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- Liquidprism
- Lost Soul
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How the battle should have really gone.
A bit off topic but,
Can anyone think of any fights that have already been witnessed, and that the outcome seemed a bit I don't know...retarded? I'm talking about stuff from books and movies, where there was this really cool vilain that was destroyed by plot and the need for good to prevail, not attributes and powers. If so post them here, and please tell us what should really have happened.
Selene in underworld killing Victor. Yes, I know she was hot, but WTF. That ending always pisses me off. He's better, stronger, and faster quiet blatantly, in every way, and she cuts his head off with a sword. Uhm, no.
Blade fighting...well any of the villians in his movies. Blade should have died. A Blood God? A genetically superior vampire hunting predator? The first and most powerful of all Vampires? Where do they come up with this stuff, and how are these suitable antagonists for a street level marvel hero, no one's ever heard of?
Riddick vs that Necromonger Spirit Marshal thing. Dude, that battle was so one sided. They had to stretch both the physical limits of the 'heroes', and downplay the villains actual abilities to pull this off.
The best of all these however is when Tolkien had a fucking hobbit defeat the greatest evil power in all it's age by walking across the world, through it's domain and into it's mountian, and throwing a ring into some lava. Yeah, it's epic. Yeah, it has morals, and it's an allegory. You know what though, a midget killed the devil...riiiiight.
These are just a few of the 'dead villian' moments from stories i've witnessed. Each of these holds a special place in my heart for total idiocy. I don't mind when a hero wins, in fact I like happy endings as much as anyone. I do however, want my happy ending to be possible. If the final fight is 10 minutes of the protagonist getting his a$$ handed to him untill 'the hand of Fate' finally decides to intervene then that story pretty much loses its luster for me. I want to see a challenge get overcome, but I also want it to kind of make sense.
Anyway what do others think, how do you feel. Please share your own hated villian upsets, and feel free to disagree with mine.
Can anyone think of any fights that have already been witnessed, and that the outcome seemed a bit I don't know...retarded? I'm talking about stuff from books and movies, where there was this really cool vilain that was destroyed by plot and the need for good to prevail, not attributes and powers. If so post them here, and please tell us what should really have happened.
Selene in underworld killing Victor. Yes, I know she was hot, but WTF. That ending always pisses me off. He's better, stronger, and faster quiet blatantly, in every way, and she cuts his head off with a sword. Uhm, no.
Blade fighting...well any of the villians in his movies. Blade should have died. A Blood God? A genetically superior vampire hunting predator? The first and most powerful of all Vampires? Where do they come up with this stuff, and how are these suitable antagonists for a street level marvel hero, no one's ever heard of?
Riddick vs that Necromonger Spirit Marshal thing. Dude, that battle was so one sided. They had to stretch both the physical limits of the 'heroes', and downplay the villains actual abilities to pull this off.
The best of all these however is when Tolkien had a fucking hobbit defeat the greatest evil power in all it's age by walking across the world, through it's domain and into it's mountian, and throwing a ring into some lava. Yeah, it's epic. Yeah, it has morals, and it's an allegory. You know what though, a midget killed the devil...riiiiight.
These are just a few of the 'dead villian' moments from stories i've witnessed. Each of these holds a special place in my heart for total idiocy. I don't mind when a hero wins, in fact I like happy endings as much as anyone. I do however, want my happy ending to be possible. If the final fight is 10 minutes of the protagonist getting his a$$ handed to him untill 'the hand of Fate' finally decides to intervene then that story pretty much loses its luster for me. I want to see a challenge get overcome, but I also want it to kind of make sense.
Anyway what do others think, how do you feel. Please share your own hated villian upsets, and feel free to disagree with mine.
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- Liquidprism
- Lost Soul
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Oh, oh...hell yes! You are so right.
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i've argued with you both on this ad nauseum, but i think that together they could do it. mel has tons of xp, both in terms of "fighting experience" and "points to be spent on skills". danny glover isn't a great fighter, but he has a special teamwork stunt that allows him to coordinate with his bestest friend. and both of them get a bonus when their buddy is in danger. i think they kick the crap out of jet li. also, riggs is a bad ass special forces martial artist guy. they let that slide by in 3&4, but 1&2 show it off.
tolkien i liked alot, the books at least. though the hobit thing was boring. but i was still ok with it. no, the movies were what got me. elves dying by the score on the walls of a keep they were never supposed to be at. aragorn fighting off 5 ring wraiths by himself. w t f?
but blade... blade pissed me off. i think the only one i really liked was 2. story was good, there was some drama and actual humanity to it. and the creature was at least within blades power range. the blood god, and the first vampire, were so far out of his range that it's not even funny. and i hate the "science kills gods" solution that is basically a trope of virtually every new supernatural movie that comes out anymore. why cant the monster just shrug of a syringe or shotgun blast and just eat the hero for fucking once, at least until someone comes along with some sort of supernatural power themself?
tolkien i liked alot, the books at least. though the hobit thing was boring. but i was still ok with it. no, the movies were what got me. elves dying by the score on the walls of a keep they were never supposed to be at. aragorn fighting off 5 ring wraiths by himself. w t f?
but blade... blade pissed me off. i think the only one i really liked was 2. story was good, there was some drama and actual humanity to it. and the creature was at least within blades power range. the blood god, and the first vampire, were so far out of his range that it's not even funny. and i hate the "science kills gods" solution that is basically a trope of virtually every new supernatural movie that comes out anymore. why cant the monster just shrug of a syringe or shotgun blast and just eat the hero for fucking once, at least until someone comes along with some sort of supernatural power themself?
Threading the Gerbil since 1982

- Liquidprism
- Lost Soul
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- Location: Behind You...
How about fights you've seen that you didn't agree with the outcome?
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- Liquidprism
- Lost Soul
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All things in moderation...Except syrup.
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- Ebon_Willow
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Okay, so it is a Disney cartoon, but Sleeping Beauty has always bugged me. Any villain that can turn into a dragon, spout electricity, call upon all of the forces of the night, etc, would not have been beaten by rainbows and love. If it weren't Disney, the dragon would have eaten the presumptuous a$$hole for even thinking to cross the great Maleficent!
Nothing Nothing Nothing Tra La La
pretty much. i mean, sure, another sorcerer, or even some mythical creature, but just a lame guy on a horse? couldn't we get something better than that? maybe simba all grown up, or mulan and her army. shit, even fish men. what was the lame knights name, anyway? anyone even remember? there is a test, no? no one remembers him, but everyone remembers the dragon.
Threading the Gerbil since 1982

in more recent material... The spiderman that shall not be forgotten despite our best efforts.... how the FUCK did Venom become such a wuss... really how did the anti-spiderman become less dangerous than half the villians out there
and don't forget that it was the movie when peter became the lamest of the lame Emo Peter and Venom still lost... WTF??
and don't forget that it was the movie when peter became the lamest of the lame Emo Peter and Venom still lost... WTF??
That which is not dead can eternal lie and with strange eons even death may die
My Color is Blue
I value Knowledge, logic, and deceit. I love to pursue wisdom but also to manipulate and deceive. At my best, I am brilliant and progressive. At my worst, I am treacherous and cold. My symbol is a water droplet. My enemies are green and red.
My Color is Blue
I value Knowledge, logic, and deceit. I love to pursue wisdom but also to manipulate and deceive. At my best, I am brilliant and progressive. At my worst, I am treacherous and cold. My symbol is a water droplet. My enemies are green and red.

Oh God!!! Why did you have to bring up Emo-Peter!!! I personally believe that he should have lost his powers granted him by the mutated spider and would be forced to rely on the Spawn suit when he became....that. Hell he lost his powers in the second movie, that gives it precedence doesn't it??? Anyways, he loses his power has to rely on symbiot, becomes Venom then Iron Man and Dark Phoenix come down and fucking obliterate him. Compared to the truly horrific weapons that are on the Iron Man suit, goblin grenades seem kinda cute like cherry bombs.
- Liquidprism
- Lost Soul
- Posts: 1509
- Joined: Tue Jun 17, 2008 11:40 pm
- Location: Behind You...
Yeah, lame knight guy trumps black dragon...ftw...WTF!!. I don't like disney sometimes.
Emo Peter was the first time I ever cried in a theatre.
Wouldn't Spidey just crush the armor into uselessness. I mean I know its strong and all, but dang...its Spiderman, and don't tell me that Stark could out manuever Spidey. Out run him, sure, but not out manuever.
I suppose it really depends on where their at when the fight goes down. However since Spidey never leaves his city I'm guessing it would be in a downtown setting.
You know what, I'm giving Spidey and Ironman their own thread. For further discussion lets go there.
Emo Peter was the first time I ever cried in a theatre.
Wouldn't Spidey just crush the armor into uselessness. I mean I know its strong and all, but dang...its Spiderman, and don't tell me that Stark could out manuever Spidey. Out run him, sure, but not out manuever.
I suppose it really depends on where their at when the fight goes down. However since Spidey never leaves his city I'm guessing it would be in a downtown setting.
You know what, I'm giving Spidey and Ironman their own thread. For further discussion lets go there.
All things in moderation...Except syrup.
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