The Long Term
Logistically speaking, one vampire can sustain only so many people in this system under normal circumstances. That number can be greatly enhanced through the use of the Ritual being employed for this Project, but the simple fact is that the supportive number is finite unless I want to start racking up a serious body count....or get very, very creative.
This section will be, largely, theorycraft. Issac (Andrew) will be privy to most of these ideas, and while I will discuss it with any other member of the Coterie, one should approach this topic with extreme caution in relation to one's humanity.
I will also be broaching some other Long-Term goals and ideas...starting with a basic (and highly simplified) outline of what I am trying to do. This, like my short-term, can be broken down into several phases.
Phase 1: Control the People. Kindred are too often caught up in their own games of power and come to believe that the only real Power comes from those of their own kind. This thinking while not really false, is highly limited and ultimately a weakness. Power comes in many forms, and even those considered useless or beneath notice alone, can be a Force when properly utalized. That is where the heart of my Project lies. Gain control of the Kine, a control that has, as far as I am aware, never been attempted before. If such control can be gained and mastered, the implications are mind-boggling.
Phase 2: Unite the People. Even the most awesome power can be crushed if the user lacks control. Power itself is no garuntee of victory. This is another point of thought that I believe seperates myself from other Kindred. Most seek Power for the sake of Power alone. They fail to grasp that even a small amount of power (in many forms) can be wielded to devastating effect if properly utalized. To that end, I have no intention of squandering control of the masses as I gain it. I will not have people running rampant and wild when I have the means and the inclination to do something about it. By uniting the Kine to a common goal and cause, and appealing to that which they all secretly or openly desire (Order and purpose), I can command a loyalty and dedication that allows me opprotunities that brute force simply cannot achieve. When the people look to you as a leader and savior, their loyalty approaches fanatasism.
Phase 3: Improve the world. This sounds a bit more grand than it actually is. I'm not trying to save the world, far from it. However, I refuse to work in a sty. When you improve the areas that are under your control (once you actually control them), you earn the respect and admiration of those people.
Phase 4: Eliminate Competition. When you have a good thing going, everyone will want a piece of the pie. Competition is natural, even healthy...as long as it doesnt' get out of hand. I don't intend to ever let that happen. Once I have control established, I plan on eliminating in the most efficient manner any competition that arises or exists. I don't have pride, I don't need them to know who did it. I have no problems planting a car bomb and reading about it in the paper the next day. I frankly don't have the romantic delusion that I need to look in your eyes when I kill you (if it comes to that). However you (read: the competition) are delt with, as long as you ARE delt with, I am happy.
Note: The first tactic will always be to assimilate any competition. Why waste useful people? Failing that, strategy will favor a brutal, efficient, and quick elimination of the threat while inflicting as little collateral damage as possible.
Phase 5: Expand. Probably the most nebulous of the phases. Expansion can and will occure whenever opprotunity and resources allow it. If either of those is insufficient, however, the situation will be weighed carefully before any action is taken. Spreading too thin or attracting attention from the wrong people at the wrong time can end even a well-planned endeavor when a little patience will make it stronger.
That's the generic aspect....now....back to the original issue of logicstics. To simplify the plan here to the point of sounding silly; I plan to have a blood farm.
The facilities in play and the setup allow for this with a great deal of ease. From establishing a blood bank (cliche but effective) to basically capturing and retaining a supply that can be managed, replenished, and rotated as need dictates; the raw resources and facilities already exist. This is not something that will need to be addressed immediatly, but planning for the long term is vital. To that end; I would like you (Issac) to consider options that would be easiest for you and provide the least risk, in your eyes. Obviously both the mentioned methods above have their own benefits and drawbacks, but I do not know how you might approach such a thing. I urge you to consider the massive volume that we may be dealing with in the future, along with the transportation factor and the issue of the Ritual.
Given the nature of the problem, I would recommend a hybrid of the two mentioned. A legitamite Blood Bank supplimented by our own in-house supply would help on several fronts.
Firstly, it gives you a -
reason- for having facilities in-house to deal with the blood itself as well as a reason to have your own transportation for such things. Again, I do not know what would be easiest for you, so I leave it up to your judgement.
Transportation and distribution will be the next largest issues. These can be solved by more conventional means (as discussed previously) though, so they don't warrant an immediate need, but do fall very high on the list of things to do.
That's as brief and simple a summary as I can give, while outlining my goals for this particular plan. It is a simple concept applied to a large scale with some unique aspects tied to it. Combine all that and we are left with a complex system that will take time to mature, but ultimately become self-perpetuating (except for the actual production which will always require direct input on my behalf).
If anyone has any questions.....start firing away!