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(WoD: Encounter) PC: Dr. Logan Pickleberry

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 1:01 am
by Guardiankrillin
I'm Cheyne's doctor. I spend a good deal of my time treating and covering up Gulf War sickness, Agent Orange fallout, etc. Like a medical cleanup guy for the military. My methods are often shady as I lack a certain ethical code (allowing patients to suffer in order to track the progression of the illness, showing favoritism among patients, lying to families, and administering treatments without first testing on animals). Loyalty is maintained on both ends by the secrets we hold on each other (I know what the gov is doing and it knows what I've done in the past...).

Never played a mad doctor before. Sounds fun. I'll occasionally administer treatments to Cheyne. Might even tell him so.
Rusty wrote:You would be a civilian doctor working at the VA. This is usually the case anyway the military doctors would work on army bases. Other than that totally cool.
***********************Background Info*************************
Name: Dr. Logan Pickleberry
Appearance: Often unkempt and intense, Dr. P has a sort of wild-man look that makes other uncomfortable. Brilliant but eccentric, he is able to get away with this look even in professional settings.
Profession: Pickleberry is a civilian doctor and medical researcher, contracted by the military.
Background: I'm Cheyne's doctor. I spend a good deal of my time treating and covering up Gulf War sickness, Agent Orange fallout, etc. Like a medical cleanup guy for the military. My methods are often shady as I lack a certain ethical code (allowing patients to suffer in order to track the progression of the illness, showing favoritism among patients, lying to families, and administering treatments without first testing on animals). Loyalty is maintained on both ends by the secrets we hold on each other (I know what the gov is doing and it knows what I've done in the past...).
more coming soon...
