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Knights: IC-Location-Vincino's Pizza

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 3:58 pm
by rydi
A small Itallian restaurant in Little Italy, Vincino's is famous around the Northwest side of the city for its authentic Itallian food. Vincino, the original owner, passed away 2 years ago, but his wife and his two sons now take care of the restaurant.

The decor is cheap, but clean. Red and White plastic tableclothes cover the table's, a few tacky pictures hang from the walls, and a little niche holds arcade games that let parents get their kids out of their hair for a little while.

This is also a favorite meeting spot for Tony, head of clan Daeva. Often he can be found here, nibbling on a few bites of a pasta dish, or just taking in the atmosphere. He holds many of his meetings here, and were something to go poorly, as so often happens to Anita over at the Starlight... Well, Tony isn't Anita, and vengeance would be swift, and brutal.

Hours of Operation:
Sunday: 11am-9pm
Monday & Tuesday: 11am-10pm
Wednesday & Thursday: 11am-11pm
Friday & Saturday: 11am-12am

Party rentals available

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 4:07 pm
by Rusty
::Mr French arrives in the early evening. He takes in the place, finds a seat, and waits.::

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 4:13 pm
by rydi
::Tony rolls in at around 9:20 with two of his men. they take another table and start playing with their cell phones. Tony pulls up a chair by you.::

"Mr. French, right? I'm Tony. Nice ta finally meet ya."

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 4:18 pm
by Rusty
"Ahh! Mr Tony, it's my distinct pleasure to make your acquaintance. I apologize for the lateness of my introduction, I'm sure you can understand if I didn't wish to waste your time by merely stating my presence, I felt it more appropriate to bring my introduction, and business. I hope this is agreeable."

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 4:21 pm
by rydi
"sure, sure. i thought you were dealin' with durden though... what changed?"

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 4:28 pm
by Rusty
"Durden will certainly still get his cut, as promised, and he's scheduled to handle the fencing. The numbers wound up much better than expected, and I wanted the opportunity to pay appropriate respects. In business such as this, it is better to arrive unexpectedly than to arrive and be ambushed, if what I hear about you is correct, you already know what I'm talking about. So, here I am. I am Elias French, at your disposal."

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 2:22 pm
by Jack
A young man walks into the building and stands akwardly just inside the door, looking around. His gaze pauses for just a fraction of a moment on Tony and Mr. French, then settles on the two gentlemen that came in with Tony. He starts across the room directly to the two and stops at their table, taking note that they are both staring hard at him. He smiles once and bends down, speaking quietly.

"I see your, ah, associate is in a meeting and I do not wish to disturb him. Just make sure he gets this, yes?" With that, the young man slips a note under a pepper shaker and turns on his heel and walks out.

((The note reads: "I would like to speak with you on a very serious matter of business." A phone number is neatly printed at the bottom. No name is on the note.))

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 11:18 pm
by rydi
(he'll get back w/you shortly. and gid, i'm waiting on one other thing before i continue the coversation.)

Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2008 12:43 am
by durden
:: Durden breezes in, wearing uncharacteristically nice clothing, with a button-up shirt, slacks, and a suit jacket. No tie though. He doesn't do ties.

Durden spots French and Tony right away, heading straight over. He snatches a chair from another table and has a seat. Durden shows a bit of deference to Tony, nodding and not making eye contact ::

"Sorry gentlemen. Did I miss anything?"

Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2008 4:55 pm
by rydi
::As Jack leaves, Tony tips his hat at him. he then drags out the conversation, making small talk for a few moments until durden walks in. As durden takes a seat, Tony is all business once more. He nods respectruly at durden.::

"Well mr. french, now we can begin for reals. You was sayin'?"

Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2008 5:08 pm
by Rusty
"Look, I've got a lot of green and we need it to be clean really really soon. As I said before, it's more than expected, and I wanted to look you in the eye, you know, meet the guy who's gonna handle this. I just told you I came here to pay respects, and to get things moving. And now it's small talk and delaying tactics? How am I supposed to trust you now? Word on the street is you two are having mutual disagreements. Who could fault me for wanting to make sure everything goes smoothly? Eh? The arrangement was, Durden does the fencing, and Mr Tony does the laundering. Well, is this going to happen or what?"

Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2008 8:06 pm
by durden
"Holdin up my end. Sounds like you're the one bein flakey. You need to understand, this is OUR town. We let you do this thing and reap rewards. Not like you're the only one lookin to move in and stake his claim. We got problems much bigger than you. Seems the enemy is mutual. so let's cut out this crap and nevermind our clan...disagreements. The Giovanni need to be dealt with. If you aren't so sure about this, you can go fence your own crap."

Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2008 8:57 pm
by Rusty
"Look, we have an arrangement. Only potential hickup is that the take was much bigger than expected. So let's do business. Let's finish this arrangement, and then we can look at the next one. I'd be happy to weigh in on Giovanni issues. I've proven my abilities in this matter, the take was 50 mil, all told. Some of which WAS giovanni. So let's get this done ok?"

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2008 11:02 pm
by rydi
"yeah. i was waitin' for durden here to show. look, french, you seem like a professional guy, like you know what you're doin'. i respect that. and i respect a man wantin' ta watch out for his own needs. but, well, i'm gettin' a feelin' ya may be a little more into your own needs than is comfortable for us.

so i invited durden here to show ya how how clan daeva does business in this city. ya said ya wanted durden ta launder, through me. then ya cut him outa the deal, and just have me do it. and ya seem like one jumpy guy, can't even make small talk without gettin' edgy and talkin' like ya don't wanna work with us.

i guess what worries me is that, well, i like ta work with people i can depend on. people i can trust. and, as i told ya, i respect a man lookin out for himself, but i also want a guy that's not gonna just go to my competition, without even sayin' somethin' to me about it, for no reason, after we've cut a deal. you're startin ta make me nervous here mr. french, and really, i'm an easygoin' guy. i don't like stress.

so. all that outa the way, i'm still up for this, if ya think we can have a healthy business relationship. if not... well, it's alot o' money, but it ain't worth the risk if we can't trust each other. i can do the cleaning, but it's gonna take both me and durden's contacts to get this other stuff fenced, and we may even have ta outsource some o' that. the standard cut on the money will be 10%, with a 5% finders fee for durden. the fencin' is gonna be hard, and for that it'll be 25% off the top, possibly another 5% if we have ta outsource that, and as its not exactly legit goods, it'll only get maybe 80% of its worth ta start with. Durden, that sound about right? or you got somethin' else ta add?"

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 12:40 am
by Rusty
::Mr French nods slowly, and reflects for a moment::

"I understand completely. My apologies to the both of you. As far as my reliability is concerned, I would endeavor to reassure both of you at some future time. For the moment, let's finish this business arrangement."

::Mr French opens his hand and slides a set of car keys across the table::

"You'll find everything there. Your terms are fine. Once we are completed I'd be happy to weigh in another project, or perform a job, as a sign of good will."