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Brave New Empire - New Race Templates

Post by Liquidprism »

Here I will be posting some new race templates for people to peruse. If you want pictures, just type the names into Google Images, or go to Wookiepedia. If anyone wants me to make a race just name it, and I'll do my best. I tried to balance these the best I could, with some help from the Internet, and a few web sights.
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12 Attribute Dice
Dexterity: 2D/3D+1
Knowledge: 2D+1/5D
Mechanical: 2D/3D+2
Perception: 2D+2/4D+1
Strength: 2D+1/4D
Technical: 2D/4D
Move- 10/12
Special Abilities: Initiative Bonus- Cereans gain +1D to Perception when determining Initiative.

11 Attribute Dice
Dexterity: 2D+1/4D
Knowledge: 1D+2/3D+2
Mechanical: 1D+2/3D+2
Perception: 1D+2/3D+2
Strength: 2D/4D+1
Technical: 2D/4D
Move- 10/12
Special Abilities: Natural Armor- Geonosian Workers gain a +2 pip bonus to Strength rolls made when resisting damage.
Radiation Resistance- Geonosian Workers gain a +1D pip bonus to Strength when rolling to resist the effects of harmful radiation.
Story Factors: Caste Driven Society- Any Geonosian that wishes to leave his designated position, must compete in gladiatorial combat to gain rank and prestige. These fights are always to the death.

12 Attribute Dice
Dexterity: 2D/4D+2
Knowledge: 2D/4D
Mechanical: 1D+2/3D+2
Perception: 2D+1/4D+1
Strength: 1D+2/3D+1
Technical: 2D+1/4D
Move- 10/12 (Ground), 16 (Flight)
Special Abilities: Flight- Geonosian Aristocrats have wings, and may fly.
Natural Armor: Geonosian Aristocrates gain a +2 pip bonus to Strength when resisting damage.
Radiation Resistance- Geonosian Aristocrates gain a +1D pip bonus to Strength when rolling to resist the effects of harmful radiation.
Story Factors: Caste Driven Society- Any Geonosian that wishes to leave his designated position, must compete in gladiatorial combat to gain rank and prestige. These fights are always to the death.

12 Attribute Dice
Dexterity: 2D+1/4D
Knowledge: 2D+1/4D
Mechanical: 2D+1/4D
Perception: 2D/3D+2
Strength: 2D/4D+2
Technical: 2D/3D+2
Move- 10/12
Special Abilities: Swimming- Gungans gain a permanent +1D bonus to all Swimming rolls, and Stamina checks to hold their breath.
Good Hearing: Gungans gain a +2 pip bonus to all Perception checks involving their sense of hearing.

13 Attribute Dice
Dexterity: 2D/4D
Knowledge: 2D/4D+1
Mechanical: 1D+2/4D
Perception: 1D+2/4D
Strength: 1D+1/3D+1
Technical: 2D+2/4D+2
Move- 11/13
Special Abilities: Hardy- Kaminoans gain a +1D bonus to Survival, and Stamina checks.
Ultra-vision: Kaminoans can see into the ultra violet spectrum of light. This provides them with the ability to ignore all but complete darkness.
Story Factors: Cloners- Kaminoans are universally known as adept cloners.

12 Attribute Dice
Dexterity: 2D/4D+1
Knowledge: 2D/4D
Mechanical: 2D/4D
Perception: 2D/4D+1
Strength: 2D/3D+1
Technical: 2D/4D
Move- 10/12
Special Abilities: Low Light Vision- Kel Dor can see twice as far as humans in poor lighting conditions.
Racial Weakness: Atmospheric Dependence- Kel Dor cannot survive without their native atmosphere, and must wear special masks with eye wear to survive. Without this equipment a Kel Dor goes blind, and must begin making Moderate Strength checks each round, or fall unconscious. Each round the difficulty raises by three. Once unconscious the Kel Dor takes one level of damage until returned to the atmosphere, or death.

12 Attribute Dice
Dexterity: 2D/3D+2
Knowledge: 2D/4D+1
Mechanical: 2D+1/4D
Perception: 2D/4D+2
Strength: 2D/3D+1
Technical: 2D/4D
Move- 10/12
Special Abilities: Skill Bonus- At the time of character creation only, Neimoidian characters gain 2D for every 1D placed in Value, and/or Con.

12 Attribute Dice
Dexterity: 2D+1/4D
Knowledge: 1D+2/3D+2
Mechanical: 2D/3D+2
Perception: 2D/3D+2
Strength: 2D+2/5D+1
Technical: 2D/3D+2
Move- 10/12
Special Abilities: Force Immunity- Yuuzhan Vong are immune to any Force Powers, which directly affect them. This is mostly powers from Sense, and Alter.
Story Factor: Yuuzhan Vong are outsiders to the galaxy, and know very little of the cultures, and species within it. They are also extremely xenophobic, and have a strong aversion to mechanical technology, preferring to rely on themselves, and their biotechnology instead. A Yuuzan Vong character will not use a mechanical device for any reason.

12 Attribute Dice
Dexterity: 2D/4D
Knowledge: 2D/4D
Mechanical: 2D+1/4D
Perception: 2D/4D
Strength: 2D+1/4D
Technical: 2D/4D
Move- 10/12
Special Abilities: Hardiness: Zabrak gain a +1D bonus to Willpower, and Stamina rolls.

11 Attribute Dice
Dexterity: 2D/4D+2
Knowledge: 2D/4D
Mechanical: 2D+2/4D
Perception: 2D/3D+2
Strength: 2D/3D+2
Technical: 2D/4D
Move- 12/15
Special Abilities: Scales- Hysalrians have scales, which give them an armor bonus to strength of +1D physical, and +2 energy.
Coils- A Hysalrian can attempt to coil around and immobilize a target using its body. When using its body this way the Hysalrian gains +2D to Strength. If successful the target is immobilized and can only try to break out of the hold. If this continues for to long the target may begin to suffocate. After the first round the target must start making stamina checks, or fall unconscious at the end of each round. A Hysalrian also gains the Strength bonus when using its body to climb, or swim.
Extra Arms- A Hysalrian may take an extra action each round at no penalty with its extra set of arms.
Heat Vision- Hysalrians can see into the infrared spectrum, and can distinguish objects by their temperature. They can also see in total darkness provided their are ample enough heat sources.
Vibration Sense- Hysalrains gain a +1D to Perception when trying to locate sources, that put off vibrations.

12 Attribute Dice
Dexterity: 2D+1/4D+2
Knowledge: 2D/3D
Mechanical: 2D+1/4D+1
Perception: 1D+2/3D+1
Strength: 2D/4D+1
Technical: 2D/3D+2
Move- 11/13
Special Abilities: Multidextrous- While Dugs prefer to use their arms for walking, and their feet for fine manipulation, they are able to use all their limbs with equal proficiency (especially on worlds with a lower gravity than their homeworld, which is most). Thus, Dugs count as having an extra set of limbs, and can take actions with either set. They may not be able to use them all at once however, especially if they want to move. In addition Dugs gain a +2D bonus to Strength when climbing.
Story Factors: Dugs are widely thought of as brutes, and thugs. They are given very little respect by other sentients who tend to see them as little more than animals. The galaxy over, Dugs have very little clout with other species, and have trouble finding anything resembling reasonable work. Most Dugs make their living in the underground market as racers, henchmen, and gamblers.

12 Attribute Dice
Dexterity: 2D+1/4D+1
Knowledge: 2D/4D
Mechanical: 2D/4D
Perception: 2D/4D+2
Strength: 2D/3D+1
Technical: 2D/3D+2
Move- 10/12
Special Abilities: Head Tails- Twi’leks can use their head tails to communicate with each other using a secret language (similar to sign language, but with a greater range of ideas and inflections). Additionally these tails are super sensitive, and house part of a Twi’lek’s brain. If damage is dealt to a head tail the Twi’lek may not act for a round from the pain. This occurs each time the tail is injured, as though the character had received a wounded result.
Last edited by Liquidprism on Mon Nov 16, 2009 4:33 am, edited 12 times in total.
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Post by Liquidprism »

Here are a couple more races I thought sounded neat. Not sure how balanced Clawdites, and Anzati are, but they seem like neat races, so I tried to reproduce them for d6.

11 Attribute Dice
Dexterity: 2D/4D
Knowledge: 2D/3D+2
Mechanical: 2D/4D
Perception: 2D/4D+1
Strength: 1D/2D+2
Technical: 2D/4D+1
Move- 5 (Walking), 13 (Flying)
Special Traits: Force Resistance- Like Hutts most Toydarians enjoy an innate resistance to mind altering Force powers. Double their Perception die code when rolling to resist these effects.
Flight- Toydarians can fly rapidly and hover about using their small fast beating wings. They in fact prefer to move about this way. However, due to the vast energy required by their rapid beating, a Toydarian must eat several meals a day. Toydarians prefer concentrated protein.
Odor- Toydarians give off a distinct body odor reminiscent of Sweetspice.

10 Attribute Dice
Dexterity: 2D/4D
Knowledge: 2D/4D
Mechanical: 2D/4D
Perception: 2D/4D
Strength: 2D/4D
Technical: 2D/4D
Move- 10/12
Special Skills: Shapeshifting: This is a special Strength Skill available to Clawdites. Clawdites use this skill to take new shapes, and become other species. The main limitation to a Clawdites ability are shapes which require more or less mass, and extreme changes in bone structure or texture. Although, some Clawdites are said to be able to over come some of these limits with practice, and age.

To change its shape a Clawdite character must take an entire round to concentrate. At the end of the round the character makes a moderate Shapeshifting roll. Success indicates the character has changed form. If the Character is under stress, increase the roll to Difficult. If the character has been injured increase the difficulty by an amount equal to the last amount of damage taken.
When the character shapeshifts it gets to redistribute up to 12 of its attribute dice into the new racial template, using the new races attribute min/max scores. It may also distribute these dice into movement.
This ability allows a Clawdite to take on the forms of other humanoid species with a similar anatomy to the Clawdite. The new shape may not gain more than 6D in a single attribute, and it may not possess a hugely divergent anatomical make up, or be of extreme size. Tik Tik, Hutts, and Revwiens are examples of races to divergent to shift into, however Rodians, Twi’lek, and even Wookies would be okay.
It should be noted that the Clawdite’s skills are modified by its new form’s attributes.
It also gains any natural armor, or weapons which come with the species. The Clawdite will not gain the ability to breathe strange atmospheres, fly, or pick up any extra skill dice from the races abilities. The storyteller has final say in what a Clawdite gains from a particular form. In many instances the clawdite may be able to mimic a forms weirder parts, but this will at a +5 to the Shapeshifting roll for each alien feature added. So a Clawdite could grow wings, but could not then use those wings as they would be vestigial for the character.
The Clawdite can hold a form for a number of hours equal to the number of whole dice in the Shapeshifting skill. For every ten years of life, the Clawdite can hold a shape for an extra hour. That character also gains a +2 bonus on any Shapeshifting checks it makes. When this tie has elapsed the Clawdite begins to lose his hold on the shape. Each round the character must make a new Shapeshifting roll to keep the form. The difficulty beings at moderate and then suffers a cumulative -5 on each round there after until the Clawdite either releases the form, of is forced to drop it. After this a Clawdite must rest for half an hour for every hour spent in the form before it can begin to use Shapechanging again. When a Clawdite dies it reverts to its natural form.

10 Attribute Dice
Dexterity: 2D/4D
Knowledge: 2D/4D
Mechanical: 2D/4D
Perception: 2D/4D
Strength: 2D/4D
Technical: 2D/4D
Move- 10/12
Special Abilities: Force Sensitive- not only are Anzati Force Sensitive, but Anzati characters gain each of the following Force Powers as racial abilities. Each of these abilities is bought just like a skill with its own die code. These abilities cost twice as many points to purchase as a normal skill. Otherwise these abilities work just like the Force Powers they mimic. These powers are:
Receptive Telepathy
Projective Telepathy
Affect Mind
Control Mind
Obscure Physiology- An Anzati’s anatomy does not contain have any apparent circulatory or limbic system. Because of this these characters do not need to eat, and require very little sleep. They are also immune to disease, and poison.
Proboscises- These natural tendrils stay hidden within cheek pockets on an Anzati’s face. They a can lash out in seconds however, infiltrating a victims cranial cavity through the nostrils, and sucking out the ‘soup’ inside. In order to do this the character must succeed at a Moderate Brawling check. Success allows the tendrils to strike true, and allow the character to begin draining the victim. A victim hit with this attack loses -1D from his Perception. Each time the character wishes attack this way a new action is required. Once a victim’s Perception is reduced below 1D in this way, they die.
Longevity- Anzati can live to be thousands of years old.
Regeneration- An Anzati that is injured may make normal healing checks using Strength, but turning ‘days’ into ‘hours’ for purposes of recovery. In addition these rolls cannot cause the character’s condition to deteriorate.
Story Factors- Anzati consider the concept of the Force to be a primitive notion. They instead believe only in the life energy of sentient beings, which they call ‘soup’, or ‘luck’. They also believe that by draining this ‘soup’ from other sentient beings, they themselves can grow in power.
Special Weakness- Anzati suffer a psychological addiction to ‘soup’, and they must feed from other sentient beings regularly. Every 10 days an Anzati must feed at least one time. If an Anzati goes without feeding during this length of time that character begins to crave ‘soup’ to the exclusion of all other drives. Each new day requires the character to make a Willpower check. A failed check results in the character attacking the nearest sentient lifeform in an attempt to drain its ‘soup’, and sate the hunger. If there are no sentient lifeforms around the Anzati, the character with do everything in its power to find some.
For every 50 years the character has lived reduce the results of its Willpower rolls for these purposes by 1. For 100 years the character has lived decrease the number of days it can hold out by 1.

12 Attribute Dice
Dexterity: 2D+2/4D+2
Knowledge: 2D/ 3D+1
Mechanical: 2D/ 3D+1
Perception: 2D
Strength: 2D+2/4D+2
Technical: 1D/3D
Move- 11/13
Special Abilities: Claws- Str+2D
Regeneration- An injured Cathar making healing checks may make two checks, and take the results of the better roll. In addition a Cathar’s condition may not deteriorate further from natural healing rolls.
Story Factors: Cathar are known across the galaxy as fearsome adversaries in close quarters combat.

11 Attribute Dice
Dexterity: 2D/4D+2
Knowledge: 2D/4D
Mechanical: 2D/4D
Perception: 2D/3D+2
Strength: 2D/3D+2
Technical: 2D/4D
Move- 10/12
Special Abilities: Multiple Limbs- Eirrauc have six limbs, which can allow them to multitask, or move at a greatly accelerated rate. Each round an Eirrauc character amy choose to either gain the benefits of having an extra set of arms, or an extra set of legs. In any round the character gains one of these bonuses, that character may not gain the other.
Last edited by Liquidprism on Tue Nov 17, 2009 10:57 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by Liquidprism »

Just for Jason...

Attribute Dice: 12
Dexterity: 2D/4D
Knowledge: 2D/4D
Mechanical: 2D/4D
Perception: 2D+2/5D
Strength: 2D/4D
Technical: 2D/4D
Move- 10/12
Special Abilities: Echo Location: Togruta head-montrals act as receptor/conductors for ultrasonic echolocation. Thus Togruta gain a +2D to Perception rolls based on sensing physical objects within a number of meters equal to the whole dice in the Perception Attribute. In addition Togruta may use this ability in place of eyes should they be blinded. This negates any penalties dealing with perceiving a target with cover within range.
Story Effects: Togruta are widely believed to be venomous by beings that do not know any better. Because Togruta themselves tend to cultivate this rumor, they can use this to their advantage. Togruta gain a +1D bonus to Intimidation rolls, when using the rumor against individuals that do not know any better.

Turned out more different than Twil'eks than I thought, but they really are a different species so that's alright.
Last edited by Liquidprism on Fri Nov 13, 2009 2:31 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Liquidprism »

Im not going to completely reedit all these races with the new changes. I will be tweaking them a bit, to get them a bit more balanced seeing some of them played however. I will let everyone know what is changing, so don't worry. Other than a few tweaks here and there they should keep working just the way they always have.

Okay, these races are edited, and feel a bit more balanced to me. THe main thing I did was go back through and update the attribute min/max for them as those were pretty much all wrong. Of note for those of you playing some of these:

Hysalrians lost -1D from their grapple bonus (sorry, but 3D is a lot. +2D will have to suffice... did I say suffice, I meant win.)

Togruta lost -1D from their special intimidation bonus. +2D seemed a bit much for an ability they have to bluff.

Anyway, that should just about cover things.
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