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AD&D Glory and Pain: Rules and Info

Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2008 7:05 am
by rydi
so, the first installment in this game is over. i will run this yearly (or something like it) as long as people remain interested. and when they stop being entertained, i will toss it in the dead games forum.

i will go about fluffing the fluff (adding content, putting in extra story, etc) from time to time. i have given extra mod status for the forum so that people can correct things, add stuff to posts, and generally improve on what i write. i don't remember everyone's names, and have already forgotten facts, so your help will be invaluable in capturing this accurately.

also, feel free to post backgrounds or whatever if you like.

Rules for Char Creation (in case we need them again)
Skills and Powers
no lvl caps