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Knights: Reckoning Coterie- Coterie Access 24 Hour Clinic

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2008 5:12 am
by Guardiankrillin
Here is where we can post Information secret to the Coterie about the Clinic and have our private meetings.

This is the General forum link 24 Hour Clinic

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2008 7:38 am
by Jack
A little recap on what happened last night. Feel free to fill in the blanks with anything you want the rest of us to know that might be missing.

All of this information should be considered IC knowledge, so while I doubt anyone here needs any reminders, remember that you can only share what your character really knows.

Johnathan let out a small sigh as he sat down at the table. The sterile light of the facility casting his face into long shadow. He was tired, and that didn't happen much. It was a good tired though, one born of extensive planning and careful preparation. He grinned for a moment as Issac sat down across the small table from him and said, "Well, it would seem we have the ball rolling. Tonight has proven to be most productive. As I'm sure you are aware, I have put my own plans into motion concerning my plan, but I'm not sure what other plots are at work in the city. It seems our colleage, Denton, has been busy tonight. From what I could hear you Nos are up to something that seems to be taking a bit of his time. He has told me that I should meet with the Head of your Clan, and the Head himself seemed quite insistant on meeting me, if the phone call was any indication. It puzzels me as to the why of such things."

"But I digress. Valerie is full of usefullness and a willingness to help tonight. She has been advised, and is persuing the idea, of obtaining several safe houses to aid in her own protection which she has so generously opened up to me in a full, open, and unrestricted manner; once they have been established of course. That establishment will come full circle around to Denton and his timetable as it relates to being able to make the locations secure. That, though, is a secondary concern next to securing the primary location..."

Johnathan glances over to the two people he has been speaking about and inclines his head slightly to his Coterie mates before continuing, "But I think the best information could be put forward by them on these subjects. And I must admit, I am curious of a few things myself. A question for each of you, if you don't overly mind. Firstly, would you care to elaborate on your little adventure tonight, Denton? And secondly, what did you find of our Gangrel friend, Nightstick, as you were poking around tonight, Val?"


Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 3:27 pm
by Issac
:!: Confidential- if you receive a pm about this you will be aware of this if not, you would not be aware of this :!:

JZ is being tested and brow beat into renouncing his petifile ways and then being tested in a controlled environment as to the truthfulness of his renouncing.

Should one week pass of this "treatment" and he be deemed unfixable by the experts he will be released from his treatment program.

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 7:46 pm
by rydi
(anything is fixable with enough dominate...)

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 6:58 am
by rydi
after conditioning, JZ is unlikey to actually interact nornally with society ever again. he has nightmares, and is addicted to his own product, which he uses to cope with the things he's seen.

as the years pass, he goes in and out of rehab and jail, and he constantly looks over his shoulder. he talks to his therapist about the monsters, and once nearly beats a man to death for "stalking" him. he spends his time alone in an old and rotting house located in a neighborhood he once owned. eventually, a punk kid decides to steal his stash, breaks in, and beats JZ to death with a lamp.

the end.

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 11:04 am
by Guardiankrillin
Does he bother under age girls anymore during this time?

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 11:17 am
by rydi
he bothers no one. really though, he was never a pedophile per se. he just used young women as a money maker.