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DragonStar Coordination Thread

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 1:44 am
by Avilister
We need things for DragonStar. I don't know if I remember what they all were.

Something like: enemies, characters, locales. Was there more?

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 8:10 pm
by adam
I am sorta making a big bad right now. I have chosen a force dragon that is trying to claw out a piece of the dragonstar empire for itself. It will have destroyed the planet for the raw materials so that it can make its engines of war go.

I would like to use a prismatic dragon because they are cooler (and more colorful) but a prismatic would kill use with it's many save or die high DC breath weapon effects.

I will also make a few generals for the dragon.

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 8:53 pm
by rydi
That sounds good. We discussed this a bit on the phone, but I want the force dragon to be the big bad/superboss, while we focus the early stuff on a couple of the major Houses, and maybe take down one of the dragon high lords.

Any enemies or major NPC's that you guys come up with will be much appreciated. If you come up with one fight and 2 npc's each (minus adam, who is already busy) then that would be rather useful. I could also use a few worlds.

I posted this in the wrong thread earlier, but I'm also allowing magic item compendium items. no combi-items, i just want to expand the list of interesting stuff available until the next pf item book comes out.