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D&D 3.X: Spear of Fate - Logistics: Sutulak

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2009 7:20 pm
by rydi
For discussion of the Logistics regarding Sutulak

This is posted for the post-game discussion of tactics, and so Zach can show off his graphs.

And for planning to abuse the city like the fist of an angry god.

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2009 9:16 pm
by Amseriah
The fight sucked gryphon balls and should have been planned out much better, I will take responsibility for a good chunk of that. Next time we need to specifically say what we scout out, we need to come back together to share intell, we need to have a definite plan with contingencies for when things go wrong (because something will ALWAYS go wrong). There are so many things that we could have done differently to minimize our losses and make the fight quicker. Things like: take out the archers on the walls before the attack, keep our people back until the way is clear, have the people carrying large boards as tower shields to protect them from the storm of arrows, communicating our actions better (we all tend to act separately without discussion and it has a way of backfiring i.e. someone rushes to engage an enemy in a clump that Zach was about to blast, or nobody is with Jonathon so he gets surrounded and he can't get away to heal somebody), and "hey they have Griffons, Manticores, dogs, wolves. trained dire squid...can the druid or ranger do anything to subdue them???? I hated this past game session just because of the horrible execution of the combat, and for no real good reason at all other than we didn't take the time and effort to plan out a strategy (again I am just as guilty if not more than others because I built my character around this stuff)

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2009 9:23 pm
by rydi
Amseriah wrote:...horrible execution of the combat, and for no real good reason at all other than we didn't take the time and effort to plan out a strategy (again I am just as guilty if not more than others because I built my character around this stuff)
As Steven pointed out, there was a reason: everyone was bored with planning one thing, so they skipped planning the other. Thus my hopes of streamlining the process. Planning is good, and I like it, but there is a limit to how much time players should be expected to spend on it.

So, we have story required planning, but limits are necessary... This means we have to figure out how to do multiple things in a narrow time frame, and do them well. A nice problem that the smart people comprising this group should be able to handle quite well, and one that I'm sure people will handle much better next time it comes up due to this last experience.

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2009 9:24 am
by Ivanovich
I think most of my annoyance with those fights were actually because of me being tired. We did very well given the circumstances and lack of planning. We really probably should have lost more people than we did (IMO probably damn near all of them should have died from those griffons). I agree with Steven, planning every minor detail gets exhausting. I think though now that we have planned to that level once we can do it more easily and simply take how many people we have and look at how long we want to travel and do some quick math instead of having to do it all over again.

For story purposes i think the fight(s) were a great thing for our characters. It have us a long term goal, razing Sutulak to the ground. As well as proving that we have a long way to go.

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 9:21 pm
by Liquidprism
I don't have a problem with the fight objectively, I think it fit into the story, and developed some plot. That said I felt a bit disheartened by the sheer number of casualties sustained by the people we have been working so hard to free. Perhaps this is unjustified, but I think that if characters are willingly to lay down their lives to protect something, then that something should be protected.

I think that the griffons at the end seemed like a bit much. Everything else I was fine with, but those things just made the battles seem useless, and like we were being kicked when we were down. Just kind of FYI on my feelings in the matter.

As far as planning in the future is concerned. As a character I am kind of a loner, and thus will not be contributing much 'tactical analysis' during planning sessions. I will scout, and relay my findings, which should be helpful however.

I don't like planning. In fact it is one of my least favorite things to do in RP any more. This comes from many, many session during so many different games in which planning would literally go on for hours. I can plan for about an hour tops, after that I'm done. I want to fight. I want to roll initiative, and then battle. I actually like being able to kind of plan during a fight, because everything always changes anyway, and that one thing you didn't think of is the one thing that will bite you in the ass anyway. So why plan.

Anyway.. an hour tops. Oh, and btw we are coming back to Sutulak, and we are razing it to the ground. However, my beef isn't just with the town its also with the Slaving guild. If its the last thing I do in this game Im going to bring the slavery guilds to a horrible end.