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Knights: Reckoning Coterie-Warehouse Aquisition&Redesign

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 7:51 am
by Jack
While plans have already been made and are being planned and put into motion, I will still be going through the motions to obtain the warehouse on my own.

Gregory, my Retainer, will be contacting the leasing company with a written request on terms for the outright purchase of the building and the land it sits on. Included will be an assessment of property values in the area, the estimated value of the building itself, and a market evaluation on estimated value after being derilict for over a year.

Contact information in the form of an email address and a phone number have been provided with the written request.

Remodel plans

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 9:15 am
by Jack
Basic Wine Rack storage to be placed in warehouse. ... k-img1.jpg
Climate Control panel and secure entrance to Blood Bank storage room.
Cryo-Storage room. Capable of storing blood and other substances. ... for_1.html
New device that can collect whole blood or blood componants quickly. Highly mobile. For 1 Pint, it takes 23 min to draw, seperate, and return. Just Drawing would be significantly faster, I believe. Source for that number is here: ... ation.html ... -horiz.jpg
Type 1 secret room. Could easily be put into place with one of the wine racks after a false wall has been created to house the storage and extraction rooms. ... door-3.jpg
Type 2 secret room. Assuming the storage facility is two stories, this could be placed easily as well. ... gens-1.jpg
Backup power gens. ... sets-1.jpg
Actual generator; desiel power. ... -wind.html
Sub-backup to enhance life of generators through Solar support.

Interior of Main Warehouse floor.

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 9:22 am
by Jack
For the "high end" storage of Wine, one section of the warehouse might look something like this real life storage center: ... ockers.jpg

More mundane vintage would be stored on the "Main Floor", also climate controlled, but much less secure: ... 145_sm.jpg

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 12:59 pm
by rydi
how are you going about getting all the goodies? resources 5 would be hard pressed to put all that in place in less than a year, lots of expensive devices and such, and many of those features requiring renovation by skilled contractors.

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 1:22 pm
by Jack
Currently nothing is in place. It's more of a planning phase. These goodies will come in as two things happen: First Denton begins his work (He's my link to skilled contractors) and second, as I start generating my own revenue.

The only thing that will be up and going right now would be the building itself. Everything else will come secondary and as I can arrange it.

Think of this more as a Wishlist or peliminary planning. It's the Blueprint I'll be using to develope the finished product.

It will take time. Lots of it.

If you like, I can provide a general outline of the process I'd LIKE to utalize, but I have no idea if it would be feasable. Plans do so often change.

The following is based off RL experiance to use as a comparison. My character has NONE of this knowledge other than the very basics of how to set up.

Your timeline is skewed a bit. Assuming I had all the raw materials available for current market price...the Store Front and the Warehouse could be up and fully operational in under 3 months.

I can outline how if you'd like :P . I grew up around contractors, have a pretty good idea how it's all done; Denton is (from what I understand) one of, if not THE, Kindred to speak to about Construction contacts (and that's all I really need in a situation like this). If he can't get his own people on the job, then it's just a matter of finding out who can start the soonest. All of the modifications I've outlined are actually fairly simple. The warehouse is almost entirely shelving, complext shelving, yes, but still shelving. The "Secret" room is just a dead space built behind a wall. It would be heavily reinforced, and that would take longer than normal, but not drastically longer.

To give a rough idea I've built a warehouse similar to this (didn't have a cold storage safe room, but it did have a tornado room, very similar for the most part) from the ground up, with no foundation at all. It took 6 weeks. Most of that was waiting on the specialized walls for the Tornado room to be shipped in (we didn't build them from scratch). Total cost of building was right at 140k.

Main differences would be the cooling systems; added insulation and light-proofing, generators and fuel reserves; sub-backup power system, and the actual construction of the hidden compartment. But...I already have a basis to work off of.

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 2:01 pm
by rydi

just letting you know the kinds of things i'm going to want provided for in your plans, so that when you actually present the final project it will be clean, in order, and ready to go.

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 2:04 pm
by Jack
I'm all about clean and in order.

Once I secure the building, I'll start shipping everything in. I'll give you exact information on how I do it.

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 2:13 pm
by rydi
works for me.

and like i said before, the building is, for the moment, yours. making it legal will be beuraucracy/resources/bloodbonding/creativity in any combination of your choice.

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 2:32 pm
by Jack
Yar....I just need Denton to give me some info....time for some RP! :twisted:

Oh....and I'll need to get the information from the first post of this thread as well. Will help my next course of action.

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 4:04 pm
by rydi
the building you found w/your exceptional roll is actually in rather good condition. the surrounding neighborhood is bad, with low property value and alot of rental space open. you can assume the building will cost 15%-25% less than normal (not actually sure on land value for business lots...) cost for a small business in a medium-low area, due to time on market, competition, and location. the variable will be dependent on rolls for haggling them down.