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Stories From Raqqa, Iraq

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2016 9:39 pm
by Amseriah
The room smelled of sweat, piss, shit, and blood. Sgt. Taylor Brooks, fingers broken, face bloodied, wrists bound behind his back with dislocated shoulders was forced to kneel down with a harsh kick to the back of his knees. After three months of imprisonment and torture he still managed to remain unbroken as he stared at the cameraman defiantly. The well muscled masked man to his four unsheathed the dagger from his hip, and stepped closer to the marine, as the masked man to Brooks's six addressed the camera's blinking red light in Arabic.

“The United States insists on sending their sons to our nation. They are sent to kill our sons, daughters, mothers, and fathers. They are sent to butcher the followers of Islam. This cannot and will not be tolerated! For every follower that you kill, we will kill 5 of your own. For every house that you burn, we will burn 5 of your own. All praise be to Allah!”

The knife wielding man savagely hacked into the back of Sgt. Brooks's neck severing his spine, and with a sawing action liberated his head from his body. His body fell limp, blood spurting from his neck with the beats of his dying heart, as the men placed his severed head between his shoulder blades, and time slowed to a halt.

Do you want to live, do you want to get your revenge on these men? YES!!! Then rise Chosen...

Muscles strained against the bindings on his wrists and tore while the men stood above him crying battle cries to Allah. So focused on their revelry that they didn't notice hands reaching at an unnatural angle to place the marine's head back atop of his body. They did notice, however, the man that they just murdered standing from the pool of his own blood. Their cries of triumph became cries of terror as the man once named Taylor Brooks slaughtered all three of them, and earned a new name...Azrail, the Angel of Death.


Johnnylikestitties 789 points 4 hours ago

::...The marine stood from the carnage and walked toward the camera, gore and blood on his mouth. A black disk with spiked rays emanating from it oozed blood sat upon his forehead. The frame tilted and fell, showing blood and gore as the camera was knocked off its tripod.::

Dis shit looks fking dope! It a game? Movie?

----- BoredNHorny 345 points 3 hours ago

-----Nah m8, that is fucking real!!!

----------Johnnylikestitties 213 points 3 hours ago


---------------BoredNHorny 145 points 2 hours ago

---------------The feed hasn't been edited haven't you heard about those guys in /r/exalted ?! This shit is real!