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Exalted: FoB - Wish Lists

Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2008 3:03 pm
by Avilister
This thread is for the purpose of wish lists, both in things you'd like to see in game (what sorts of plots or situations you're interested in), and artifacts/items that you'd consider to be awesome rewards.

In the character creation thread, Paul already mentioned the following:
Stone of Perfect Mobility, Stone of Bones to Fire, and the Stone of Blood to Fire.

Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2008 4:21 pm
by rydi
betterer discreet essence armor.
a pet collie
a plutonium leg
a cool manse
mentors for new cool charms
a little hat
a doll, but I already got one
higher levels in liege

story stuff:
mission for liege, or opposing another abyssal or group of abyssals
making the city our bitch
the sidereal should become real rather than dots on paper, same for other b.grounds.
stuff in the shadowlands/underworld

Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2008 10:05 pm
by Amseriah
Did any of you play Act Raiser for the SNES, if you haven't you really should it is a very interesting game. The basic premise behind it is that you are a God that just woke up from a very long slumber by two of your surviving suplicants. What you find is that your world has been completely overrun by monsters and you are lacking significantly in power because of a small number of worshippers. So you have to embody yourself in an idol of yourself and clear out your temple of bad nasties. After that you play Sim city with that town until you find another temple that needs to be cleared out and it continues until you have saved the world from darkness.

I think that a concept such as that could be fun...basically we go in and starting with this city, find the great cities of the first age, attune to all of their Demense, gather worshippers, either push back the Wyld and activate the Jade Obelisks to create a Kingdom and then an Empire to rival that of the Scarlet Empire, or just take over their cities and such.

I would like to see other Exalts
I would like to see the what is going on as far as the Wyld and Shadowlands go
Attune to many Demense
I need to reread it but I am thinking about taking Valor Style
Moonsilver artifacts so that I can socket more Hearthstones
Thats it so far

Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2008 10:20 pm
by Amseriah
Yes I do indeed want the art of Forceful Declaration...yes, yes I do

Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2008 11:16 pm
by rydi


add a little bit more politics and it is great. i give my people corn, bridges, and teach them how to fight. go me.

but seriously, we could do that. raise up the peoples on the borders of creation and bring civilization to them. could be fun.

Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2008 11:22 pm
by Amseriah
Thats what I am thinking!!! After we get a couple of Feng Shui sites under our belts we should totally do that.

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 9:26 am
by Thael
with the way the back story is developing for my characters (no I have not posted it yet) I am thinking I will be starting a civil war type situation for the Scarlet Empire... they are already close to it since the empress disappeared (want to know where)...

I want to have a workshop so I can create wonders with Jade Sage and I think Ocean is going to build up her backing to be allies and what ever else allows for creating empires/armies (there is plenty listed in the DB book) so I can have THE criminal organization in Creation....
you would have
a Queen, not dark, but beautiful and
terrible as the Dawn. Treacherous as the
Sea! Stronger than the foundations of
the earth...all shall love me and
Nothing evil about that... just orderly...

so in brief
1 Workshop capable of creating artifacts
2 Means to take over and then expand Oceans "organization"
3 Forment Civil War with Warstriders and assasins to take the Blessed Isle

epic enough??

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 12:29 pm
by Avilister
Just to comment on some of these:
You're unlikely to encounter much in the way of NPCs in the city you're in right now. You've all been really really lucky to stay as long as you have, actually.

That said, if you somehow manage to open the city up, EVERYONE will start to pour in. There aren't many major powers in Creation that wouldn't like a piece of that city and what it has inside.

Anyone with a fair amount of Occult or quite a bit of Lore (Occult 2ish or Lore 3+) would know that every city does have a patron small god that usually hangs out somewhere around the city. That said, unless he or she materializes, you need specialized charms to see and interact with it.

I'm mapping out the city now, at work. I'm also going to try to map out one or two of the buildings of note and get some descriptions made up for some of the others. The city as-written isn't really "winnable" by a starting group of characters, so I may, or may not, write up some alterations or change things up some. The real challenge is making it hard without making it too hard. And judging what 'hard' is.

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 1:27 pm
by rydi
eh, if we can't win, that is fine too. losing is a part of stories.

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 1:38 pm
by Thael
well in that case I may start burning some essense to keep that charm up (which ever one of those 2 it was)... could be really useful to spot that and might allow us safe passage instead of control which would be sooooo much better for now... we cant defend against the horde(sp?) that would descend once we "unlocked" the place... and I KNOW there are sorcerers out there looking for just that very thing so they can send their minions to go reap the power... but if we had a "key" that made it safer to go 1 or 2 places there for our use then it would not give us everything but would not let anyone else have open access either... now they may find out and want our "key" and come after us but that would be on a smaller scale...

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 3:32 pm
by Avilister
The entire point of the fear-field is that there is no key, so to speak, or someone probably would have found it by now. Because it makes for good drama, it will be either up or down and there probably won't be any places that are 'safe havens' or anything like that within the radius. Certainly the party has not countered any during their (thus far) short stay.

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 3:42 pm
by Thael
mostly referring to the automatons... and who knows what powers a small god has...

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 4:02 pm
by Avilister

I know.


Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 8:19 pm
by rydi
combos. w/out xp cost.

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 8:41 pm
by Avilister
rydi wrote:combos. w/out xp cost.
Given that I'm already allowing free reflexives: No.