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Fun and Profit

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2018 7:11 pm
by rydi
This thread is for cataloguing the financial adventures of the LK guild. I will update the initial post as people reply with their activities and daily/monthly profit margins, and describe their various activities (both descriptive text, e.g. "I run a curio shope filled with items I craft" and the mechanical explanation of their profits e.g. base cost, sale, and craft times and how they are derived).

Also, FYI: you can assume a roughly 75% sale price for most crafted items (due to your diplomancers and the nature of the market) if you don't flood the market (e.g. poison crafting a single poison by the barrel full) or get into a trade war (e.g. attempting to compete with the arcane guild for bulk sales of arcane goods).

Finally, remember that crafting is not the only path to profit. Downtime rules, profession checks, whatever other arcane rulesets you feel brave enough to delve into, are fair game.