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Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 11:48 am
by Guardiankrillin
::Abellio and Mario arrive at the town.::

"What are we looking into tonight? A rat said, we should watch out for danger?"

::Abellio follows Mario to where he wanted to investigate.::

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 3:18 pm
by rydi
"the town priest killed himself around when marco died, and this is the same priest i got the letter from. it seems connected somehow..."

::mario, more confident he won't be randomly killed, looks around the priest's room for information."

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 4:40 pm
by Guardiankrillin
*********xp Spent**************
(8 xp Perception 3rd dot)
(10 xp Presence 1st dot)
::Abellio intrigued by this possible connection searches about the room for evidence. Checking to make sure no one is around and watching other than Mario, Abellio tempts the thought that this may indeed be a dangerous endeavor turns on his Nights eye ability. This allowing him to not only see better but to also be prepared for anything coming. Abellio searches for any black substances or any unusual dusty tracks on the floors. Also checking the desk he looks for any other documents that may be of use.::

(Roll Perception + Alertness to stay alert to any changes in the surroundings while investigating.)
(Roll Perception + Investigation to check for any Black substances or unusual tracks in the dust.)
(Roll Perception + Investigation to locate anything out of the ordinary or documents that would have useful information.)

"What do you know so far about this priest and what has occured so far. Where was the body taken?"

Roll Perception + Alertness + Extra dice for Perception
Roll Perception + Investigation + Extra dice for Perception
Roll Perception + Investigation + Extra dice for Perception

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 9:23 pm
by rydi
"well, he drank alot. and he was of ill humor lately, and he got that letter. i'm not sure where they took the body. the inn keep didn't say. we could go ask i guess."

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 9:47 pm
by durden
Assuming you guys go to the inn...

:: Gerhard warmly greets the two of you and offers a couple of drinks on the house ::

"Good to see you, Mario! Sad business of late. Perro says you are looking to hold a service for dear Phillipe. How come you haven't taken the vows yet? Seems you'd make a fine priest. Got a good head on your shoulders, son. Who's your friend?"

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 10:11 pm
by rydi
"uh, i don't know... i sort of have taken vows back with my town priest before he uh... yeah, its complicated. this is abellio, he stays at the monastery with us, he'll help with the service and getting phillipe's stuff in order and such. we were just getting ready to go over there."

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2008 9:22 pm
by durden
"I'll get 'em all together then. Mighty fine of you to do this."

:: Gerhard leaves to call together the town. The cemetery rests near Perro's sheep pen, where Mario encountered the creature. The night is seasonably cold and any vampires out must remember to work to compensate for not having breath. There is a good turnout, as all in town knew Phillipe and are concerned for his soul. Faces are solemn and all eyes are on Mario. ::

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2008 10:39 pm
by rydi
"so... "
(I think there is a roll for this)

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2008 12:47 am
by durden
lol. why don't you decide which skills you use. i will share the results via pm and you can decide how eloquent your speech is.

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2008 2:04 am
by Guardiankrillin
(Abellio assists with a presence awe, assist. Then builds a pyre and put phillipe and his closest belongings on it and torches the place and leaves.)

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2008 8:44 am
by rydi
(well, i think i took theology, so i need that to say the right stuff. then linguistics to get the latin right. i technically have a dot spent on latin, but i think until i use it more i should have to roll. and then i guess expression+cha or expression+wit for talking, whichever is higher.)

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 7:08 am
by Guardiankrillin
(How is the speach coming. I want to build my pyre and burn his bible.)

(Phillipe's Funeral Rites take place here)

Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 5:58 am
by Guardiankrillin
::After Mario's inspiring speach and a congratulatory pat on the back from Abellio to Mario. Abellio sets off for Phillipe's church, to make one last survey of the area. ::

"One last check shouldn't hurt, eh Mario."

::Abellio starts his second investigation for prosperity.::

(Roll Perception + Alertness to stay alert to any changes in the surroundings while investigating.)
(Roll Perception + Investigation to check for any Black substances or unusual tracks in the dust.)
(Roll Perception + Investigation to locate anything out of the ordinary or documents that would have useful information.)

Roll Perception + Alertness
Roll Perception + Investigation
Roll Perception + Investigation #2

Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 10:23 pm
by durden
:: Abellio gives the property a good once over, again. There are no signs of any strange black substance, or any strange substances. There are signs of activity from pests, mostly rats. It seems some birds have roosted in the upper reaches of the church room among some exposed ceiling beams. Given the time of year, it seems likely they have been here for some time and must have been tolerated by the priest and flock. Rat dumpings are everywhere: floor, desk, papers. Clearly they were not allowed to roam so free whilePhillipe inhabited this space.

Furthermore, there are no signs of break in, as master detective Abellio is sure of his findings. Suicide is likely in this case, as it is in Marco's. The question of course remains, why?

One things links these men and their deaths together. The letter... ::

Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2008 4:39 am
by Guardiankrillin
::Abellio looks somewhat disappointed in his findings.::

"Why would such esteemed men kill themselves? The thing that binds them is this letter you found Mario. What could this letter be about that, would cause two of such stature to do such a thing or too persude someone to kill for? We must check with Felix to see if he recovered anything from Brother Marco's desk."

::Abellio waits as if to expect Mario to miraculously have the solutions.::