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Best Game Evaaar!

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 3:43 pm
by Thael
see how sad MMO's can make people

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 9:31 pm
by Liquidprism
That is amazing. I don't know whats worse, that the company made the creature, or that people actually wailed on it for nearly a day. How do you pass out from playing a video game to long? Shouldn't your body give you a couple of warning signs before you fall over from exhaustion, or low blood sugar, or whatever? Fuckin retards.

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 9:46 pm
by rydi
honestly, i see no problem with this. it is a cool addition, and something you can brag about doing. you don't have to beat it, and the lame-tards that are bitching don't actually get that it is optional content.

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 11:23 pm
by arete
Liquidprism wrote:That is amazing. I don't know whats worse, that the company made the creature, or that people actually wailed on it for nearly a day. How do you pass out from playing a video game to long? Shouldn't your body give you a couple of warning signs before you fall over from exhaustion, or low blood sugar, or whatever? Fuckin retards.
Given that they were attacking new content means they play more than 40 hours a week. Plus time flies when your in game without a clock, I bet no one noticed the first 9 hours went by till it was to late.

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 11:35 pm
by Liquidprism
Its like a real war, with attrition and everything.

:whax: :whdat: :whax: :whdat: :dmage: :whax: :whdat: :lichmalignus: :whdat: :whdat: :lichmalignus: :dmage: :whax: :whax: :whax: :whax: :whdat: :whdat: :lichmalignus: :dmage: :dmage: :whax: :whax: :whdat: :whdat: :whax: :whax: :dmage: :whdat:


(I've created a battle that will last...forever.)