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Knights: OOC-Cancelled

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2008 10:44 pm
by rydi
So. After much thought, I have decided that this summer's run on WoD is ending early.

There is, and has been, alot of chaos in my personal life, with first the confusing job situation that had me working far more than I should have been, and now school stuff, Josh and Temple moving, us looking for a house, and so on.

Attendance has been good, considering how busy people are, but we've lost Paul G., Casie, Temple, Josh, Chris, Jen, Mike, Kristen, Gideon, Dalton and several other people that have at one point been important to storyline, and things are suffering for it. People are just too damned busy with real life, attending med school, moving, and just living, not to mention the inevitable social issues that some times come between people. Coordinating this many people as we age is getting to be more and more impossible, unless we start doing this on a much more irregular basis.

Interest on the part of older players is also waning, and I have had at least 5 different requests to either drastically change things or end them.

So, all that considered, the plan is this:
1) I end this for the summer
2) I continue online, adding content, playing with anyone interested, and supporting the setting (xp for online play will still be given)
3) I feel out how things are going, and see whether people are interested in continuing next summer

Comments? Questions?

If anyone is distraught over this, I apologize. For those of you that don't play with us other than in the summer game, I invite you to interact with some of our other games, or socialize, or whatever. It has been nice having you all, and I'd hate to lose touch.

Anyway, thanks everyone, and enjoy the rest of the summer.

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2008 10:47 pm
by rydi

One thing I would like to do to keep this setting alive is perhaps doing a quarterly game supported by the online features. Basically plan out a really solid one night story, and/or socialize with people's characters, and do it once per season.

In novels, and in the game books, vampires don't hang out every week. sometimes it is a year or more between meetings. So a quarterly visit would be much more in line with the actaul setting.

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2008 10:57 pm
by Amseriah
Saw this one coming....anyways, suck. I for one am going to be working on making a new character for online play and the possible eventuality of next Summer, so I should be introducing him in the coming weeks/month. Anyone who would like to play still I strongly encourage to do so as it is a way to grow in plot and power. Jacob will still be around if people want to talk to him but nobody has really had any interest in it so far so I don't see it occuring. The next character that I am making is going to be a mage as well, so you will still have us squishy will-workers around.

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 12:42 am
by durden
Sad, but I am not able to participate in the way I'd like anyway. We need to keep in touch better. I didn't know about Temple/Josh. Hope house hunting goes well. Willing to help with any aspect of it (er, except the money part). Cheetara just taught me to believe in myself. I love this show. Then when looking to make sure I spelled her name correctly, I found a picture of this girl dressed as Cheetara. Enjoy.


I miss Dalton.

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 7:39 am
by Rusty
Well, this saddens me greatly. You are not a man to make impulsive decisions, especially decisions like this, and knowing full well how John Q. Gamer reacts to such things. I don't doubt that this is a carefully thought out decision in which the various sides are weighed thoroughly. So, I will believe that this is for the best. I'll do my part to keep online alive, since I lurk around the website all the time anyway.

As you know, always, I'm available to help you with anything you desire.

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 1:05 pm
by rydi
i've been thinking this over for a while. i've talked to many people on this issue, and observed my players, and seen myself giving far too little to the game despite the work i do on it. and there are host of small issues.

all the info leads me to believe the game is ready for a new step/direction. online and/or quarterly play is the way of the future.

oh, and for those with old characters that were going to be remaking, this gives you a chance to keep them around if you so choose.

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 2:48 pm
by arete
the new system is great, but the game definitely needs a change. that being said I really hope we have at lest 1 more get togather this summer.

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 3:07 pm
by rydi
we might have another get together, but it won't be a game.

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 3:12 pm
by Rusty'll be a sport!

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 11:23 am
by angelicyokai
can it be a blood sport! I would fly in...and bring snacks!

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 11:36 am
by rydi
if you could perhaps bring the hungry sewer rats? there is a pool, and i think they would enjoy it.

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 4:24 am
by Jack
angelicyokai wrote:can it be a blood sport! I would fly in...and bring snacks!
Can it be THE Blood Sport?

I win.

No. Seriously.

Win. :P

Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 4:13 pm
by rydi
van dam wins.

sorry to spoil the end for you like that.

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 9:52 pm
by Jack
I AM Van Dam.

Ok...really I'm not....I can't believe I said that.

I'm going to go be sick now.


Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2008 12:34 am
by rydi
even straight men love his ass... did you know?