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(WoD Oneshot: Night of the Things from Beyond) The Gist

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2009 10:43 am
by rydi
A quiet little town near quartz lake has been plagued by a string of disappearances and odd reports. the police, thinking drugs are involved, send an undercover officer to stay at the cabins surrounding the lake and look for suspicious behavior. Nearby, the new priest for the local church makes himself at home in his temporary cabin, an he can be both seen and heard exorcising his home, a madman screaming for evil to leave the cabin in the name of Jesus. Actually, he can be seen but not really heard, as when he gets into full rant, the attractive sorority girl visiting the lake for the weekend turns up the stereo in the cabin next door, which she is sharing with another young woman, her boyfriend, and several bottles of hard liquor, due to a booking mistake.

The sorority girl makes small talk with the cop next door, but is creeped out by his odd behavior and invitation to "come over" after he introduces himself holding a handgun. The cop is a bit creeped out himself, as he just had a vision of death and mayhem only moments earlier; he visits with the crazy priest accros the way, while sorority girl flirts with her wallflower roomate's boyfriend, seeing she isn't going to do anything useful with him, but then turns him down when he starts to get frisky, just to be mean. Then sorority girls "sisters" show up to share in the party that was supposed to happen.

The already crappy summer night goes to hell, quite literally, when zombies attack, eat the boyfriend, and one of the sorority sisters. Seeing the mayhem, the priest and cop come running, and the cop guns the zombie down, realizing when it doesn't go down after the first few shots, that they are dealing with something unnatural.

One of the sorority girls runs inside, and wallflower goes to check on her, but finds nothing left but chunks. the cop tries to start his car, but it doesn't go, and when he lifts the hood he finds that the car has been sabotaged. After checking the other cars, he finds all of them are similarly inoperable, except the car of the recently arrived sorrority girls... for which the missing girl has the keys. At this point, Boyfriend and Dead Sister get up, now zombies, and have to be put down again. The cop tries a crow bar, in an attempt to save ammo, but after a very close call with zombie teeth, decides to stick with the gun. After the zombies go down, he gets equipment out of his car, arming several of the others with guns and bulletproof vests, while sorority girl gets out her outfit from the recent athletic event she hosted, a plate male skirt and top, along with a bow and flaming arrows (she was supposed to shoot the arrow through a hoop to light a torch while dressed as Athena).

The Sorority girl managed to hotwire her friends car, and the survivors decided to get to the road, where they could hopefully get some cell phone service (phone reception in the area is notoriously bad, and radio interference was for some reason blocking the cop from contacting the station). Sorority girl and cop both texted for help, hoping that someone would show up...

end part 1.