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Exalted: FoB - Location: Rathess

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 10:25 pm
by adam
::Zal`es is surveying the destruction of the unknown Solar's troops::
"It is a shame that we couldn't at least of talked to the Solar leader of these goblins. I wonder how he came to be in this position."

::Seeing that one of the Great Goblins has gotten up and is making it's way further into the city, Zal`es leaps onto a neighboring building. Running along the wall for a few meters Zal`es then propels himself to the fleeing Goblin. The Goblin is tackled by Zal`es, who then gives the Goblin a few punches to the gut. Waiting a few moments to be sure that the Goblin is dead, Zal`es rejoins the group.::

"Back to what I was saying. It seems that he gained the trust of these Goblins, I wonder who is in charge of these Goblins now?"

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 11:08 pm
by Amseriah
::Khylar looks at Zal'es and his work::
"I wonder how he got their trust as well, and why. They may not have a leader right now. I wonder if we should step in and give them direction or if we should drive them out."

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 11:31 pm
by adam
"I believe we should drive them out. The goblins as far as I can tell come from the Wyld like the Fae, and this city belongs to the Dragon Kings anyway. The Dragon Kings are far better allies than the goblins would ever be."

"As far as who is leading them, My guess would be Han-Tha, since the cult of Han-Tha controls the pyramids."

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 11:48 pm
by Amseriah
"Aren't the Han-Tha the leech gods? Seems like a weird alliance, but you are probably right. I agree we should drive them out, and the rest of the Cult with them."

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 12:00 am
by Amseriah
"I wonder if all of the Dragon-kings in stasis are still intact. If we can wake them all then their knowledge could revive Rathass, and they could provide a great addition to our nation. Speaking about that, after we get through here, I think that it would really be in our best interest to look into that flying city that the Fair Folk hinted to us about."

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 12:48 am
by Avilister
There is a flash of light at the top of the Temple of the Rising Sun. A few minutes later a familiar figure trots down the long staircase towards where the Circle is discussing their recent victory and future plans. It is Darkstar, your sometime companion who is (apparently) some sort of Chosen of the Stars.

Kind of weird. You'd almost forgotten about him until you saw him. Well, in any case, he's here now.

An average looking (forgettable, really) man, he's clad mostly in black clothing that is somewhat baggy, but bound around his wrists and ankles so that it doesn't hinder his movement. Around his wrists he wears wrapped strips of white jade and a sword (which you know to be a reaper daiklave) is sheathed on his left. The sheath is stuffed through a wide purple cloth belt, the only other color he seems to wear.

He slows upon seeing the carnage, taking everything in. After a few moments he grins, "Sorry I'm late, I had some paperwork to do." He prods at a goblin corpse with the toe of his boot, "Did I miss anything?"

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 12:53 am
by rydi
"not really"

"i had a funny dream, that was interesting, but you couldn't had it with me so it doesn't really matter that you missed it."

"so are we going to go eat the bad god soon?"
::fidgets with her doll a bit, then look at everyone... a special look of disgust saved for the abyssal::

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 4:51 am
by Ivanovich
::ignores the look given him from EPR::

That sounds like a good course of action to me, but we should have some form of plan before going in there.

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 7:41 am
by Amseriah
"Well if we can't smoke them out then lets just take our time killing everything that is down there. If we make a big enough racket then I imagine he will come to us"

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 10:25 am
by Avilister
"If I may," he clears his throat, "Han-tha is something of a celestial fugitive. He is, to put it lightly, no longer welcome 'up there', if you get my meaning. That said, he's exceptionally powerful for a diety confined to the terrestrial world. As you may have learned already, he is also called 'The Eater of the Dead' and sometimes 'The Ghoul King'." Darkstar paces as if giving a lecture, "He is canny and voracious, he's survived since the end of the Primordial War by hiding, waiting, and eating."

He steps on top of and over the corpse of a greater goblin as he speaks, "I applaud your actions here, his Cult has been a serious hinderance to our operations in this area as well. With his main force disbanded, significant progress can again be made. I also encourage action against the Ghoul King himself, though don't be surprised if he hides himself from you. He undoubtedly knows about what happened here and will likely flee from you if you should encounter him."

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 12:21 pm
by arete
::looks up from cleaning his spear:: "Why noy just ambush him? We tend to get around without the enemy knowing about it. He might know we are coming, but he doesn't know when. I bet he has some godly stuff to wrap up. If we hurry we can kick his ass"

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 4:34 pm
by rydi
"i like hide and seek..."

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 5:08 pm
by arete
::nods at epr:: "you seem good at that game after what i saw in the tunnels"

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 5:31 pm
by rydi
"that didn't follow the rules... i was hiding AND seeking, they were supposed to hide... :( "

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 5:36 pm
by Avilister
"What happened in the tunnels? I know Rathess has them - all the Dragon King cities do - but my understanding (from my rather sparse briefings) was that the Cult of Han-Tha was mostly concentrated in the three pyrimids."

Golden, red, and purple essence flows out of the large hole made in the flying tower dome on the eastern tower. Apparently Avilister is back at work.