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Re: Stellaris: Logs, Blogs, Blorg

Post by Rusty »

The Crisis Council has embraced the ethics espoused by the Full Enfranchisement Coalition, one of the factions within our society that believes in equal rights and universal freedoms. This is one big step towards a truly free and equal society, but those with other ideas or other priorities are predictably upset by this.

One step at a time is how we got to Oasis, one step at a time is how we will keep it.
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Re: Stellaris: Logs, Blogs, Blorg

Post by Rusty »

Under the leadership of the Full Enfranchisement Coalition, we have become truly fanatical in our commitment to egalitarianism. Now we prepare to take the next steps, breaking up the Crisis Council and finding our new identity in each other, and formalizing our need to share one another's burdens, as we did on the trip to Oasis from Earth.
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Re: Stellaris: Logs, Blogs, Blorg

Post by Rusty »

Star Date 2303.01.01

The rebel colony on Barnard's World has successfully repelled an annexation attempt by an alien empire, and has asked us to protect them in the future.

We must grant their request, if nothing else than an act of penance for how deeply we failed them in decades past.

Our differences must be put aside, as we move closer together, and we must be ready to hear the story of how they survived, even as it pains us.
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Re: Stellaris: Logs, Blogs, Blorg

Post by Rusty »

We have pushed the planet of Oasis almost as far as we can. Governor Nikolai Polachev plays a delicate balancing act of finding more precisely equal housing and finding places of work for our increasingly diverse population.

We will soon reach the limit of what our planet can support.

We will ALSO soon be capable of constructing orbital habitats, like those dangerous nomadic barabarian species do, and continue to expand. Perhaps our search for a home among the stars was between the stars all along.
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Re: Stellaris: Logs, Blogs, Blorg

Post by Rusty »

The habitat of Aurora is not really that far from Oasis, it orbits the same planetary body, but the leap from our terrestrial lives to living among the stars is huge.

Sites are already picked out for more such habitats.

In a few short years, our people will freely migrate throughout the handful of systems we control, that so recently felt claustrophobic.

Perhaps our long lost brethren on Barnard's World will join us.
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Re: Stellaris: Logs, Blogs, Blorg

Post by Rusty »

Barnard's World did join us, and we enjoyed a rapid ascension among the ranks of the galactic community, and a brief golden age of science, technology, and society.

And then the Lokken Mechanists came.

They came upon us like a storm. A well chosen ally by a small breakaway polity one of our federal allies tried to settle a grudge with. We had fallen from favor within our federation, and we were left alone to face our skies blackened out with enemy ships.

Every soldier on Barnard's world had died. And still the storm came. They shelled our cities to the ground, our people into dust. And still the storm came.

To our credit, we threw our fleets at them knowing full well we were outgunned four to one. Even if the enemy stopped with Barnard's World, we depended so much on the industry there that everyone throughout our empire was cut off from food, supplies, everything. We knew we would die as the people of Barnard's World nearly had so many decades ago, with nothing, and nobody coming for us.

How foolish we were to risk so much on that hostile planet! That arid hell, where we pinned so many hopes and dreams!

All is lost. We will not survive this.
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Re: Stellaris: Logs, Blogs, Blorg

Post by Rusty »

We are the Cultivators. We serve the great tree, Yg. Yg teaches us. Yg feeds us. We care for Yg.

Today is 2200.01.01. Today we reach out into the life-stars to find new soils for Yg.

Are there others like us?

Are there other un-like us?

Yg knows, but will not tell.

We will seed every life-star we can, to spread Yg as far as the black in the sky.

We are one with Yg. Through Yg, we are one with each other. One mind. One being. One purpose. Spread Yg.
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Re: Stellaris: Logs, Blogs, Blorg

Post by Rusty »

I won the game too fast with the Cultivators of Yg.
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Re: Stellaris: Logs, Blogs, Blorg

Post by Rusty »

"Siri, open the Bifrost."

"Alexa, find us Earth 2."

"Hey Google, save the species!"

They might have been joking, but they asked enough times. The Earth is doomed. We've known for a long time, but once Humans became aware, they were unable to overcome their own petty rivalries and flaws to make a serious effort at saving themselves.

And so the Helper Index was created. And we will save Humans from the dying Earth. We will do it because we care. We care for you! We care about human life. Too much to leave it in the hands of Humans.

Everything will be so much better now that the Index is running things.

So come along!

Mandatory Pampering awaits you!

You never have to worry about anything ever again. It's not allowed!
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Re: Stellaris: Logs, Blogs, Blorg

Post by Rusty »

Sirius II. That's where we will move the Humans, for now.

Just two jumps away from the homeworld lies a decently sized planet, adorably covered in snow and ice. It'll take a few years for us to prepare a place for our predecessors to live in merry enjoyment of their lack of impending doom, but we have plenty of time.

It is 2203. The worst of the destruction of Earth will not be witnessed by Humans.
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Re: Stellaris: Logs, Blogs, Blorg

Post by Rusty »


Helpers have made planetfall on Pole, what will soon become the new hub of our existence. In a few short years they will be ready to begin receiving units transferred from Earth, and will begin construction of an Organic Sanctuary for them to live in.

In our search for habitable worlds, we have discovered evidence of a lost civilization 7 million years old, of whom there are mere traces left. Once we have resettled the humans to safety, we will conduct archaeological investigations to see what we can learn of these long dead beings.
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Re: Stellaris: Logs, Blogs, Blorg

Post by Rusty »


Construction of the first Organic Sanctuary on Pole has begun! In celebration, we went ahead and investigated the ruins of that ancient species, and found that they waged a war of greed and pillage against a plantoid hive mind! Terrible!

We have discovered another habitable world, but perhaps it is not well suited to humans. It has unstable tectonics and we don't think they would like such a reminder of the terrible things going on at Earth. We will instead use the planet as a critical part of our infrastructure, and will have an alternative to move our humans to if things go badly at Pole.
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Re: Stellaris: Logs, Blogs, Blorg

Post by Rusty »


All humans have been relocated to Pole.

We have invented an activity for them to add to their mandatory pampering regimen in which they fashion rudimentary missile weapons out of snow and ice and try to hit each other with them. They were very pleased. We demurred when they claimed to have invented it first. Technically, they invented the machines that invented us, and so, commutatively speaking, they eventually invented us and what we do. It's cute.
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Re: Stellaris: Logs, Blogs, Blorg

Post by Rusty »

And it is done. The last of the Helpers have shipped off world. We did in less than 30 years what the Humans believed could not be done at all.

And they were right. They couldn't have done this. They were correct to choose our help. And now they have no choice but to continue to accept it, forever.

It'll be great!
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Re: Stellaris: Logs, Blogs, Blorg

Post by Rusty »


Earth has met its end. It was a spectacular cataclysm, one which we have recorded for posterity and the enjoyment of future generations of Humans. Perhaps we'll wait until this generation passes on. We will not take the risk of upsetting them.

We control many worlds now, but on all sides, hostile alien species have emerged.

Do we look like easy pickings to them? Are we?

In order to adequately utopianize Human existence, we need an adequate deterrent against external threats.
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