Moderator: Liquidprism
Pokemon vs Transformers
the setting is...*sigh* a place. doesn't matter.
old school transformers, not new and busted. any and all can be involved, though must be autobots.
no voting, describe:
old school transformers, not new and busted. any and all can be involved, though must be autobots.
no voting, describe:
- Liquidprism
- Lost Soul
- Posts: 1509
- Joined: Tue Jun 17, 2008 11:40 pm
- Location: Behind You...
All things in moderation...Except syrup.
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<b>Take the Magic: The Gathering 'What Color Are You?' Quiz.</b></a>
<a href=" ... areyou.asp" target="_blank"><img src=" ... isblue.jpg" border="0">
<b>Take the Magic: The Gathering 'What Color Are You?' Quiz.</b></a>
what is there to describe other than a squishy residue coating the ground that is similar to tooth fairy poop and the few relative gnats flitting around a couple autobots to represent those that have not yet be destroyed... transformers dont let form and shape distract them from the truth of such evil beings...
That which is not dead can eternal lie and with strange eons even death may die
My Color is Blue
I value Knowledge, logic, and deceit. I love to pursue wisdom but also to manipulate and deceive. At my best, I am brilliant and progressive. At my worst, I am treacherous and cold. My symbol is a water droplet. My enemies are green and red.
My Color is Blue
I value Knowledge, logic, and deceit. I love to pursue wisdom but also to manipulate and deceive. At my best, I am brilliant and progressive. At my worst, I am treacherous and cold. My symbol is a water droplet. My enemies are green and red.

- Ebon_Willow
- Knight
- Posts: 41
- Joined: Thu Jan 31, 2008 4:17 pm
The clear outcome.
Emerging from the tiny hateful portals through which they are summoned the pokemon gaze around them in wonder at the meteoroid/space station which is to be their battleground. Above them the humans stand, presiding over their competition.
Before them great monoliths rise up blocking out the twinkling stars. As the titans start to move tward them, their every move betraying a power which could crush buildings with ease, one fires a weapon. A Psyduck is spared from total annialation only by the lightning fast reflexes of an Arbok, both of them are still singed from the blast. The explosion has temporarly stunned them; the sheer destructive power of the giants rocking the little beings to their cores. The pokemon stare at their opponents full comprehension of their situation hitting them like a ton of bricks.
As one the pokemon engage the metal titans, those that can fly lure the airborn transformers to the sky driving them through complex aerial manouvers, momentarly allowing the mecha monsters to get a lock on them before deftly dodging out of the way. Fire, missles and bullets rain down on the complex station. One of the Charizard swoop down engulifing the building entrance in white hot dragonfire, thoroughly blocking any hope of escape, trapping the watching humans before the next aerial barrage causes the entire balcony to collapse. The humans are scattered their fragile bodies crushed under the rubble. Only one is left alive. The Ash tyrant is a puppet to The Piccachu's Will, following his lead blindly amidst the chaos. The first shock comes as a total suprise. He screams, his face contorting into a mask of hurt and betrail.
*Finally vengance is mine! Human SCUM!!!!*
The next blast is even more intense, but not yet faital. Ash scrambles for the Pokeball opening it to imprision the rogue pokemon, his only chance for survival. Unfortunatly for him, that was what Piccachu had been waiting for all along. The shockwave from the final blast sends those nearby reeling. For one blinding second Ash's face can bee seen, contorted into a rictus of agony before he is incenerated.
Piccachu mentally gasps his order, drained to the very last of his reserves by the effort. In a split second the pokamon have charged the pokeball throwing themselves in, one after the other. The Transformers, momentarly set back by the total change in tacktics of their opponents orent themselves tward the attention, and the last remaining pokemon. The Piccachu brings himself up to his full height before them an impressive diplay of static charges dancing over his form.
*Come Creatures. It is time to end this*
He draws his light display about him, brighter; falling into an attack position, he is too slow and the baarage of wepon fire rips him to pieces milliseconds before the ground he is on explodes, leaving only a smoking crater. Scattered around it are the charred fragments of the last pokeball.
The cute little creatures, transported back into the paradise from which they came, look around at each other tears of joy shineing in their eyes. A Squirtle looks up at the Blastoise it's clinging to:
*Mamma? Is it really over?*
*Yes, Baby. It really is.*
Before them great monoliths rise up blocking out the twinkling stars. As the titans start to move tward them, their every move betraying a power which could crush buildings with ease, one fires a weapon. A Psyduck is spared from total annialation only by the lightning fast reflexes of an Arbok, both of them are still singed from the blast. The explosion has temporarly stunned them; the sheer destructive power of the giants rocking the little beings to their cores. The pokemon stare at their opponents full comprehension of their situation hitting them like a ton of bricks.
As one the pokemon engage the metal titans, those that can fly lure the airborn transformers to the sky driving them through complex aerial manouvers, momentarly allowing the mecha monsters to get a lock on them before deftly dodging out of the way. Fire, missles and bullets rain down on the complex station. One of the Charizard swoop down engulifing the building entrance in white hot dragonfire, thoroughly blocking any hope of escape, trapping the watching humans before the next aerial barrage causes the entire balcony to collapse. The humans are scattered their fragile bodies crushed under the rubble. Only one is left alive. The Ash tyrant is a puppet to The Piccachu's Will, following his lead blindly amidst the chaos. The first shock comes as a total suprise. He screams, his face contorting into a mask of hurt and betrail.
*Finally vengance is mine! Human SCUM!!!!*
The next blast is even more intense, but not yet faital. Ash scrambles for the Pokeball opening it to imprision the rogue pokemon, his only chance for survival. Unfortunatly for him, that was what Piccachu had been waiting for all along. The shockwave from the final blast sends those nearby reeling. For one blinding second Ash's face can bee seen, contorted into a rictus of agony before he is incenerated.
Piccachu mentally gasps his order, drained to the very last of his reserves by the effort. In a split second the pokamon have charged the pokeball throwing themselves in, one after the other. The Transformers, momentarly set back by the total change in tacktics of their opponents orent themselves tward the attention, and the last remaining pokemon. The Piccachu brings himself up to his full height before them an impressive diplay of static charges dancing over his form.
*Come Creatures. It is time to end this*
He draws his light display about him, brighter; falling into an attack position, he is too slow and the baarage of wepon fire rips him to pieces milliseconds before the ground he is on explodes, leaving only a smoking crater. Scattered around it are the charred fragments of the last pokeball.
The cute little creatures, transported back into the paradise from which they came, look around at each other tears of joy shineing in their eyes. A Squirtle looks up at the Blastoise it's clinging to:
*Mamma? Is it really over?*
*Yes, Baby. It really is.*

Take the Magic: The Gathering 'What Color Are You?' Quiz.</a>
Now, you may be asking why the pokemon in this tale seemed so overpowered. If you were a slave species, cruely bound, being forced to fight for the petty ammusement of some pithy lower life form would you ever ues your full power? Hell, no!
The REAL rules of a Pokebattle: For those who were curious.
Using the most creative and visually impressive means possible appear to subdue your opponent while causing as little damage as possible. The Irony is: that due to the percision necissary to create an entertaing show wealding God-like power, while actually doing relativly damage means, that usually the victor IS the most injured party. The looser, realizing that they have shamed themselves with poor markshmanship and less self-control, throws the battle.
Thus when the time came for them to win back their freedom they unleashed their full prowess and let the Transformers do what most of them could not. Directly attack and destroy their masters.
I Hope you all now understand why a clear cut victory is an unlikely event in this situation, Though I assure you, Everyone wins here.
The REAL rules of a Pokebattle: For those who were curious.
Using the most creative and visually impressive means possible appear to subdue your opponent while causing as little damage as possible. The Irony is: that due to the percision necissary to create an entertaing show wealding God-like power, while actually doing relativly damage means, that usually the victor IS the most injured party. The looser, realizing that they have shamed themselves with poor markshmanship and less self-control, throws the battle.
Thus when the time came for them to win back their freedom they unleashed their full prowess and let the Transformers do what most of them could not. Directly attack and destroy their masters.
I Hope you all now understand why a clear cut victory is an unlikely event in this situation, Though I assure you, Everyone wins here.

Take the Magic: The Gathering 'What Color Are You?' Quiz.</a>
- Liquidprism
- Lost Soul
- Posts: 1509
- Joined: Tue Jun 17, 2008 11:40 pm
- Location: Behind You...
I think that the Allspark would turn all the pokeballs into tiny mechanized terrors, that would devour the Pokemon which were held inside them. Then all the Transformers would collect their newly awakened brethren, and assimilate them just like any other minicon.
This would allow the Transformers so endowed, to manifest the entire spectrum of bizarre Pokemon powers. Thus netting them even more power with which to build their empire.
Sorry, but there can never be a happy ending for something as repulsive as a Pokemon. Such absurdly cute entities have no place in reality (any reality), thus Fate itself conspires agianst them in all ways. This can result in their extermination. The Transformers are meerly a means to an end.
I fully support Fate in it's decision to rid us of those cuddly cancers that are Pokemon.
This would allow the Transformers so endowed, to manifest the entire spectrum of bizarre Pokemon powers. Thus netting them even more power with which to build their empire.
Sorry, but there can never be a happy ending for something as repulsive as a Pokemon. Such absurdly cute entities have no place in reality (any reality), thus Fate itself conspires agianst them in all ways. This can result in their extermination. The Transformers are meerly a means to an end.
I fully support Fate in it's decision to rid us of those cuddly cancers that are Pokemon.
All things in moderation...Except syrup.
<a href=" ... areyou.asp" target="_blank"><img src=" ... isblue.jpg" border="0">
<b>Take the Magic: The Gathering 'What Color Are You?' Quiz.</b></a>
<a href=" ... areyou.asp" target="_blank"><img src=" ... isblue.jpg" border="0">
<b>Take the Magic: The Gathering 'What Color Are You?' Quiz.</b></a>