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D&D: FF - IC/OOC: Arturia Stuff

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 7:22 pm
by rydi
We have a few things to get done, and plans to make. Figure it's best to establish the list before game so gid can just tell us the results.

temples to optimus/radius: Zach and probably Adam will be tending that temple, and securing that area of town.

Feeding People: Adam can make food, and several of us can purify the trash, rats, etc. in the area... This actually takes very little time, and provides much needed food supplementation.

order in the district: W/Zach, Adam, and me hanging around, and all the Kobolds, food supplies increasing, and the establishment of temples, this goal is already being established. But some actual organization would be beneficial: get people working on trash detail, get some people working as guards (we've got 45 sets of armor/weapons to hand out), get people taking care of roads and lanterns, etc. Call it payment for those food handouts, or an act of devotion to the gods of good, for the time being.

establish farming: Paul had wanted to do this, and it seems like a good idea. He and Jason with their spells can go outside the city and set up some shelter for people, grow bramble barriers (be nice if they were blackberry brambles...), cast plant growth on the fields, and set up some fast growing crops w/knowledge nature checks. They can get animals together for animal husbandry and hunting too, even if it's just rabits, goats, and chickens. Gets a bunch of people out of the city. Hand out some weapons to them to make sure they can protect themselves.

Under city: Lelune showed up and suggested we all go downstairs and take care of some things.

Temple of lelune: My thing. Positioned in a cemetary. Dala feels compelled to be nece to the dead goddess, just a personal thing. And it seems that some rights to the dead would be in order, given the massive death in the city.

Other Factions: Info search is the biggest priority. Josh, with his lack of interest in other stuff and his rogue levels, seems good for this. Steven too, with the massive charisma score.

Feel free to throw in more ideas, I'm sure there's more to do.

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 10:21 pm
by Amseriah
If I have time to do this as well as setting up the farm/ranch, I thought that I might infiltrate the other factions to gather info and to see if I can de-stabilize them. A little mis-information can go a long way.

Posted: Mon May 03, 2010 11:25 pm
by Amseriah
Saubwa stood in the shadows of the alley and eyed the condition of the city this evening. It was one night ago that the birth-transformation of his allies occured. Understood what had happened to a certain extent, they claimed as their own powerful artifacts that contained within them a portion of the power the parents of this plane. The energies within them must have changed them somehow...tainted them with the powers that the items contained. He didn't want to think about what might happen to them in the long run. Would they be taken over by those Gods? Are they being shaped into proper vessels for which the souls of the Gods can return? He didn't know, what he did know is that this city is horribly diseased and he had a sacred duty to helping to cure it. So he gathered his gear just before sunset and set off into the night to tend to his garden.

This place could be nourished back to health, regardless of whether the gods had turned a blind eye to it or not; a lot of weeds needed to be eliminated though and it needed careful pruning and nourshment. His friends and he were helping out with nourishing the city, through the gardens outside of the city walls, the food lines, the templess and graveyard reoppening, some of the structure was in place to bring peace and properity again. Now they needed to introduce more money into the equation, and they needed to cut out the disease from this place.

That was his specialty. This night like many before it he went on the hunt. Taking on a different guise each night, he went out and searched for those preying on the disorder and poverty of this city, finding criminals in the act and eliminating them, as a farmer would tend to his fields, passionless except for a sense of duty. Staying low no one could track him to seek revenge, nor did they know where he might go to next...he could be anyone or anything. Maybe fear would spread and the dark underbelly of this society would grow fearful and repent their ways, maybe they wouldn't. The result was all he cared about. These people needed to learn to live and thrive in a city without fear, they needed to reclaim their dignity. They couldn't do it with all of these damned choking weeds.

Posted: Mon May 03, 2010 11:38 pm
by Amseriah
OOC: Saubwa is doing his best to destroy the underworld of this city...he is not happy with just taking down the occassional thug, he is trying to work his way up the food chain so to speak. He is taking any gear and money that his prey leave, and liquidating the assets. He takes all of the resources he acquires this way and spreads it around. This mostly consists of giving jobs to the destitute and jobless, to bear torches along the wall and the streets at night, to re-cobble the streets, to fix up the houses that could be repaired, and to tear down and rebuild those that couldn't be. Most importantly though he is hiring people to up the streets, taking the human refuse to the the gardens to compost bins, and taking the dead bodies whether they be human or otherwise to be disposed of. He is still going to keep working on the gardens outside of town.