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Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2008 10:03 pm
by durden
You mean the limitations for powers?

Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2008 10:57 pm
by rydi

if you make a race, and you give it +1 str [10], doesn't breath [20], and randomshittydisadvantage [30], you pay a net of zero for those abilities. further, as it is a race, the [30] in disadvantages you took don't count toward the 75pt disadvantage cap (and you don't have to even out on points either. you can get a net discount, or end up paying for your race).

this is per rules, not me. i bought gurps for dummies. does that make me a loser?

oh, and thank paul for this wonderful bit of min/maxery. we needed it.

Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2008 11:15 pm
by durden
Woot. Points, glorious points.

Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2008 11:16 pm
by rydi
the flow through your hands like water.

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 6:24 am
by Amseriah
My idea is this...a fighter pilot that is cyberred out or is of a different race (hive mind perhaps). The basic original concept is a fighter craft has been created that moves too damned fast for any normal person to have any hope of using at near full potential. Thats where the cyberred out pilot program steps in...these people are in some way able to view the world faster than others. The Accelerated time sense I think...anyways for every actual second that passes these poor fucks have to experience 2-3 seconds (or more perhaps). Boring boring life for them...however for the people who created the crafts a good thing, as they now have people who can fly their damned ships...I was thinking perhaps an ftl long-distance fighter, or something similar...anyways. Would also perhaps take the compartmentalized mind once or twice, giving me extra physical actions and extra mental ones. Also the extra tracking would be a must have to allow me to track and fire upon multiple targets at once. I am interested in possibly taking latent psychic potential but its not really that important to me at this point. Anyways, it needs to be fleshed out, tell me what you think...

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 10:52 am
by Thael
Well the point builds for the grunts will likely be easy with modified job templates from traveller... at least faster to build

We can do Automation but I suggest the bridge be limited in this sense because that is where the important stuff happens and there are a dozen things in there characters can participate in so they are not left out when individual actions are not appropriate (we are running for our lives)... (Gunnery for ships weapons, Comm, E-Warfare, Shields, Sensors, Security if boarded, Any Repair to help Chris out, Nav for Space and Space+, Piloting, Ship-Handling, Strategy/Tactical) Now alot of these skills will be prime skills for Chris and Myself but extra hands to distribute the workload would help and would allow for others to keep involved.... just like I have to worry about not ship-centric skills to keep myself useful off ship others should at least have 1 or 2 things they can do to help the ship...

We could have a large automaton pool that could help in repairs but would need someone running Damage Control to organize it and prioritize it, Someone running Sensors and E-warefare could detect enemies and aggressive signals and battle them, Shields and Tactical could focus on defense, Gunnery and Security would mean being in charge of offense both inside and out of the ship... this is just an example... I am going to likely have 90% of these skills myself (might skip a few) but more intelligent brains helping would be better then trying to multi-task and run half the fight myself...

BTW the way CPU multi tasking works means that if the program/task is the highest complexity level of the computer it can only do 2 things, each step down in complexity multiplies this by a factor of 10, (20 at -1, 200 at -2 etc)... assume the mind of the CPU is 1 of the 2 running at max complexity then it could additionally run 10 at -1, or 100 at -2, etc, program/puppet automatons. An imaged personality as an AI is minimum 5+(IQ/2) complexity and anything else is going to be really low compared to that... My problem has been finding a way to make a complex enough body CPU to get my full faculties and not be the size of a building or large room... so running simple skill monkeys to fix systems, run guns, etc would not be hard but boring for everyone else

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 11:07 am
by Avilister
So far I'm looking at a character that is mostly just a normal, unmodified guy. Because this is GURPS, and I can pretty much make most things I can think of, I think I'm going to give him a laser beam from his hand, maybe magical or TK in nature, I'm still reading over things. Otherwise he's going to just be the normal un-modded human.

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 11:20 am
by Thael
wow... I hope you take enough wealth/TL to be able to get gear seems all the enemies would eat up a 300-375 pt character that was skills based

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 11:23 am
by Avilister
Are you kidding? Without spending points on super powers, I'll be like a tiny walking god of usefulness and awesome.

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 1:08 pm
by durden
Meh. I'll be able to swim fast... if I still have points leftover...

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 1:50 pm
by durden
Someone told me before that GURPS was very easy and uncomplicated. I hate that past mystery person for lying to me.

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 2:01 pm
by Thael
well if you used all the pre-made unoptimized templates and stuck with that you could be done now...

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 3:33 pm
by Rusty
Amseriah wrote:My idea is this...a fighter pilot that is cyberred out or is of a different race (hive mind perhaps). The basic original concept is a fighter craft has been created that moves too damned fast for any normal person to have any hope of using at near full potential. Thats where the cyberred out pilot program steps in...these people are in some way able to view the world faster than others. The Accelerated time sense I think...anyways for every actual second that passes these poor fucks have to experience 2-3 seconds (or more perhaps). Boring boring life for them...however for the people who created the crafts a good thing, as they now have people who can fly their damned ships...I was thinking perhaps an ftl long-distance fighter, or something similar...anyways. Would also perhaps take the compartmentalized mind once or twice, giving me extra physical actions and extra mental ones. Also the extra tracking would be a must have to allow me to track and fire upon multiple targets at once. I am interested in possibly taking latent psychic potential but its not really that important to me at this point. Anyways, it needs to be fleshed out, tell me what you think...
Well, I'm not sure that at TL10 a fighter can be built that a normal pilot cannot use. If you design your ship so that it probably should have a crew but doesn't, and you design your character such that he can independently do several jobs at once, then you wind up with a fighter that is smaller and cheaper than an equivalent vehicle would be. Also, to build a fighter that is significantly better than an equivalent, you'll be looking at around 20-30 million as a budget. If it can't be used by a normal pilot then it shouldn't be part of the mission budget. granted, I can do a 10 dTon fighter with 4 points of armor, 1 beam laser and 2 missile racks that cranks out 13.3 gs of thrust, and runs for 25 mil, but that's not a whole lot better than what we're going to have anyway. On the other hand, a TL11 fighter would outperform an equivalent TL10 fighter almost 100% of the time. Also, at TL11 new weapons start becoming available, like meson cannon and other nastiness. For 5 points you can upgrade your tech level. If you dumped 50 points or so into wealth, (you still have to pay double per tech level above 10 because its above the campaign tech level) you could afford a nice fast fighter. of course, I'd have to make you a whole new builder, or modify my existing builder to have a TL toggle. Also, some of the stuff in ultratech for TL11 or 12 is not in the traveller book, so it'd have to be added.

I'd advise that you do two things. Glance through Characters, Traveller, and Ultratech, and decide what, in game system terms, you want for your fighter/pilot. keep in mind that encounters will be random, including which aspects of play they include. You will certainly not be fighting in space in every encounter. Hopefully, fighting will be kept to a minimum. So, you need to have a dynamic character that brings more to the party than an ace pilot, as great as that pilot might be when he's needed. We already have a capital pilot who is a cyborg, so also try not to make a copy of him.

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 3:57 pm
by durden
Dammit Harness. We need a healer. You're the cleric!

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 4:04 pm
by Rusty
omar is making a medical doctor with psi powers, including some latent ones he's going to upgrade with tech.