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Knights: Location IC: Offices for the Guardians of the Veil

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 4:17 pm
by Thael
::The room is rather large and modern for an ancient order of mystical secret police. The decor is stark but stylish. The obscured stairway leads from a little used cubby in the floor below. While the plans do not show the various areas hidden by myriad supernatural means they appear entirely correct, even while walking the building, schematics in hand.::

Lobby Entrance

Stairway leading to the Order's offices (obscured mystically)

Ceiling Fresco

(OOC: The offices are known to almost all mages regardless of order, at least these offices are. Entrance to the lobby is permitted to all who can find it, otherwise an appointment with Curator P. Sluieren is required to make contact.)

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 3:25 pm
by rydi
::a young woman enters the office and speaks to whoever is at the desk. she is dressed in a business pant suit, and to those looking, her subtle jewelry glows with Power. her face would do credit to world poker champions.::

"hello. i am hear to inform those that care that bekham & raven investigations is working a case in town. we will attempt to cause as little interference in the region as possible. thank you for your time, and if you have any questions, please call my on my cellular line. it is secure, if such things are a concern. good day."

::after leaving a card and manilla envelope, she walks out, shoes clicking on the floor as she leaves.::

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 8:47 pm
by Thael
::Stone climbs the stairs into the lobby. At the perturbed look from the office manager he vanishes the cigarette he was smoking into nothing and takes the proffered envelope::

"Hmm what have we here"

::He scans the contents of the manila container and card and takes a moment to enter the contact info into his phone. He then proceeds to his own office on the premises and initiates an inquiry on one Bekham & Raven Investigations. He then pulls up the survelliance data for images useable with security's recognition software::

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 2:39 am
by rydi
internet just gives you a web page with contact info, their name, and their line of work: investigation.

the camera photos are grainy and show nothing usable. they can't be cleaned up. the woman was there in the day however, so she wasn't a vampire.

roll investigation + int please. -2 dice. this will give you more info on their operation.

the manilla envelope contains information pertaining to two different, large, and questionable banking events in the city. one is a robbery at an upscale bank. the other was a claim, made by one Nick Medici, that his accounts were fraudulently accessed and then drained. the documents show that the woman is investigating all leads, especially those of a supernatural variety. while the effort focuses on the kindred community, there are a large number of mages fraternizing with them... and these sorts of things are just what mages are good at.

and that is it.

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 10:04 am
by Thael
:: would have posted rolls last night but connection faded...::

::dice pool of 5 (Inv 4 + Int 3 - 2) 5d10.hitsopen(8,10) → [2,8,6,8,8] = (3) ::

That was for your internet search (which is like a prelim search)...
I will be contacting others in the records department to find out when this agency applied for their licenses (for business and as PIs) and any permits for weapons for any personnel, also check with city hall for similar records (business, ownership of physical address, building plans, etc)... do not know what pool I use for getting my contacts/influence/whatever thing to do what I want or if I just use my pool to go through records

Also need to check with the Computer Crimes department for an update on the robbery of the bank and to see if any actual report was filed for the alleged identity theft (unless that was the claim you mentioned) and its details if it was...

and since you said that the video data was irrecoverable then I will get with another member of the order to "scry" back to the time of her arrival and try and get a good look at her... see below for contact with others for other info gathering


::Sends an email to DAs office to request a meeting over lunch with the DA from Lt Stone - Important but not Urgent::

::Send an email to Victor requesting he access a predetermined internet drive and to examine a file for tampering and to see if more info can be gained (security logs and files for her visit)::

::Email Lucretia to get her expert opinion on the effects of the recent robbery on finance in general and known associates in particular::

::Email Nick regarding his side of the theft of funds and any details he can impart::

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 3:30 pm
by rydi
you will need to actually pm them on that stuff.

um... successes. actually that was just to find out stuff through various channels. they aren't totally secret, just subtle and they don't advertise.

bekham & raven are an investigative firm with 3 european branches, 2 n. american, 1 south american 1 african, 1 japanese and an australian branch. they are working on setting up a branch in mumbai. there primary caseload involves work for major financial institutions and coporations regarding theft, fraud and corporate espionage. the word in the business community is that they are a bit odd, and very mysterious (keep trade secrets that way they assume), but they're success rate is incredible, and they are very honest. their business is gained through word of mouth mostly.

supernatural contacts may know more... but you have to talk to them.

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 12:12 am
by Thael
(OOC I did pm them... did not have room in pm box to keep track if I sent you dupes to keep you aware)

per our converstation I would find records on them... so since they are well known then I will make contact with the woman at the number she left with the envelope...

::Dialing the number left Stone gets voicemail::

"This message is for Ms Miriam Ellis. My name is Lt Stone and I am calling in regards to your investigation in this city concerning the recent bank theft. If you could please contact me with a time and place to meet we could initiate plans for providing you any assistance you need in proceeding as accurately as possible. Thank you"

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 11:21 am
by rydi
(despite your reminding me on this, i still haven't gotten back to you, primarily b/c i suck. this should resolve in game tomorrow.)

::your call is returned. you are told that she will be joining you at your meeting at court tomorrow a few weeks from now (tomorrow night).::