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Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2008 7:50 pm
by rydi
We found a website that draws characters, and more importantly character deaths, for a fee of $25 to $100. It has been proposed that we start a fund for the purpose of obtaining a picture of Merl the cat warrior (played by Dalton) falling out of one allasouras' stomach, into the mouth of its waiting mate. As one of my finest moments as a DM, i for one would love to have this immortalized in picture form.

If we do this, it will be plastered on the website, and donators will get a copy, though by what means the copy will be produced is currently unclear.

Anyone game?

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2008 11:01 pm
by Amseriah
hell yeah!!! If enough other people contribute at least.

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2008 1:55 am
by Liquidprism
Sorry, no money (insert non-existent emoticon pulling out empty pockets here).

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2008 3:17 am
by Rusty
I'll chip in a 20-spot when I get home

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2008 8:39 am
by rydi
i'll put in at least $10.

that puts the current total at $20+$10+(paul)=<what we need.

but the fund is still growing. i would think thael would want a piece of this, since he's the one that made it possible by standing and doing nothing for multiple rounds and watching it go down.

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2008 8:43 am
by Rusty
I'm very interested in seeing what a sand-cat genie pirate looks like being eaten out of the ass of a T-Rex by another T-Rex

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2008 8:45 am
by rydi
what was he anyway? wasn't he a dervish cat? what else did he have?

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2008 8:51 am
by Rusty
he was like, cat-desert-genie-stealth something. I remember 'sand-cat' being thrown around a lot. should we ask him if he wants to chip in?

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2008 8:54 am
by Thael
I can promise $10 at least if not $20 depending on available funds...

well I know it was not his warforged character because that was what he made as a result of that death... we were on the undeveloped world looking at creating civilization out of nothing with a mere handful of military troops...

I think it was his Dex based combat character that was cat-ish but I never did know what he race really was...

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2008 8:57 am
by rydi
oh yeah, he was half elemental something, or perhaps it was half-jinn... yep, half jen i'm almost positive.

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2008 8:59 am
by Rusty
he was a faggot

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2008 9:00 am
by rydi
isn't that a bunch of logs or something?

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2008 9:02 am
by Avilister
"a bundle of sticks"

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2008 9:04 am
by Rusty
british vernacular for cigarette