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SASForge Preliminary

Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2013 8:26 pm
by rydi
This is for discussion. If it ever gets off the ground, we'll get a forum.

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 6:36 pm
by Rusty
It was the year 568, that's 568 years after the last war, the great Zorian war, which threatened to end all life as we knew it. We won. Over 500 years of uneasy peace, a peace that has been threatened by a great many forces; corruption, greed, lies, calamity, abuse, oppression, but a peace that has lasted.

The universe is ours. We have mapped and expanded and absorbed the whole thing. From our borders, no stars may be seen. Nothing is beyond our borders but the echoes of our creation and our greatness. We are the Galactic Federation, and we know no peer.

And that is why, in the year 568 AZ, it came as a great surprise when we received a transmission from beyond our borders. The greatest minds in our civilization came together to translate it, and they succeeded. The message was simple. "Send Help."

Now it is 571, and a mission has been designed to respond to this signal. Representatives of key races within the Galactic Federation are being gathered to form the crew of a new starship, the greatest built in centuries, which will seek out the source of this signal, provide aid if possible, and represent the federation in all it's majesty.

The journey is long and perilous. And the crew must endure a physical trial of incredible danger first. One by one, as the crew and ambassadors are elected, they are entered into Cryogenic suspension, to await the construction of their ship, and it's launch, at which time they will awaken to the finest vessel the federation could muster, and the most important mission of their lives.

These are their stories.

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 6:58 pm
by Rusty
This game will also feature a fate overlay similar to what we used for the Star Wars game. Due to the remote nature of the game, city design will mostly be about parts of the ship, and some of it is already done by me. However, each character will have aspects that help relate that character to the others and the game world. This is one of the major elements we will cover in our live game session, is determining the parameters of our fate overlay and setting up all our aspects.

City creation will not encompass the entire ship, but rather, given the size of the ship, important areas within it. In many areas of the ship, the default "face" of the area is Sign, the ship's computer. Sign, meet everyone, everyone, meet Sign.


Ok. Now that introductions are over, it is important to know that Sign is defined and written into the plot, and so in any area of the ship that he defaults as the "Face" of that area, few if any choices other than that will be made. Sign has a holographic face (pictured above, looking suspicious about you) that appears whenever he is summoned in the built in receptacle/projector for sign face. Sign can communicate beyond the range of his face using communicator frequencies, but not generally within the ship. Sign also has "other" methods of communication, but we'll talk about that in character.

So, example areas that we'll do city generation for include:

The "Bridge" - This area, some details of which await the start of the game, is where the crew commands the ship, where the weapons are targeted and deployed from, where sensor readouts come from, and from which several other areas extend, such as the captain's ready room, the tactical suite (basically a board room), and other rooms that are part of the city generation process.

The Cantina at the End of the Universe - This forward looking area is the main lounge/socializing/eating area for parts of the crew, including the pcs.

The Holo-suite - This series of chambers are a recreational area and training facility that allow for a wide range of situations by cleverly integrating holograms and forcefields.

More areas can be added to the ship during this process, ranging from arboriums to observation decks to additional seedy hangouts. Let's see how it goes.

Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2013 4:06 pm
by Rusty
Crew Manifest:

Herein lies a current list of members of the crew (pcs)

Captain Harold Jupiter (Steven)
Ensign Exemplar of Aterna (Cheyne)
Challx of the Allhive (Paul)
Ignac (Chris)
[Itinerant space gypsy mystic] (Angela)
[demi-vegetable hippie vulcan elf] (zach)
[parasitic insectoid medical doctor] (josh)
[some random shit that's surprising and effective] (adam)

anyone missing?

And I can update this whenever.

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2013 5:35 am
by Rusty
Rainbow Beams
These multiphase weapons are the mainstay of law enforcement and personal military might in the federation. Though other weapons exist that have more specialized capacities, the typical sidearm of GF police and any ship’s crew on away missions is the Rainbow Beam, in the form of a pod or a pistol. The pod is a smaller, more discreet variety intended for last-ditch use, and as such has a limited number of charges rather than a reactor. The pistol is a main battle weapon which has an onboard reactor which provides its power.

Rainbow cannon are typically encountered in light and heavy varieties, with larger versions featured as vehicle weapons, on mobile suits, or other fighting platforms. The light variety puts a great deal more power into each shot, and returns to a limited number of charges, though an onboard reactor replenishes these shots. This actually manifests in armor penetration ability due to power, and the stability and sights of the rifle-like form factor increase the accuracy of the weapon. The heavy rainbow cannon is an over-shoulder stabilized weapon, or harness stabilized variety, both of equal characteristics and intended for fire support. These feature variable aperture settings and, along with the light cannon, can maintain automatic fire equivalencies.

In spite of the utility of the light and heavy rainbow cannon, the rainbow pistol is still the mainstay of fleet weaponry. It is favored for ship-board defenses specifically due to the lack of armor penetration (avoiding hull breaches), for its light weight and portability, and slow but sustained rate of fire.

The Rainbow Beam can be modulated to a number of settings that carry with them different abilities, increasing threat levels, and consequences for use.

[N.B.: If post-soak stun damage exceeds the target’s stamina, the target receives the Dazed condition. If it exceeds the target’s stamina x2, the target receives the Unconscious condition. Megastamina counts double for these purposes. Willpower may be spent to reduce stun damage. Stun damage reduces naturally in all life forms at a rate of 1 per round, and accelerated healing factors are twice as effective against Stun damage as they are against Bashing. Some organisms, notably Zorians and other similar “para-living” creatures, are immune to Stun damage.]

Rainbow beam settings and their effects:

Red – This lightest of the settings is used for training in many circumstances, and has uses in law enforcement and capture of prisoners. (+3 Accuracy, Stun)

Orange – This setting is the workhorse of non-lethal law enforcement, and is a hefty stun. (+2 Accuracy, 4 dice +2Auto, Stun)

Yellow – This setting is intended to provide law enforcement personnel with an appropriate retaliation to physical violence. In large amounts, or in moderate amounts against non-enhanced targets, it can be lethal. (+2 Accuracy, 8B +4Auto).

Green – This setting provides the law enforcement personnel of the galactic federation, and their military counterparts, with a weapon capable of subduing toughened opponents, and also of breaching obstacles and barriers if necessary. It is generally the upper limit of excusable force without specific authorization. Though green beams are capable of killing opponents outright, such a result would be relatively rare in circumstances justifying their use. Wound received from Green beams are generally not challenging for modern medical personnel to reverse. (+2 Accuracy, 12B, 6 Auto).

Blue – This setting is authorized specifically by command personnel to react to the expression of lethal force by an enemy, and for the use of military personnel with the goal of producing casualties. It’s unauthorized use by any GF personnel is considered a criminal act. At this power setting, the steadiness of lower settings begins to be outcompensated by the reaction of the internal components, and accuracy is reduced slightly. (+1 Accuracy, 16L, 8Auto).

Indigo – This setting is authorized specifically by senior command personnel to attempt to overwhelm a highly dangerous enemy, or one resistant to lower settings. In military applications, it is the setting usually authorized when engaging an enemy openly. Blue is preferred by military personnel for any situation in which accidental casualties can be produced, such as patrol and guard duty, while Indigo is permitted when intentionally engaging an enemy. At this setting, casualties produced are likely to not be recoverable, and medical personnel will have their skills challenged in their attempts to salvage personnel taken down by these weapons. (+1 Accuracy, 20L, 10 Auto.)

Violet – This setting is reserved for situations calling for “extreme prejudice” in the elimination of targets. Accidental casualites produced by Violet beam fire are likely to be indistinguishable from intended casualties. Military personnel typically refrain from using this setting in any circumstances in which accidental crossfire could happen, or if the surrender of an enemy can be expected due to any circumstances. Senior command personnel (captain and higher) can authorize this setting, but are liable to have such a decision cross examined. Unauthorized use of Violet beams is a crime equivalent to attempted murder. Enemies targeted by these beams are almost certain to escalate a conflict, as the use of Violet beams generally indicates a disregard for the value of the lives being targeted. Casualties produced by Violet beams are reduced a fine powder, and no known medical technology can reverse the process. At this setting, the forces taking place inside the weapon reduce accuracy further. (+0 Accuracy, 24 Aggravated, 12 Auto.)

Rainbow Beam Pods have 42 charges standard. A given blast from a pod removes a number of charges equal to a numeric index equivalent to the beam intensity used, Red removes 1, Orange removes 2, and so on, with a Violet blast removing 7. These devices can be charged by any constant source of power, including field armor or other powered equipment.

Rainbow Beam Pistols have an unlimited number of charges, and may be fired single fire only. The ranged weapon maneuvers are not generally applicable to them. Two weapons is an exception. If a character is specialized in the Rainbow Beam Pistol, he may use the Semi-auto fire maneuver.

Rainbow Beam Cannon include armor penetration and a wide variety of ranged weapon maneuvers. Rainbow cannon are powered by a reactor which fills a series of cells with enough energy to power a series of shots, with a similar reduction in charges to the table used for Pods. Light cannon have a capacity of 84 charges, and a “reloading action” causes the on-board reactor to replenish 20 charges. Heavy cannon have a capacity of 168 charges, and a reloading action causes the on-board reactor to replenish 84 charges. If a heavy cannon is mounted on a tripod, a pintle, braced against a surface, or otherwise set up to allow crew use, (over-shoulder stabilization can allow this, while harness stabilization cannot), another person can perform the reloading action. A heavy rainbow cannon can also be set up to draw from a larger reactor, allowing it to function as though it had an unlimited supply of charges. Light cannon may generally ignore the first 3 points of any armor type, while heavy cannon may ignore the first 5.

With the exception of Rainbow Beam Pods, Rainbow weapons rely on a reactor (and in the case of cannon, chargeable cells) which is itself potentially unsafe. While a trigger safety is present on all four models, additional layers of safety are practiced by all GF personnel trained in the use of Rainbow beams.

"Red weapons protocol."
This doctrine calls for all weapons currently in use by personnel NOT currently in combat, to be set to Red. This is intended to prevent the accidental discharge of weaponry that can produce casualties.

All weapons are stored and carried with the trigger safeties engaged. A setting may be toggled to allow the weapon to emit an audible beep when the safety is engaging or disengaging. When personnel standing by for combat deactivate their safeties, this is usually done in a supervised fashion, and at the conclusion of a sortie, safeties are re-engaged with the tone-function on, to assist with certainty of safe weapon practices.

The on-board reactors of Pistols and Cannon may be placed in a Scrammed position, stopping their reactions and containing their power output. While scrammed, a rainbow beam reactor is really quite safe, however, it does not produce any power. Pistols are kept scrammed until they are needed, though usually when preparing for combat or the possibility of it, weapons are made "hot". Scramming a reactor takes one turn, as does returning it to the Hot status, which is longer than most personnel can wait to fight. In common parlance, a squad commander may give the command "scram your weapons," or, if preparing his men for battle, after weapons are issued he may give the command "Heat up your weapons," to specifically give the command to engage the reactors. Alternative commands or terms may include "weapons hot" or "engage reactors."

Draining charges
Rainbow weapons that rely on charges, principally light and heavy cannon, are usually stored without any live charges, and are charged up after the reactors are engaged. After battle, cannon are drained of charges as part of the process of standing down. Pods are the exception to this rule, as they cannot replenish charges on their own. They are typically stored in belt pouches designed to prevent their accidental fire, and are not typically used as main battle weapons except in the most dire of circumstances.

So, in summary, a group of Federal Marines who have finished a sortie or incursion, and are awaiting bridge officers to enter the area, may have their commander give the signal "weapons are Red, Safe, Scram, and Drained," to indicate that there is little to no risk of accidental fire.

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2013 9:50 pm
by Rusty
updates to rainbow laser:

V 14A[10]
I 12L[8]
B 10L[6]
G 12B[6]
Y 8B[3]

The weapon is Accuracy +1 for a pistol. Changes to pods and cannon haven't been made yet.

STROBE is probably going to be like Stun, except instead of Unconscious, a target is Blinded

Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 4:14 am
by rydi
I read through America Offline (orgotek / electrokinetic book for trinity), and it had a gun that instead of doing damage applied a +2 difficulty to all actions due to "flashing colors and subsonic vibrations". Successes on the "dmg" roll just determined duration of the effect. Seems like what you are looking for from your lower setting, and something that might actually see use. Simple mechanic too.

Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 11:11 am
by Rusty
At work today I came to the decision that multiple status effect granting settings was just begging for a pain in the ass.

Either we'll do your +2 diff thing, or make Red the only stun like you suggested and add another setting of Lethal or Bashing. A low bashing might be useful, and an additional layer of lethal before Violet means that Violet is even stronger, proportionately. Which ultimately I'm fine with.

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2013 7:22 pm
by Rusty
Primary Beams
These white energy “total spectrum” rays are the mainstay of most non-federal militaries, and almost all starship weaponry. Unlike rainbow beams, primary beams do vary in intensity due to power, and their effects range from pistols (8L[5]) to cannon (12L[10]) and beyond. Vehicular Primary Beams are substantially stronger, and continue to scale to the capital scale primaries on board the main ship. Man-portable primary beams such as pistols and cannon demand far too much energy to get use out of a micro-reactor like rainbow beams can, and instead rely on charges. A magazine of charges is really a cell that can be plugged into any source of power to restore its charge. Primary Beam Pistols typically have 20 charges, while cannon have 50. These weapons are occasionally included on shipboard armories, though they are considered an historical throwback to the “pre-rainbow” days. The ability to vary the effects of the weaponry in response to changing tactical circumstances caused the rainbow beam to replace the primary beam in all relevant applications, though rainbow beams are static in their effect and have little use above vehicle scale. Some officers prefer the use of Primary beams, and as a result, limited armories of these older but still effective weapons do occasionally go along on missions.
Of note, Primary beam weapons of all scales are capable of using the ranged combat maneuvers as normal. This tactical avenue is the main reason some officers and crew will carry primary beams over rainbow beams.

Secondary Beams
These beams are less weapon and more tool than anything else. Capable of pushing and pulling, or otherwise exerting independent forces upon targets, or of bombarding targets or concentrating exotic elements or waves, or of carrying transmit signals with a great deal of accuracy, and many other applications. It is often said that while the Primary Beam is the best friend of the Tactical Officer, the Secondary Beam is the best friend of the Science officer. Hand held secondary beams use on board reactors much as rainbow pistols do, and generally do not have base damage ratings.

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2013 7:25 pm
by Rusty
Force Blade
This highly sophisticated weapon system is still a part of the official galactic federal armory, and other armories, but is rarely used. Officers embarking on away missions are allowed to select a force blade for their loadout, in addition to a hand scanner and a rainbow pistol, but Fencing or other sword based combat styles are now electives in fleet academy.
The force blade itself is a simple cylindrical hilt which, when activated, projects a blade of contained energy and force of an appropriate length. Shortening or lengthening the blade to accommodate different styles of fighting or sizes of combatant is as simple as adjusting settings in the hilt.
The modern force blade is formally called the Prismatic Force Blade, and supplants the Primary Blade in the federation armory. The prismatic blade includes the same technology as the rainbow beam, with the same settings resulting in similar results, with Red stunning and Violet disintegrating. Primary Blades follow Primary Beams, in a similar fashion.

Secondary Force Blades are not manufactured as such, rather, the same components that go into a Force blade to make it Prismatic or Primary can be taken from portable Secondary beams, and such devices do have real tactical or training value.  

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2013 7:27 pm
by Rusty
Man portable sensor devices come in several sizes and varieties, the principal differences among which are the variety of frequencies accessible to them, the ability they have to be modified and project various energies, the range of their scans, and the amount of data they can reliably relate.

Hand Scanner
This most basic device is a critical part of any crew member’s loadout for nearly any mission. By scanning the most important (or at least most common) frequencies, the Hand Scanner, can give a crew member with basic aptitudes much needed information about his environment and any important elements within it, such as special properties of nearby life forms.
Medical Scanner
This specialized device focuses, rather on several waves like the other scanners, on sub-frequencies of certain waves that can provide medical staff with important information about a patient, or help them in locating casualties.

Heavy Scanner
This device is larger by far than a hand scanner, and is frequently carried with a shoulder strap or mounted on a backpack. It has a much greater range than the Hand Scanner, and can be used for a greater range of utility functions, such as projecting frequencies, and other scientific endeavors.

Tactical scanner
This small device is often attached to weapons or carried by combat personnel, and is tuned to certain tactically relevant frequencies at a Heavy scanner, and can allow combatants to view information about a relevant wavelength to their mission, such as Tau waves indicating the presence of disguised Skolians, or Zulu waves indicating the presence of Zorians.

[A practical list of wavelengths is still in progress]

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2013 7:28 pm
by Rusty
Personal Armor
The basic uniform of the fleet provides some inherent protection. In addition, an armored jacket and helmet are often worn by Galactic Marines in many engagements. Articulated suits of varying types are carried aboard federation starships in order to facilitate both extravehicular activities and marine boarding engagements, as well as extravehicular combat.
Powered armors and other weapons platforms are the purview of member races, and are not a part of the basic fleet armory.

Mobile Armors
More vehicle than “suit”, these are the preferred ground vehicle of the Galactic Marines, along with wheeled, armored transports. These vehicles often have articulating arms, which allow them to “hot load” their weapon choices from support stations and interact with their environs. They are typically armed with Primary Beam Cannon or Rainbow Beam Cannon, and rockets. Secondary beams are not typically present aboard such craft.

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2013 7:37 pm
by Rusty
Force Fields
Personal force fields are maintenance intense devices that offer some, but not a tremendous amount of protection. They are carried aboard federation vessels, but are not a part of the common armory. Flag officers, VIPs, and occasionally controversial prisoners are the usual recipients of such protections.  

Posted: Mon May 27, 2013 8:22 am
by Rusty
Update to Rainbow Laser:

V 10A[8]
I 14L[10]
B 12L[8]
G 10L[6]
Y 12B[6]
O 8B[3]

Any objections to this as the final rainbow beam?

Posted: Wed May 29, 2013 1:05 pm
by rydi
Until we see them in action and how they interact with player's stats, this seems fine.