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GurpForge: IC: The bridge

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 6:38 pm
by Rusty
*Data will be presented here and decisions can be made.*

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 6:50 pm
by Rusty
GD 753.1.28

Sensors: Contact bearing 028, range [maximum possible sensor range], speed 0042.

mass signature: 2000dTons (equivalent to a light cruiser, if correct. Stealth systems might reduce the sensor signature and cause a large ship to appear smaller than it is).

Energistics: Radiation signature is consistent with a fusion reactor, no gravitic waves (this means it's not using a gravity drive, though a very large ship with artificial gravity would produce a gravity signature). No shield detected.

EW: Contact is not exerting active sensors or electronic masking devices, to the best of our systems capability. Contact does not appear to be using targeting systems or tracking systems, as far as our systems can tell.

Visual: Contact is well outside visual range.

Composition: Initial sensor bounceback analysis indicates a metallic hull consistent with established data for TL9, though some signal replies are consistent with ice. This may be an artifact of range or some debris between our sensors and the ships hull.

Dimensions: The contact, as it appears on our sensors at this range, is a long, cylindrical shape that appears to be modular in constuction, computer models estimate a multiple pod construction around a central column, though some data are inconsistent with this conclusion and indicate irregular masses of unknown composition extending from portions of the superstructure. This may be an artifact of range or debris between our instruments and the contact.

Comms: We are not being hailed, nor do we detect any backfill indicating active communication systems in any method of communications we are capable of making.

Archives: Preliminary data indicate that this contact and its design are unknown to the galactic federation, nor do they appear in any record of unknown ship sightings, if these data are correct.

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 8:14 pm
by durden
:: Checking records for nearby inhabited planets and known recent activity in the area (warzone, transports, disputed space, etc). Checking if we are in communications range. Scanning for any signs of radiation, stellar phenomena, and combat energy signatures ::

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 8:34 pm
by Rusty
durden wrote::: Checking records for nearby inhabited planets and known recent activity in the area (warzone, transports, disputed space, etc). Checking if we are in communications range. Scanning for any signs of radiation, stellar phenomena, and combat energy signatures ::
*The nearest known planet of any kind is two weeks at maximum FTL speed from here. No known activity whatsoever, you're beyond the realm of the GF now, and no planets or stars can be seen at all. No wars, transports, or claimed space within any reasonable distance towards the GF.*

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2008 7:23 pm
by Rusty
durden wrote::: Checking records for nearby inhabited planets and known recent activity in the area (warzone, transports, disputed space, etc). Checking if we are in communications range. Scanning for any signs of radiation, stellar phenomena, and combat energy signatures ::
*we are out of range of all of our communications devices. some debris may be around the contact, this, if it isn't an artifact of detection, might indicate a struggle. From this range, sensor data is minimal.*

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2008 7:26 pm
by durden
*I report my findings to the commanding officer and await orders...*

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2008 8:02 pm
by rydi
*I buzz the captain's communicator and tell him:*

"Captain, you are needed on the bridge. We've just found something interesting."

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2008 8:13 pm
by Rusty
*until relieved by a post from either the XO or the CO, the SO has the bridge*

"Clear the ship for action, shields up. Charge weapon batteries, load missile tubes. Ambassadors? Your advice?"

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2008 8:20 pm
by durden
:: I follow orders, raising shields and ready weapons ::

"Sir, it is posssible they are in trouble. I recommend we proceed toward the vessel at least enough to get clearer readings. The debris in our way is distorting sensors. There is no telling what is going on from here. If they are in trouble, we must offer assistance."

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2008 8:23 pm
by Rusty
"Very well. Helm: All ahead full. Designated search and rescue personnel to ready and stand by with two shuttles. Sick bay: stand by to receive casualties."

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2008 8:26 pm
by Avilister
The captain roles out of bed and rubs sleep from his eyes. It was ship's night, but there were standing orders to notify him if any contact at all was made. "On my way," he said into the air as he hurriedly donned a uniform. Finally, he thought.

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2008 8:28 pm
by Rusty
*as the captain enters the bridge, the SO sounds off and gives report, then stands by at his station, along with the engineer*

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2008 8:34 pm
by Rusty
*we will enter into communications range before we reach visual range. The contact is broadcasting faint radio static, infrequently, and does not respond to hails. As we enter communications range, our sensor profile becomes a little clearer.*

Analysis: The superstructure of the contact has two abrupt eruptions of some kind of ice, this is not an artifact of sensors range. A few dozen large fragments consistent with the hull materials of the contact are trailing behind it. Based on the apparent shape of the vessel, this fragmented section might be the main drives.

sensors: there are no changes to contact parameters as we approach, they have not increased their power profile, activated shields, or made any sensor scan.

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2008 8:35 pm
by durden
:: Ignac continues to carefully monitor sensor readings for anything unusual and runs a quick diagnostic on weapons systems. Be a shame if they didn't work the first time them had to use them on this mission... ::

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2008 8:37 pm
by Rusty
durden wrote::: Ignac continues to carefully monitor sensor readings for anything unusual and runs a quick diagnostic on weapons systems. Be a shame if they didn't work the first time them had to use them on this mission... ::
*all weapons systems are online and displaying full readiness. Missile tubes are loaded and await firing solutions. Gunnery teams and tactical intelligences have reported to their stations at full readiness.