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Knights: Reckoning Coterie- Networking

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2008 8:49 am
by Jack
((firstly, I wasn't sure where to put this because I don't want the general populace knowing what I'm up to just yet. If it needs to be moved; feel free))

First, I'm going to hit the streets and find out who and where the "best" or at least the most reliable "dealers" are.

Streetwise roll:

10's reroll:

10's reroll (again):

And again......:

After I find them, I'll make contact (sometimes in person, sometimes via a phone call or some other method) to arrange a meeting. The premise of the meeting will be a new opprotunity to assert control over their respective areas and introduce a new product to their line.

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2008 2:00 pm
by rydi
that should be enough to get you in touch with most of the reliable low end dealers, and get you numbers or other contact info for some of the mid range people.

there are in fact dealers everywhere, not just the "bad" areas of town. but there are more of them there. the midrange guys you don't have a location on, but they are likely more spread out.

and aside from the people that only deal one thing, most of them are willing to work with you after a little convincing and after ensuring you aren't with law enforcement.

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 12:59 pm
by rydi
anything else that needs responding to or that i missed? any questions?

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 4:31 pm
by Jack
I'm trying to plan out my action from here.

It's proving to be somewhat difficult. I only have two real options at this point:

1) Stall the dealers until I "perfect" (read: get 2 more xp to buy) the ritual by telling them I will arrange a meeting as soon as there is an adequate supply to feed the anticipated market.

2) Set up the meeting and straight-up ghoul or bond any mortal that shows up. Again, though, I may run into an XP wall on that plan...not to mention an issue if a large number of people show up.

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 4:55 pm
by rydi
2xp. it is yours. since you haven't made alot of games but have done alot of writing. though i won't normally give xp for board play. i prefer doing background points (better than xp actually...)

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 1:54 pm
by Jack
(We'll have to talk about the background stuff at some point).
(XP will be spent, can be recorded now or at next game to fill out the Level 1 Circle and ritual).

Johnathan smiles as he looks over the list of information he had aquired. Normally he would have other people do legwork like this, but it's good to get your face out there to people like this, let them know who they will be dealing with. It had certainly proven useful this time and with luck it would turn into a rock-solid foundation for everything that was to come in this city in the future.

"Take a deep breath, my unsuspecting city, close your eyes. It will come quickly and be done with and then you will be mine...."

His smile broadens for a moment, then is replaced by the calm exterior he prefers to have. No need to be sloppy or to gloat, he hasn't got everything yet, and he will keep reminding himself of that. These first few steps are the most dangerous, and so must be appraoched with extreme caution.

Picking up his phone, Johnathan makes the most crucial call first. "Issac, I will be needing a small supply to create the first batch. You may wish to attend the ritual as well, it may prove educational. I'll also need several unmarked vacuum bottles for storage and transport, and a case for them...the standard setup for any tempurature-controlled medicine should be fine. The sooner you can have it, the better."

Johnathan hangs up and places a call to his Retainer, asking him to fetch the car. The next part would be best done in person, as it would be a delicate matter... (will link to thread in a moment).

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 2:24 pm
by Jack

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 7:40 am
by Jack
"I hate waiting, and I hate that all good plans require an innane amount of it," Johnathan mused as he sat impatiently in his car, about a block from the Pizzaria. "Gregory, you might as well be useful while you're up there. Start making calls. Let them know I'll be meeting them in person to provide an initial sample of the product and arrange business and operating procedure. Be sure and word it well. Don't want to come across as too uppity yet...not until I have some leverage."

"Arrange it to be at the warehouse. Three nights from tonight, midnight. Tell them to be discrete. I don't want the whole world knowing what's going on yet."

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 11:12 pm
by rydi
(assuming you go into the pizzaria...)

::Tony sits, as usual, at his own table as his bodygaurds wait nearby at their own. Tony is currently going through some paperwork, and beside him is a detective novel in paperback. He looks up slightly when you enter, goes back to his papers, then seems to realize you are there to meet him.::

"Hey, how's goin'? Almost forgot we had that appointment set up. Sit, sit. can i get ya' somethin' ta drink? pop, beer? No? eh, you'd be surprised how many people still like ta sip at somethin' just for somethin' ta do. Anyway... What we got goin' on?"

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 10:32 am
by Jack
"We don't have anything going least not yet." Johnathan says as he sits and makes a cursory glance around the room to ensure none are within earshot (and activating Auspex 1 to catch any shoddy attempts at hiding). "But maybe we can come to an arrangement."

"Everyone says you and yours are who has the streets locked down. My particular business takes place on the streets, I need to know that I'm not going to wake up one morning to a nice, bright sunrise if you catch my meaning. The best way I can see to prevent that is to let you know what I'm up to before it becomes something you see as a threat that needs to be eliminated. I see no reason not to be civil, and besides, the situation can be highly beneficial to both of us." Johnathan leans back and studies Tony as he speaks, trying to get a read off his reaction to another openly stating his intent to start business in an already controlled area. (It is a calculated risk, but nothing reveals more about someone than an open admission to something that would get them at the least injured, at the worst killed, if they had tried to hide it and gotten 'caught' at it later.)

"That all said; I'll lay it out in as simple and blunt a way as I can think. I deal in drugs. I create a structure with them, a base of influence, and I use it to clean up an area. It makes things so much simpler. People become grateful to you for cleaning up the streets, mortal authorities turn blind eyes to what you do, and you gain freedom to operate on a wider scale. I don't think this will impact anything you have going, but it may very well spread quickly into areas you control. I can't pretend to know exactly how it will progress, only that it will. The very nature of the business assures that much. I'd much rather have your cooperation and support than your animosity. If you decline, I'll do my best to direct the flow away from you and yours, but I'm sure you can understand when I say I can make no promises. I can't, after all, control the individual actions of every single person; just give them a better goal to strive toward."

"So, then...I believe the board now awaits your reactions to the pieces as I have laid them..."

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 3:41 pm
by rydi
::tony looks unsurprised, as though such things are common occurance for him, and takes little time before responding.::

"well, first off, ya need clearance if ya wanna do somethin in my territory, which i generally advise against. little italy is off limits. i try ta keep all but the more recreational stuff off o' the streets here. second, if you want ta break in on any o' my other projects, say in some o' the unaligned domains, we can do this the nasty way, dukin' it out for turf, or you can just work as... an independent contractor, or a franchise or somethin'. gimme' a cut, and my guys leave ya alone, maybe even set ya up with a few leads. you may wanna look into things with durden to, we cover different areas, but i tend ta deal more with the kinda stuff yer lookin' at messin' with."

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 4:15 pm
by Jack
"And thus we come across the entire reason I'm here. I'm not going to attempt a coup de tat on you by any means. I just don't want any action seen as an aggressive provocation against you on your territory. As far as the product goes, it's mostly on the light side. Higher class types will want a higher grade of fun, and that's available, but like I said...I use it to clean the place up and establish some order, not to create a bunch of junkies no one can do anything with. It's a waste; a commodity we don't deal directly in anymore."

"I'll try to keep it out of Little Italy, you won't see any of my people pushing around here. You come up with a percentage that sounds reasonable and I think we can work this out. I only have three conditions:
First, your cut comes off the profit, not the top. I'm running a business here, I'd like to see something come of it without having to worry about my operating costs.

Second, we have a mutual cease-fire. I stay out of your way, you stay out of mine. Any time our people cross paths, they treat each other with civility and respect. This is normally considered standard with partners, but I want it down in the fine print.

Third, if either of us decides to go hostile, either toward the other or in any area where the other is located, he gives a 24-hour notice. That ensures the collateral damage is kept to a minimum. If you have a problem with me, there's no need to have to kill a bunch of other people to get to me. If you have a problem with someone else around my people, let me get them out of the way before you go to town cleaning up the trash."

"I've heard things about you, Tony. I'm hoping we can make something worthwhile here. Think it over, let me know. If you agree, I'll have some things drawn up and we'll seal the deal the Old Way. Tradition is always a good fall-back."

Johnathan waits a moment for any response. If none is forthcoming, he will stand and walk out. (His contact number is still on the note that Gregory left with Tony's guards.)

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 4:32 pm
by rydi
"sounds good. i think we can do some business. contracts don't mean alot to me, this kinda life they usually don't make a difference, but my word is my bond. and anyone will tell ya that's the truth.

as far as percentages, i normally do 20%, but i like ya, so i'll cut it ta 15%."

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2008 10:16 am
by Jack
Smiling to himself, Johnathan sits back down at his desk. Even now, his plan was in motion. He was risking an awful lot up front to get the ball rolling, but then, without that risk, he would not ever have been able to move forward at all.

The meeting had gone as well as possible. The product had been tested, confirmed, and even now should be circulating to the "best" buyers for those that had attended. He didn't have much to work with, unfortunately, but that was not an issue. He would work on a much larger batch soon. This time he would make the attempt with a more mundane medium, though, so he could make substantially more of the product. As long as it was successful, it wouldn't matter what the base was. So this time...he was using simple Saline. He turned to go over everything once more, made sure it was all in place, and then made two calls. The first was to Gregory, requesting the car be pulled around and the items loaded, ever so carefully, into it.

The second was to Tony. It was very brief.

"We'll need a drop point for your cut."

With that, he smiled and headed out to find fuel for the fire he was about to set loose on the city. "Their very own typhoid Mary," he thought idly...

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2008 2:14 pm
by rydi
"i'll send a guy to you. He'll meet you on the edge of crone territory. good luck with your business."