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Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 4:07 pm
by Avilister
*puts on his 'not the cleric' badge*

That just frees up more points for awesomeness elsewhere.

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 4:18 pm
by rydi
Well, I'm not sure that at TL10 a fighter can be built that a normal pilot cannot use. If you design your ship so that it probably should have a crew but doesn't, and you design your character such that he can independently do several jobs at once, then you wind up with a fighter that is smaller and cheaper than an equivalent vehicle would be. Also, to build a fighter that is significantly better than an equivalent, you'll be looking at around 20-30
million as a budget. If it can't be used by a normal pilot then it shouldn't be part of the mission budget. granted, I can do a 10 dTon fighter with 4 points of armor, 1 beam laser and 2 missile racks that cranks out 13.3 gs of thrust, and runs for 25 mil, but that's not a whole lot better than what we're going to have anyway. On the other hand, a TL11 fighter would outperform an equivalent TL10 fighter almost 100% of the time. Also, at TL11 new weapons start becoming available, like meson cannon and other nastiness. For 5 points you can upgrade your tech level. If you dumped 50 points or so into wealth, (you still have to pay double per tech level above 10 because its above the campaign tech level) you could afford a nice fast fighter. of course, I'd have to make you a whole new builder, or modify my existing builder to have a TL toggle. Also, some of the stuff in ultratech for TL11 or 12 is not in the traveller book, so it'd have to be added.
Something that i wanted to introduce, was the idea that the different planets of the federation are donating their own stuff. i mean yeah, the base federation has their standard, but tech varies all over the place, and even within a tech 10 world, there are still random bits of their tech that will be tech 9 or tech 11. Paul's world has been at war with their neighboring world for centuries, if not millenia, and warfare has become standardized as aggressive space dogfights, almost like tribes counting coup. their ship tech far outstrips the rest of their tech.

my world has supers. hell, flying is a dominant genetic trait, so no one really even bothers with vehicles anymore. but with mr.fantastic/tony stark types around, you can sure as hell bet we have random gear from tech 11 or even 12. but none of it is standardized, or even understandable to lesser minds. But that doesn't mean they couldn't donate the wierd but useful devices to be used on the mission.

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 4:23 pm
by durden
I thought about making my tech lvl 11, after the bit in my background about hybrid tech. Only if it gives me something neat. Some weird tech, like bio-neural gel packs in the ships design that speeds reaction time.

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 4:31 pm
by rydi
sounds good Troiwarflaforge. Make it so.

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 5:37 pm
by Rusty
durden wrote:I thought about making my tech lvl 11, after the bit in my background about hybrid tech. Only if it gives me something neat. Some weird tech, like bio-neural gel packs in the ships design that speeds reaction time.
but you designed a TL10 ship...

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 5:40 pm
by durden
Your mom designed a TL 10 ship...

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 10:09 pm
by durden
I have a few points. Here are some Advantages I'm considering:
Talent (Artificer p.90) +10
Tunneling +30
Versatile +5
Acute Sense (Smell & Taste) +2
Breath-Holding +2+
Psionic (ESP): Channeling (Psi -10%, Preparation -40%, Accessibility [only on earth] -30%) +2
Eidetic Memory +5
Psionic: Terror (-40% for melee, Psi -10%) +15
Resistance +15
Infravision +10
Metabolism Control +5
Plant Empathy +5
Psionic (PK): Enhanced Move (Water – Limit: Handling -4, Emergencies Only – 30%, Once Per Day -40%) +2
Filter Lungs +5
Contact +5
Perks: Sanitized Metabolism +1
High Manual DX +5

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 10:15 pm
by Rusty
durden wrote:I have a few points. Here are some Advantages I'm considering:
Talent (Artificer p.90) +10
Tunneling +30
Versatile +5
Acute Sense (Smell & Taste) +2
Breath-Holding +2+
Psionic (ESP): Channeling (Psi -10%, Preparation -40%, Accessibility [only on earth] -30%) +2
Eidetic Memory +5
Psionic: Terror (-40% for melee, Psi -10%) +15
Resistance +15
Infravision +10
Metabolism Control +5
Plant Empathy +5
Psionic (PK): Enhanced Move (Water – Limit: Handling -4, Emergencies Only – 30%, Once Per Day -40%) +2
Filter Lungs +5
Contact +5
Perks: Sanitized Metabolism +1
High Manual DX +5
wouldn't take a disadvantage like 'only on earth' since there isn't an earth and you won't be there. If it were me i'd take the dex. That's a nice thing to have around, since it's also used for all of your marksman skills. Infravision is too easily replaced with tech, contact won't ever come up, plant empathy might be entertaining. I'm not sure how entertaining it will be to comfort plants. Eidetic memory is a pain in the ass in live but on boards it's pretty easily done, since we'll have a record of what was said and when.

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 10:26 pm
by rydi
I have a few points. Here are some Advantages I'm considering:

Talent (Artificer p.90) +10 could be good, depends on how much you need the skill points

Tunneling +30 NO

Versatile +5 maybe

Acute Sense (Smell & Taste) +2 for 2pts its worth it just for flavor. put it on the race only though

Breath-Holding +2 again, for 2pts its worth it for the race.

Psionic (ESP): Channeling (Psi -10%, Preparation -40%, Accessibility [only on earth] -30%) +2 would be cool for your shamman, though i would recommend making the accessability a little easier. also, depends on whether you want a "talking to spirits" or a "mental journey" kinda power, as you can take granted by spirits instead of psi for like 20% off. it's one of the power sources in the powers book.

Eidetic Memory +5 good, but not as good on the boards where everything is, idealy, recorded permanently.

Psionic: Terror (-40% for melee, Psi -10%) +15 NO. not sure it fits all that well, and even if you did, not sure it would work that well w/those limiters

Resistance +15 good, but depends on what you are resistant to.

Infravision +10 good, and fitting. but costly for a seldom used ability. ask gid if it will see use before you add it as a racial advantage.

Metabolism Control +5 good, and fitting. but costly for a seldom used ability. ask gid if it will see use before you add it as a racial advantage.

Plant Empathy +5

Psionic (PK): Enhanced Move (Water – Limit: Handling -4, Emergencies Only – 30%, Once Per Day -40%) +2 kinda cool, esp. for cheap.

Filter Lungs +5 useful

Contact +5 appropriate but useless in the depths of space

Perks: Sanitized Metabolism +1 I took it

High Manual DX +5 not sure

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 10:27 pm
by rydi
lol. we posted at the same time, and about the same advice. go us.

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 10:31 pm
by Rusty
does this mean we can be gay together now?

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 10:35 pm
by rydi
not yet. but when jupiter is in retrograde and mars is in conjunction with venus, and you pay me $72,000 in untraceable cash, we can be together as we were always meant to be.

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 10:44 pm
by durden
Ok. Thanks guys. I guess I need to look in the powers book too for alternate ideas. I do see how tech will negate some things. Be fun to talk to plants and channel spirits (by on earth I meant on dirt, like a planet, any old mudball). I'll post the while damn thing soon. Going to bed now. then, I'll detail my planet and work on equipment stuff. Found some sexy things in Ultra-tech. I like the brain implant stuff. Trying to figure out if one will let me interface differently/better with other tech. Be cool to have an NPC in my brain, like a deformed twin attached to my frontal lobe.

"Build model airplanes" it shouts.

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 6:41 am
by Amseriah
I talked to Thael before I posted anything because I realized that being a pilot could be stepping on his toes and he did not seem to mind. We are going to be two totally different characters. As for versatility most if not all of the advantages that I am going to take are going to be useful in any combat situation not just in space and I am going to have some points in a firearms skill. I need to look at the race creation section of the book but I am pretty sure that I am going to be a freakish alien too...a hornet like insectile critter. That race as a whole is going to be TL11 due in part to the fact that the entire race is incapable of psi and is in fact immune to it. Without psi or super powers we had to rely on what we had which was technology. I am also probably going to be taking the advantage that allows your character to do math and math related things faster than a computer, such as astronav. As a character flaw he is going to be a gambler, a risk-taker, and over-confident. Anyways time to go to work so that I can dwell on this further without the joy of having books or a computer....

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 8:15 am
by durden
A starfighting risk-taking wasp... Well, at leasts it's as dumb as my lizardman.