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Movie Reviews

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 3:07 pm
by rydi
on Valkyrie:
San Francisco Chronicle
Mick LaSalle
"Think of Valkyrie as a reasonably entertaining drama about the time Tom Cruise tried to kill Hitler. Do that, and it becomes possible to enjoy the movie." ... ype=movies

Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 2:27 am
by Rusty
"The Longshots" ****

While I usually demand space, explosions, sex, dancing, or martial arts from films, and prefer those that have good writing, large special effects budgets, and all of the above, I found myself rather whole heartedly enjoying this somewhat family compatible football story.

It is the true story of Jasmine Plumber, who was the first female quarterback in the Pop Warner national football league (which I think is pre-highschool). It stars some faces you'll recognize, and you have to get past the first part which feels like a black poverty movie. It IS a black poverty movie, technically, in that everyone is black and poor. But that's not the point of the film.

I found it funny, heartwarming, and a general good time. It made a 3 1/2 hour flight feel like a 1 1/2 hour flight.

I would buy a copy.

Four out of Five stars.

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 1:38 am
by Liquidprism
You're biased, u were stuck with it on a plane...and now you like it. Seeing as how it was THE only way to entertain yourself on that miserable flight, you developed a subconscious attachment to it. I forgive you though, I understand the necessities which sometimes spring from boredom.

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 2:36 am
by Galahad
that's a scary thought...Stockholm Syndrome for a movie - and yet it makes sense. I went to England in 2000, on the flight home they announced the in-flight movie and I remember thinking, "Gakk! What other channels does this stupid coach seat have? I'll take anything, maybe some nice mariachi to drive away the foul demon!"

But as the minutes rolled by, with the tantalizing images flickering on the screen, I soon found myself wondering what they were saying. From there it was but a short step to switching to the audio and getting thoroughly involved in said gakk. Lo these many years later, scar tissue in my brain has obscured some of the details - like what the gakk was actually called or what its plot - but I still remember - and shudder

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 4:16 pm
by Rusty
Actually, I was in first class with an open bar, and had my fully charged laptop ready to go with thael's anime collection and various other movies I happened to have.

NO stockholm on that flight.

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 5:23 pm
by Liquidprism
Then I take back my ability to understand you, while maintaining that you just suck... :P