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Spell Templates

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2010 9:48 am
by Avilister
I just wanted to check, since this is going to start coming up in Gideon's game rather a lot (and may in Cheyne's too, depending on people's spell choices):

Do we have 60ft cone templates? I'm fairly certain we have the diagonal template, but do we have a straight one as well?

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2010 10:09 am
by Rusty
I agree, we need this. Aura will have cone of cold, but also of note, there are several spells that have a 40 foot radius burst or a 10 foot radius burst that we have no templates for. Freezing sphere is going to be used a lot by aura when she gets it, and it's got that 40 footer.

Whoever made the old ones, thank you for your efforts. Hopefully it's not too much trouble to ask for more.

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2010 12:06 pm
by Avilister
Adam made the first batch. I know we've got a 30ft cone, but I don't remember if the extender we have for it is 60ft or not. Also, I only remember seeing the diagonal, which is why I ask.

Aine just picked up Cone of Cold, and will likely be selectively be using Freezing Sphere when she picks it up as well (though Cone of Cold will be her principal go-to spell basically forever).

The 60ft cone also applies to Prismatic Spray, and you know you can expect to see that go off at least once when it becomes available.

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2010 6:49 pm
by adam
There is a 60 foot cone, both straight and diagonal. I think they are in the cabinet where the other gaming stuff is stored in, it is just not in the white box.