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Vampire: Countenance-Xue Fei Zhang, of the Pai Shi

Post by angelicyokai »

Life should be about more than money, more than power, and more than violence. How this odd thought came to be for Xue fei, is uncertain. As the granddaughter of one of the leaders of the triads, Xue fei should have had a life steeped in violence, and malice. Her father would have had it be so, if he had had more time to work on his only child. As it was, rising in the ranks was time consuming and Xue fei’s childhood was a happy one. Nearly all of Chinatown was her playground, and everyone was an uncle, aunt or cousin.

As Fei approached her teens, however, her father took a more active part in preparing his daughter to settle down. She was taught to be a proper Chinese lady, seemingly according to rules centuries out of date. With a firm hand she was taught to be demure, yeilding and controlable. For Xue Fei the days of her early teen years blended together, and in what seemed like only a season her 15th birthday approached and with it the sudden knowledge that she would be married. Her father , Quon Zhang, had made a great alliance, his daughter would marry into the Pai Shi, a rival syndicate, and the union of his daughter and the Pai Shi’s eldest son would pave the way to the most powerful family in the triads. Despite Xue Fei’s inner railing over this course in her life, she held her tounge and was married.

She never met her husband beyond her wedding day, separate cars took her and her new husband to what was to be their home. A car bomb ended the Pai Shi’s progression rapidly. Now a teen widow, and possibly the new heir/heiress to the Pai Shi syndicate. Xue Fei felt out of place. She lived with the Pai Shi (whom she found out were far more forward thinking than her own family) and quickly attempted to learn the ways of the family, the business, the world in general, so that she could be of use. By 18 Xue Fei had a college degree and was quickly building relations among the triads. She was never taken as seriously as the male members, nor the dominant female leaders, but for her this was a strength. By day, she continued her education and once again could roam the streets of China town, though now she also put her business skills to use for her community, and at night she dealt with the Chinese mafia, making connections, learining secrets, and gaining in status. Now at 22 Xue Fei is a force in the Chinese syndicate. Her demure and traditional demeanor puts people at ease, and her willingness to help the less fortunate has earned her a sympathetic ear nearly everywhere.

Xue Fei is a very kind and gentle soul. She doesn’t believe in hurting others and very much tries to help everyone she can. This altruism is tempered by a strong business savvy. She is as vicious in negotiation as she is kind in other aspects of life. While she won’t suffer fools , and has a strong sense of self confidence, the nature of her upbrining make it so that speaking out is nearly impossible. This is exacerbated in dealing with Westerners as they tend to be louder and more pushy than their Asian counterparts. Fei is concerned with the future of Chiina town. Though she keeps it to herself, she would like to see a lessening of the triads and a growth of normal people making there way without the Mafia breathing down their necks. To that end Xue Fei has put some of her business acumen toward getting the businesses of Chinatown stable. The mafia still likely takes a cut of their profits, but she does what she can.

If no other heir is born and no one else makes a move, it is possible that Xue Fei will head the Pai Shi after her father in laws death. It is likely that another marriage will need to take place so that a ‘proper’ family head will be in power, but the death of his only son has seemed to weaken the current leader. Sadly weaken leaders do not have the chance to lead very long…
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“Live a good life. If there are gods and they are just, then they will not care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by. If there are gods, but unjust, then you should not want to worship them. If there are no gods, then you will be gone, but will have lived a noble life that will live on in the memories of your loved ones.”
― Marcus Aurelius
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