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The Gaming Docket

Posted: Sat Sep 25, 2010 1:08 am
by rydi
This thread is for listing the games in queue, awaiting a play date/time. If you want to change the list, remove your game from the list, or add a game, note it below.

Also, this is for the discussion of logistics of making these games a reality.

This thread is NOT for discussion of the individual games in queue.

Avilister or I will endeavor to update the queue as things change.



The information below is sorted by Slot. We have functionally two slots currently, both on Saturday and alternating with one another. If new slots are created, I will note them here.

Current slots:
Slot 1: Transylvania Chronicles 2/month, Saturday 15:30
Slot 2: Fuck around? 2/month, Saturday 15:30
Summer Slot: 1/month
Online Slot: 1 (we could have more games, but there is not enough time or attention to support them)

Currently Playing:
Slot 1: Transylvania Chronicles (likely filled by some iteration of History Lessons)
Slot 2: Open (likely filled by pick up games and social activities)
Summer Slot: Summer Game (~ June 29, 2013)
Online Slot: SASForge (or whatever we're calling it)

Next up:

Waiting list:
Venture Villains (Feng Shui, Gideon, Short)
Eclipse Phase (Eclipse Phase, Gideon, Semester)
Innsmouth (NWOD, Gideon, Long-Running or Semester)
Ascending Toward Awakening (NWoD Mage, Jason, short)
40k (Silhouette, Josh, Long-running)
Legends (Feng Shui, Uknown, 1-3 sessions)
History Lessons (Vampire, Collaborative, Long-running)
Rise of the Runelords (Pathfinder, Zach, Long-running
Red (Black/Blue/Green/White) World (Pathfinder, Gideon, multiple shorts)
Threads of Fate (Pathfinder, Colaborative, Ongoing, Long-running [multiple settings/characters])
Future Trek (Jovian-Star Trek mod, Chris, unknown length)
Exalted 3e (Exalted 3e, TBA, TBA)
Endless Tower (Pathfinder, whoever, TBA)
And a long list of games including Traveler, various WoD products, and pathfinder that Gideon would like to run

Leftover Waiting List Items:
Tristalt (D&D/Pathfinder, Cheyne, 1-3 Sessions)
Gritty D&D (E6/Pathfinder, Cheyne or whoever)
Force of Balance: The Conclusion (Exalted, Steven)

Scrapped (for now) list:
Intro to Pathfinder (D&D/Pathfinder, Gideon)
Starlight Playtest (100, Gideon)
Dungeons & Suck (D&D/Pathfinder, Gideon)
Moonlight (Undecided System, Unknown)
Deadlands (Savage Worlds, Jason) - Slot 2
Infernals or Alchemicals (Exalted, Steven) - Slot 2

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2010 2:56 pm
by rydi
Gid confirmed the end of Firmament Falling, citing work scheduling, loss of notes, and time between sessions as contributing factors. He still wants to run however, and proposed a Heroes-esque game using the Marvel system to run in his former slot. Zach and Steven were positive toward this concept, and I have tentatively placed it in slot 1, pending approval by Josh and Adam.

Last night we discussed filling slot 2 with Star Wars. This will not begin until early December most likely, but if time allows we can get together Thanksgiving weekend for character/setting creation. Prior to that Josh and I will create a Handout for ease of play.

Comments or questions?

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2010 4:49 pm
by angelicyokai
I'm down with that.

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2010 10:00 pm
by adam
I am down with the marvel thing.

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 3:40 pm
by Liquidprism
I have several opinions on this, though I'm not sure if any are helpful.

I have already stated my desires for a Marvel game if one is to run. I want to revive the old campaign NOT start a new one. As I have stated before, I get tired of making new characters, and investing new energy into new things that will never feel completed.

I dont want this to come across wrong, but if Gid is having issues with work scheduling why is he talking about running a game at all? It would probably be better if he just played games right now instead of running them. This seems much more conducive to his current needs. This would free up a time slot for a someone with the time to dedicate to running a game.

The more I think about it the more I am disinclined to want to participate in a Star Wars game, for multiple reasons. The biggest is that I don't want to build a new system (or revise one as the case may be). Plus, the last SW game honestly left a bad taste in mouth. I know I had talked about contributing to this new one, but I'm just not sure I have it in me. I really just don't care enough, sorry.

The only thing I really want to play right now is Marvel or Scifi. I'm not sure if I care for much else. I REALLY don't want to do anything I have to put a lot of effort into, as the majority of recent games have made me feel like it is simply not worth my time to invest heavily. That said, I would CONTRIBUTE to a revived Marvel game, as I have had some ideas for a campaign in that setting.

If this sounds mean, Im sorry that isn't my intent. I'm just stating my thoughts as objectively as I can put them. If group consensus decides to play games other than those I am interested in, then I will just not play in them. I can entertain myself for a while, and when something comes along that catches my fancy I will participate in that.

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 10:25 pm
by rydi
I think he wanted an outlet that was a bit less intensive than his last game, but that still allowed him to run something. And no one else is in a place where they want to run anything in that slot anyway.

I also want to do stuff with old marvel characters, but since i won't be playing in the game that runs in that slot, it doesn't do me much good.

As far as not playing starwars... that's fine with me, I'd always prefer people leave games they don't care for, rather than drag them down. I'm trying to follow that advice myself. If it gets going and you want to play and there is an open slot, you can always jump in. I just want to do something we can all enjoy, and actually pull off (mixed prefs, lack of willing full-time gm's, and time make things difficult). Of the games I'd like to PLAY, star wars was the one that people seemed most interested in, but there are several other games I'd like to play as well (WoD, Marvel, E6) that didn't have support or a gm.

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2011 1:31 pm
by rydi
In regards to the gaming schedule as it stands, my current opinion can be found on this thread regarding a mage re-start. I post here b/c it is pertinent to the people outside of the mage stuff and I wanted a bit of feedback there and to know where people stood with things.

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2011 2:43 pm
by arete
I have other interest than just mage. I heavily prefer mage, but if we ant to play with different people or more people (6 max). I have other game ideas. Now they almost all use savge worlds, but i think taking that chance could prove to be fun.

Posted: Sun Mar 24, 2013 7:08 pm
by rydi
Updated the docket (first post). We need to decide what we are doing next, where there is still interest, etc. I'm a bit tired of dnd for a bit, but others are welcome to it. Gid mentioned he's interested in waiting on Red World for a bit. Angela and I are both interested in decreasing the number of games somewhat (like, reduce the friday games). I also wouldn't mind a night of more social gaming.

Comments? Please comment.

Posted: Sun Mar 24, 2013 8:15 pm
by Amseriah
I am more than fine with the number of live games decreasing in frequency. That being said, I have been gaining a lot of interest in online games. So like you mentioned in the Calender thread, supplementing decreasing live games with online games would be enjoyable for me.

Things that I would love to play in:

Modern Exalted
Changeling: the Lost (not using the snuff fluff though)
Dresden Files
Eclipse Phase

If anyone would like to begin an online game of one of those, I would be more than willing to take up co-gm duties.

A really nice thing about doing some online games on LostKnights is that if we want to do a live game every once in a while it isn't impossible.

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2013 12:09 am
by Avilister
Supposedly by the end of May we're supposed to be seeing Exalted 3rd Edition. I'm going to want to run/play some of that, I suspect, but I haven't even begun to plan what that might involve (and likely I won't until I've got a better idea of what Ex3 looks like).

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2013 10:08 am
by angelicyokai
As Cheyne mentioned above, I am interested in decreasing the number of games I play. I would like to lessen or cease friday play. I am very interested in possibly getting back to the historical vampire game from previous, and I wouldn't be opposed to exalted. I am fairly open to most of the non-dnd things that have been discussed, actually.

Feng Shui

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2013 11:02 am
by durden
I would love some Feng Shui. The Legends series would be great to revisit (or for the first time for me) and just short 1-3 session games.

Whatever we do, I'm done with power gaming. Dark Ages is the exception, but we are discussing some interesting angles for that game. I want to play some characters that just kinda suck.

Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2013 3:00 am
by rydi
The historical game seems like a likely candidate for an ongoing slot. As Chris alluded, we have discussed making neonates in modern sanfran, playing the chars from his DA game, and other options alongside playing our methuselahs.

Once this cycle of games closes, we'll be pretty close to summer game starting. I'd like to just leave the other slot open so we can do social stuff and play that. Just my opinion anyway.

I don't mind a friday game every now and then, but am not enthused about carrying on with one. Maybe just the occasional short, like a turn at legends or something. 1 friday/month would be dandy.

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2013 8:44 am
by Ivanovich
All I have to contribute this hate filled morning is, I have now been asked by both my supervisors if i would be willing to switch to twilight. I think they hate the current twilight part time supervisor and want someone more competent and less needing of direction and attention for twilight. I am planning on saying yes, as of now i do not know when or if this switch will even happen. When it does happen Friday gaming will likely come to an end for me at least. I will be working approximately form 4 to 9:30 most days.

Also, since I thought of it after I left the Monday game and Cheyne mentioned it without me discussing it, I wouldn't mind playing neonates. San Fran would be cool, as we never got to fully play there for much.