!
Only 1800Y or 3 easy payments of 600Y... Act now and we'll thrown in an exclusive bonus Vid, The Galaxies Freakiest Aliens Doing Stupid Stuff To Stormtroopers, absolutely free!!!

My brain is a scary place to live... :wink:

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 5:54 pm
by Avilister
Xazz aka Fac:3/lab-spec:E-01 aka GY-I-XAZ
Shard/GY-I Information Analysis Droid
Self-identifies as male
Exact age unknown, separated from growth rock 40 years before Battle of Endor

"The abuse of greatness is when it disjoins remorse from power." - Xazz commenting upon the state of the Empire

When the colonists from the Old Republic sought volunteers from amongst the Shards to be chipped away from their great crystalline formations and installed into modified droid bodies, Xazz - named for the staticy sound created during the initial communication attempts - was one of the first to volunteer. After a brief calibration and adjustment period, he requested transport away from the planet and set off to see more of the galaxy. Finding that 'his' race possessed great facility with computers, droids, and all things technical and mathematical, Xazz plied his skills as a mechanic and programmer to pay his way across the galaxy.

He returned a few times to his home planet to report on the wonders he'd discovered, but was caught off-world when the Emperor's men seized control of Orax. When he heard about the Rebel Alliance, Xazz got his hands on an R2 droid, modified it to carry him, and went to work as an Astromech. He was assigned to Blue Squadron and did everything he could to help the Rebel cause. He performed ship maintenance, calculated hyperspace routes, and optimized programming on other Rebel droids. He kept his nature secret from most other Rebels, though Blue Squadron was aware of his nature, and welcomed him as a comrade in arms, putting him in charge of the droid pool and ensuring that he was present for mission briefings and post-mission celebrations along with everyone else.

When Xazz's pilot was shot down in battle, he was recovered from the debris by the Imperials who hoped to get valuable tactical data and hyperspace routes from his droid brain. They were perplexed when they discovered his true nature and, unfortunately for Xazz, his Force-sensitive nature was discovered by an Imperial Inquisitor traveling aboard the Star Destroyer that recovered him. He was removed from the astromech and they hastily developed a dampening field to suppress his telecommunication ability to prevent his escape. The Inquisitor, intrigued by the potential presented by a Force-sensitive that could masquerade as a droid, had him sent to the facility where he rode out the rest of the Galactic Civil War.

Admitted as specimen number 01 of batch E, the researchers took some pleasure in devising a way to mark him with his serial number. Eventually they laser-etched it into one of his larger facets. This was, it turned out, not without some detriment, as E-01 was thereafter unable to remember parts of his early life, before he was detached from his growth rock on Orax. After the researched established ways to control E-01's access to electromagnetic fields and limit his ability to hijack the facility's droids, they began to put him through a standard Force training regimen. Specimen E-01 was a source of much entertainment for the researchers. He was nearly powerless to resist them, but would lash out with the full spectrum of his abilities any time he was given the slightest sliver of hope, wiping out computer systems, hijacking droids, and pumping ear-numbing screeches through the facility's PA system. His punishment was an extended period of isolation from all EM fields - sensory deprivation to the fullest extent of the term. E-01 is a Shard though, and patient like his people are want to be. He eventually decided that it was better to attempt to learn from his surely-deranged captors than to suffer extended isolation from the world.

Given his nature, it is perhaps unsurprising that specimen E-01 developed extensive sensory capabilities, supplementing and augmenting his otherwise limited ability to perceive the world around him without mechanical assistance. E-01 was slow to develop any ability to affect the world around him; his people's complete inability to do so on their own required an extensive paradigm shift and an extended effort before any results were realized. Once the researchers decided that E-01 was going to behave, they began to force feed him information on a wide variety of topics that they believed would be useful to one of the Emperor's Hands, largely supplementing E-01's already extensive technical know-how with academic knowledge that most droids would be expected to know or have ready access to.

Twice during his extended stay, E-01 attempted escape, disabling the containment field that he was regularly kept in and summoning a veritable army of droids to himself in an attempt to free himself. The first was several months after his Force training began, when an over-confident E-01 believed that his training would be sufficient to aid his escape. This escape was punished by extended isolation as well as having a chip of material, a small flake, removed from one end of his cylindrical body. This particular removal caused E-01 to lose many of his memories of time after he was loose in the galaxy, particularly of his time with the Rebel Alliance. Though he still remembers that time, his memories are now disjointed and often confusing with long fugue-like breaks in his recollection. E-01 was unable to work up the courage to make another attempt at escape until the facility was stormed many years later. The psychological terror he felt at having more of his memories chipped away was sufficient to keep him behaving until an ideal opportunity was present.

E-01's extensive periods of meditation and delving for sensation via the Force revealed to him that the strike against the facility was coming well in advance. When the insurgent force arrived, he was ready. As the door to his cell was opened, he used the Force to disable his containment field and reached out with his native telecommunication ability to summon each and every droid in the facility to his location. He had one carry him out and ordered the rest to assist the escapees in whatever way they were able, including himself. He escaped with the others aboard a transport and set to work talking the droids and other escapees through modifying the droid that had carried him out of the facility to carry him on a somewhat longer-term basis. He added armor and made some improvements to its locomotive abilities. He was among the first of the refugees to sense the mysterious pull to Dathomir, and urged the others to pursue this mysterious lead.

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 7:49 pm
by Ivanovich
T'Nata El Domo (Fac:3/lab-spec:E-02)

T'Nata was born on the remote planet Hysal. Like most of his race he was force sensitive as were his parents. For the majority of the Hysalrians the thought of interacting with the rest of the galaxy was considered taboo. My parents at an early age had gone against this and joined the Jedi Order and over time gained the rank of Jedi Master. They choose to spend most of their time on Hysal and help their people. On certain occasions they would leave and aid the Order in what ever means they could. Most of what they did was diplomatic, but from time to time they did get involved in combat. Like most Hysalrians they choose not to end life and instead went to extreme ends to avoid this.

During the close of the Battle of Kashyyk his parents took him there for reasons that will never be clear to him. They said it was to meet a Great Jedi Master who had taught them, but he knew something was wrong. After breaking through the blockade and landing the ship his parents ordered him to stay on the ship. After about an hour T'Nata became worried and bored. He decided to go find his parents or this Master Yoda.

He followed the path his parents had taken for nearly half an hour when he heard a battle in the distance. He slithered quickly to see what was going on, only to see the last moments of his parents life. His parents were fighting off a large group of Clone Troopers. He watched helplessly as the troopers overwhelmed his parents and slaughtered them in cold blood. He quickly slithered back towards the ship and managed to get aboard ahead of the troopers. Despite this, his lack of knowledge with ships and mechanics gave the troopers enough time to board and capture the youth.

T'Nata was in route to being taken back to the trooper's base when they were attacked by Wookies and another Jedi Master. The Jedi and his companions killed and incapacitated all the troopers and rescued T'Nata. The Jedi turned out to be the Master that his parents had brought him to see, but Yoda had little time to aid T'Nata. He sent a couple wookies with T'Nata to a shuttle with a droid pilot that would hopefully get him home.

The shuttle lifted off and attempted to break through the blockade, but took a hit to the astrogation unit in doing so. At first things were fine, but soon the shuttle was off course and eventually crashed onto a forested planet. T'Nata attempted to fix the shuttle for a day and failing, T'Nata decided to search for someone who could help him. After a week searching the planet he was found by a group of smugglers using the planet as a base of operations

T'Nata was taken in and showed some skills with a blaser. The smugglers took him in and taught him a few tricks and given a job as a guard. After a year or two of this he grew bored and decided to seek his own fortune as a Bounty Hunter and explore the galaxy a bit. Despite his keen skills with a blaster and his decent ability in hand to hand, T'Nata had little success on his own with capturing his bounties.

This led T'Nata to search for a partner who knew the galaxy better, could deal with people and maybe pilot for him. He searched on a couple different planets and in various establishments, but had little luck. One day he stumbled across two bounty hunters attempting to rough up a Sullustan, Sias Tevv. He quickly attacked the two hunters and killed one. He wounded the other, who managed to quickly get away. The Sullustan agreed to join with T'Nata.

The duo's abilities complimented each other well. It was not long before they were well off and somewhat well known amongst bounty hunters. Their skills eventually gained them a reputation that garnered the attention of the Emperor. Emperor Palpatine knew what T'Nata was and had never had the chance to study one. He set a plan in motion to capture it for study.

The Emperor put out a small number of large bounties and had his agents contact T'Nata and Tevv. T'Nata was wary of working for the people who had killed his parents and had a sick feeling that something was wrong. So the two fled and hid as best they could. The Emperor had expected this and had already sent out some of his Royal Guard to pick up the Hysalrian. It was not long before the Guards caught up with the duo and laid a trap for them. The two fought hard, but it did not take long for the guards to overtake T'Nata and kill Tevv.

T'Nata was restrained and put on a ship bound for Coruscant. When T'nata arrived he was brought in with a group and assigned the number E-02. He was then placed alone in a cell. He seemed to be left in the cell with nothing to do, but eat the few rations they gave him and stare into the darkness. After an unknown amount of time someone finally came for T'Nata. They forced him to beat or be beaten by another prisoner. At first he beat the other prisoners, but soon decided it would be better to not do what the Emperor wanted. He began taking the beatings in hope that they would leave him alone.

Instead they changed tactics. They began to teach him the basics of the force and how to improve his abilities. This brought up memories he had thought long forgotten about his parents and their death at the hands of the Empire. This hardened his resolve to not be broken by the Emperor and survive. Soon T'Nata was being forced to fight other inmates. At first he was able to persuade them not to attack or incapacitate them, but after some time the guards started throwing stronger and more ferocious inmates against him who he was forced to kill in order to stay alive. Each fights, each kill tempered his resolve to survive and see the Emperor and his Empire crumble.

One day after years of defending himself, T'Nata was forced to fight his toughest opponent. The guards decided to make him face one of his own race. When they first came eye to eye T'Nata could sense and see the fear and angst in the other Hysalrian. His opponent attacked quickly and without remorse, catching T'Nata off guard. It did not take long before T'Nata was close to being overpowered and killed, but in a moment of clarity T'Nata sensed that change was awaiting him. T'Nata attacked back and tore his opponent apart with a rage that had been building since the day he watched helplessly as his parents were killed. He killed the other Hysalrian and felt little remorse for what he had done. He knew that the Emperor could not harm not control him any longer.

With in a month the prison was in upheaval as a riot broke out and Coruscant was being attacked by rebels. T'Nata was on his way to freedom, but to what end he was not sure.

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 1:10 pm
by Liquidprism
I just want to say, that these back stories were really fun to read. You all did a great job, and I hope your rewards were suitable. Now I just need a couple more, and we should be ready to start playing.

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2009 12:01 am
by Amseriah
(Place holder, character background to come soon)

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2009 9:02 pm
by adam
Bavic Fac:3/lab-spec:h-45

Bavic was born on Gand, his family an ancient order of Findsmen. The Findsmen use their insight to find the Truth hidden within the misty air of Gand. Bavic specialized in tracking down criminals, but his time on Gand would be cut short by the introduction of advanced sensor technology from the empire. As Bavic was having a harder time finding work, Bavic meditated more on what the future would hold for him. Seeing into the mist, Bavic saw that this technology, while advanced had limits that Bavic's insight did not. The sensors could only detect what was within their limited range, but Baric could meditate and see what was hidden a sector away. With this flash of insight, Bavic knew it was time to leave Gand and to make his name known to all.

Bavic left Gand and went to seek his fame by becoming a bounty hunter. The more of the galaxy that Bavic saw, he soon realized that the Empire was not as they were on Gand. The Imperials on Gand did not enslave the population, they merely sought trade with the Gand. The reason for not enslaving the Gand Bavic thought was the inhospitable environment to non-Gands. When Bavic heard about the Rebellion, Bavic knew that would be how he would earn his mark across the galaxy. Bavic took on a bounty of a high ranking Alliance member when he took his chance to ally himself with the Alliance.

On a jungle planet, Bavic sought out the Alliance member, Yocec, who was a Specforce Commander. In the middle of the night Bavic bypassed the patrols and found his way into the Command camp. Bavic awoke the Commander, identified himself, and offered some information on the Imperial movements within the area. Yocec was cautious with the information, and Bavic allowed himself to be imprisoned while the information was confirmed. The information that Bavic provided was accurate and help to save the lives of some Alliance members who had been captured.

After earning Yocec's trust, Bavic soon became a scout within Yocec's squad. The Findsmans ability to gain insight of what they are meditating on proved to make Bavic one of the best scouts under Yocec's command. Bavic was one of the few scouts who could regularly get close enough to Imperial camps to gather highly detailed information. The two years that Bavic spent with Yocec's squad was the happiest he had ever been, knowing that his work was leading to the betterment of others is a satisfying thing.

On a planet near the Outer Rim, Bavic was scouting an Imperial prison when he was caught. The human that caught Bavic was moving in a way that no human could possibly move, and seemed to be able to predict Bavic's every move. Bavic would later find out that this was a Force user. On Gand he had heard that the Findsman may use the Force to sense out their prey, but he had never seen a Findsman move like that. Bavic was sent to that prison that he was scouting, and soon transferred to a much more secured facility.

At the new prison Bavic was transferred to, his jailers where not the normal sort. Bavic was experimented on, and he was kept isolated from the other prisoners. Most of what they did to Bavic was to isolate his senses, and during that time Bavic meditated on the events that brought him here. Bavic soon saw that this was a secret prison that held Force sensitive beings like himself. The Emperor was using this place as a lab, but Bavic could not pierce the mist deeper on this issue.

After a year or so of being isolated, Bavic found his chance to get to freedom. Bavic was being sent to another cell, so his only opportunity to have a chance at freedom was then. When the guards where escorting him down the hall, Bavic used his piercing touch strike to puncture through the Stormtroopers armor. After the first trooper collapsed, Bavic grabbed his blaster and killed the other Stormtrooper. Bavic knew that there would be a ship about to take off, and if he could force his way onto it Bavic might be safe. On the way to the hanger bay Bavic had to sneak around the now altered patrols of Stormtroopers. Getting to the hanger bay took longer than Bavic thought it would and the ship was long gone. Over the next few days, Bavic evaded the patrols, but eventually he has recaptured by one of the Force sensitive jailers that had been tormenting him since he arrived on the prison.

Since the attempted escape of Bavic, he has been kept under much more security. In addition, it seemed that Bavic started to receive special attention. Every day, Bavic was forced to do harsh training under the watchful eyes of 3 security droids. This harsh training was having an effect upon Bavic's mind, and it seemed that he could start to sense the Force. During Bavic's nights, he would meditate upon what his future would be, and the only thing that he could ever get was Dathomir, but Bavic was not quit sure what that was.

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2009 4:36 pm
by arete
Facility 3/X-42

X-42 was raised to see the world has a fair and just place, the son of wealthy political figures from the pacifist colony _______. His father always hoped X-42 would follow in his footsteps as a diplomate. He was sent to the best schools, and given ample chances to tag along on missions with his parents. X-42 learned the arts of war, and politics. X-42’s life looked promising till the empire arose.
With the empire corrupt politics X-42’s parents became a liability. Fearing for their lives they fled to a outlying world. After a few years of laying low his family had a brief interaction with the rebellion, but the violence of war was to much for them. While traveling they heard of a “jedi” training force adapts. They decided even if they could not act at lest they could get their son the training that would allow him to make a difference.
X-42’s training was nothing like what he expected. He was trained in a large group. He was educated in aggressive force technics and how his parents pacifist ideas made him weak. X-42 started to question everything he was once taught. Eventually his master altered the emperor that he had several people to send to the experiments on Croissant, and to X-42’s surprise he came home one day to find his parents slaughtered by imperial troops. X-42 went into a blind rage. He struck his parents murders with vengeance, and quickly headed back to his master only to find his master in collaboration with the imperial scum that had killed his family. . The imperial forces did manage to capture him, but not before he slew his former master.
During the first few months in the facility X-42 was consumed with rage willing to strike out at anything. After a few failed escape attempts, and a month in solitary confinement X-42 finally clammed down enough to reflect on his situation. He realized that undirected anger had got him into this situation, and if he was going to escape then he would have to wait. X-42 decided he would not kill anyone else within his training group unless forced to. During inner squad conflict he always attempted to talk down his attack, but did not hesitate to quickly kill anyone who did not want to back down. X-42 did excel in his training, but his lack of rage kept him progressing in the eyes of his trainers. Finally the chance to escape presented itself when the rebellion attacked Croissant. X-42 jumped at the opportunity but not without faults. He gave into his rage. After acquiring the weapons needed he began slaughtering his captors without mercy. Anyone he could liberate he took with him to the first transport he could find.

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2009 5:47 pm
by Amseriah
Rashallar (Fac:3/lab-spec:X-99)

Rashallar began their life in the swamps of Abraxin but was very shortly captured by slavers and taken to the Kud'zun slave colony Gromas 16, they and the other Kud'zun were forced to mine for phrik for the Empire. The phrik that they mined was processed and used to equip an elite group of warriors for the Emperor himself. The conditions were horrendous even for the Kud'zun, they were allowed very little rest or sleep and were fed very rarely. All of this was to keep them weak so that they wouldn't rebel or attempt escape. For as cruelly as their drivers treated the Kud'zun, they were scared of the bizarre plant race because of their natural aggression and unending stamina. Rashallar worked the mines for decades their memories of Abraxin and the ways of the Kud'zun becoming harder and harder to remember.

One day though proved to be a pivotal point in Rashallar's life, they overheard one of the drivers talking amongst each other about a fleet of pirates that had taken a nearby port community and were raiding it for the precious phrik and other valuable materials. Rashallar knew where the other community was, it was in fact where they landed when they were first brought to Gromas 16. They knew that this was their chance at escape, but they were too weak and exhausted from the countless hours of forced labor. In a flash the solution occurred to them...the old ways...the hunt. If they absorbed the other Kud'zun in the colony into themselves then they would have the energy and strength collectively to make their escape.

That night they let their plan be known to the other Kud'zun, it was a chance for all of them to escape. The others agreed to the plan and agreed to Rashallar being to one to escape, they were the youngest and the strongest. The first was the worst, even though the other Kud'zun agreed to allowing themselves to be absorbed by Rashallar there was still a natural resistance as vines latched onto vines and psyche wrestled against psyche attempting to quell and absorb the foreign conciousness. The rush of energy that came from the destruction of another of it's kind was unexpected and almost overpowering, they wanted more, they needed more, they needed to consume everything, to make everything one of them!!! If the other Kud'zun sensed the change that occurred to Rashallars' mind they didn't have time to question or resist. They lept upon the others with a fury and hunger that had not been seen by them since leaving Abraxin. Rashallar understood now why the guards and slave drivers feared them, and knew that their fears were completely justified!

They crept out of the mines and launched a crazed assault upon the guards tearing them apart limb from limb, then they fled. They had the advantage of confusion and the darkness of night on their side, as they navigated by sensing the heat signatures of their surroundings. It took only 4 hours for them to arrive at the port and took little time to find the pirates that the guards whispered about. Something was working for them as the captain that they found was Captain Dross also formerly of Abraxin. The captain knew what they were and knew of their fate, and he felt for them. So he agreed to smuggle them off-world under one condition, they had to work for him for 5 years to pay off their room and board. Having endured decades of slavery Rashallar readily agreed to the deal and the pirates plus one new crew member departed the planet at first light, off to sell their ill-gotten booty.

Rashallar took to the life of piracy quickly, they seemed to instinctively know how to navigate in space and they were a natural choice for a boarder. They learned very quickly the ways of the pirate and began to enjoy it. The captain mostly picked targets that had gotten their wealth through the exploitation of others and that worked well for justifying their actions. Unfortunately the Empire took a negative view of piracy and laid a trap for the vessel, and everyone was killed or captured. The captured crew all were taken to slave colonies to work of their “debt to the Empire” except for Rashallar who was taken to the compound were they grafted a steel serial number onto their torso. They still to this day don't know how the Imperial troops could sense his connection to the Force, but they regret the day that they were forced into the program. They were torn apart, parts of them being turned into chemicals to inject into other subjects with the intent of attempting to give them regeneration, and were forced to learn to channel the Force in different ways than they ever had before. Rashallar watched as people were injected with their purified sap and started to claw at their flesh as though there was something alive crawling under their skin, they also saw a few subjects later that didn't reject the injections. Rashallar also was forced to fight these subjects just to test the power of the modifications. Rashallars' deepest fear came true when they fought the first of the soldiers who did display regenerative abilities, for they knew then that they would likely being destroyed in the process of creating super soldiers. They knew that they had to escape again, but there seemed to be far less of a chance at escape than there was in the mines. As they were considering all of their options, a door opened up for them...literally. Someone had attacked the facility and were freeing the prisoners! They boarded the ship without looking back and set off to Dathomir with only two thoughts present in them: find a ship, then bring revenge upon the Empire...

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2009 12:08 am
by Liquidprism
This is a neat thread, and I really like all the stories here. I think there's only one character missing, but we'll see if anything comes of that. Good job people.