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Changeling: The Lost- Character List

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 10:47 pm
by arete
This game with have 4 primary players plus a players that can't play all the time. Please list your character description here. NPC's will be added as people meet them.

Edit: I am going to start awarding 1 exp on occation for people who keep up on their character here.

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2008 10:32 pm
by Ebon_Willow
I am Ally. A rich, snotty, bitch. I am completely incapable of combat action, and will sit, scream, and glow if scared. Also, I think, at this point, that China (Andrea's character) is my twin sister.

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2008 11:11 pm
by rydi
i like that description. i really do. "will glow if scared". i want to do that.

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2008 11:21 pm
by arete
She really did scream and glow for an entire combat. It was cute.

Her glow is blinding and give a -2 mod to dice pools btw.

Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 2:43 am
by Ebon_Willow
Update: My character now smells of the summer wind, and has petal soft skin as well as being glowy. She is still worthless in combat, but if you need some virgin tears she just might be able to help you... Also, I am pretty certain that China, aka Alexandra, (Andrea's character) is my twin. Since Ally's mother referred to her by the name Alexandra, a name that neither Ally nor China knew.

Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 5:39 am
by Guardiankrillin
I am Nathaniel Thorn. I am 5'11" 170 lbs. I have a slender muscular look and my looks are average. Before my eyes were opened to a whole new side to the world I once knew, I lived life on the edge of my seat. Although patient with the actions I take, I often put caution to the wind when dealing with driving. I usually could be found on the racing circuit after I obtained my license. I worked as a valet, an auto body shop mechanic, and I know a thing or two about lock picking vehicles.
I was 25 when I was taken into the hedge. I escaped the hedge many times or so I thought. Only to find later I had fallen for another trap created by my captor. I tend to try to forget my time spent with my captor as it was not a pleasant experience. I escaped when I found others like my self in the hedge also trying to escape their many captors. I escaped at what would put me at the age of 27.
Now with a whole new perspective on the world I live in, I have only begun to see what has been hiding in our closets and around the dark corners of my world. After escaping the Hedge I now have slight features that are akin to a goblin, brownie, or imp. I seem to be smaller in stature than I once was, my fingers are more slender and pointed. Where I step a slight feel of renewal fills the air. I also possess the ability to go into dreams and craft magnificent things.

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 9:21 pm
by Ana
I am China, who looks oddly like Ally. I have street smarts and am great at picking pockets, as I grew up on the street.
I look like anything (anyone) I want, but when I don't specifically change how I look, I'm vaguely transparent and at the same time pale and dead looking.
I don't trust easily but once I do, you're family. As hateful as Ally is, I love her unconditionally, because she's the only link to the family I never had.
Oh- and I see dead people.

Aranae Hesperus (Dani)

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 9:32 pm
by Lady Kitsune
I am of the ashen mirror as well being a scarecrow. My hair is long and black with silver strands throughout. My skin is tan and somewhat shiny; i bear a birthmark on my forehead, a red hourglass-shape outlined in black.

Character Pic

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 10:42 pm
by Lady Kitsune

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 11:09 pm
by Ivanovich
I am Jefferson Washington. I was once an Ivy League student, but now i am a bear-dragon. My dreams have become reality and my reality has become a nightmare. I have lost who I am, but i know that things may not be quiet right with the world.

As a changeling I am 6' 6" and nearing 300 Ibs. My face is almost human, but has hints of a bear's maw with sharp features and scales. My hair is thick like fur and a deep black. My body is covered in scales and my hands are large and paw like with fur and claws. I have a pronounced scaly tail with spikes running down it. My scales are blood red and my eyes are amber.