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Eye and Seven Despairs

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2009 4:43 pm
by rydi
I came across an interesting thread on the WW boards. The primary part that I am interested in I will produce below:

Eye and Seven Despairs was always my favorite Deathlord, although more because I find him humorous than anything else -- it's nice to have someone to show that not all the Deathlords are perfectly-organized deadly menaces to Creation, and that sometimes an unhealthy obsession for revenge does not make you an effective supervillain.

This got me thinking, though. When you come down to it, he is among the most sympathetic of the Deathlords. He comes off more as a crazy school-shooter type rather than a world-destroying maniac. (Hey, I said sympathetic for a Deathlord.) He doesn't seem particularly interested in ruling or destroying the world, say.

In fact... that reminds me of something else. While Eye and Seven Despairs is something of a joke among the deathlords, his write-up makes it clear that he's probably the most intelligent among them if he actually put his mind to something.

For instance, the Fair Folk invasion was arranged by the First and Forsaken Lion... and Eye and Seven Despairs. It was done in a way that made everyone think that Eye and Seven Despairs was a mere flunky, with no real useful involvement. Isn't that odd? I mean, we know the guy's actually pretty intelligent; if he's going to take the effort to get involved, why would he be a mere flunky? And while it's easy to see the FaFL making a mistake like not realizing that it might save creation, shouldn't Eye and Seven Despairs be too smart for that?

Well, wait a second. Look who got the blame for it. So... what if Eye and Seven Despairs figured out that it would save Creation and did so deliberately, either because he doesn't want it destroyed or because (more true to his character) he didn't want it destroyed yet, before he had a chance for his revenge? Then, of course, the fact that he passed himself off as the FaFL's flunky comes off as cleverness on his part; he let the FaFL take the fall for what was actually his plan, knowing that the other Deathlord's pride would never let him admit the extent of Eye and Seven Despair's actual contribution.

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2009 6:00 pm
by Amseriah
That is both humorous and interesting.

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2009 6:28 pm
by rydi
if i ever get to play again, i am going to start praying to him and chatting.