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District 9 fans

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2009 2:59 pm
by Rusty
So, about 4 years ago the director that eventually made District 9, Neil Blomkamp, made a short called "alive in joburg", ( )which features roughly the same setting as district 9 and at least one actor from the film. It is interesting, and shows the roots of the film which was very good.

Oh, and it seems that Blomkamp also mentioned before it came out that he would be interested in doing a sequel if the film did well, and boy did it do well. It might be a year or two before "District 10" comes out, but the film is very sequel compatible, and Blomkamp mentioned that the 'obvious' sequel might not happen yet, he has other plots in mind that would come first.

While trying to avoid spoilers, I should mention that the film sets up at least two sequels, and films that do as well as district 9 did usually also get sequels, whether they are good or not.

btw who else has seen it?

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 10:54 pm
by Liquidprism
I really wanted too but it was only in the theatre here a fuckin week... I hate this place.

Posted: Mon May 03, 2010 1:09 pm
by Nintendroid
I saw District 9, and have read about alive in joburg, I find it all very interesting, I felt that the climax of the film, (and in my pants) was just when we thought that wikus was basically useless, and after all we have witnessed as veiwers, all the cool technology, and all of the human cruelty, all of the sudden, there is powered armor suit on screen. That scene and its subsequent scenes puts the movie over the top for me. Not including said hardware, I could have watched on the edge of my seat the entire film, and have loved it, but the inclusion of that bit, just made anything lower than a ten on an excitement scale an insult to the film. I just thoroughly enjoyed every bit. And while some find the afro-brit accent unbearable, I find it enthralling, much the way I do any accent that I can't reproduce.