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Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2008 3:38 pm
by Thael
::Static cackles over comm::

Captain I have an alternative option. It would not take much for me to calculate a route and program some recon drones to move the derelect safely into GF territory. Include a homing becon to get the attention of any patrols and a courier pod with instructions and we can allow the GF to examine both the new life-forms and technology philosophies further. Granted this would be slow in completing its trip but it would be a valuable informational resource that would give many fields something to study. Worst case scenario it gets something back home in case we are detained for an extended period.

*rolls to get an estimate on time based on safe course plot while using drones to make needed corrections enroute and provide minimal acceleration*

Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2008 6:09 pm
by durden
*Rolls for Bioengineering: [2,3,3] = (8) *

*Ignac sings to the goo while collecting it. The song, a traditional Grimlackian ballad, sounds like nails on a chalkboard and dinosaur screeches to the more primitive, non-Reptilians*

Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2008 9:16 pm
by rydi
"Could someone kill me until it's over?!"

Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2008 11:00 pm
by Rusty
*thael: unless your recon drones are particularly large, they will be unable to significantly alter the course of the derelict. However, it is already on a course to the GF, it's just a matter of time until it gets there. The derelict is over 1000dTons, and as such it weighs in the neighborhood of 15000 to 20000 tons, or would in atmosphere. Unless your drones can, in concert, exert 2000 tons of thrust, they would not be able to increase the speed or change the heading of the craft in any reasonable timeline. Also, the ship is travelling at sublight speeds, which means a matter of centuries before it reaches the GF, almost regardless of its speed. (You're about 400 light years from the border). However, once it's course and speed are plotted, a GF ship could come and get it, perhaps the carrier that dropped your ship off, in which case it would be large enough to physically pick up the ship and take it back to civilization)*

*the microbes rejoice in your music, dancing and singing along. They somehow know they've been rescued, and they hope to please you endlessly by being interesting and protective.*

*cheyne: you are able to repair the ship in short order while chris rescues his 200 trillion new friends. hooray.*

Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2008 11:27 pm
by rydi
(dandy. do we have drones in large supply, or can we make them? i want very badly to send back a drone at this point to warn that there are in fact bad things out here, but if it's the only one we'll ever have, it wouldn't be a good idea to do it now.)

(p.s. good idea thael. we just don't have the tech for it. now if we had a jumpgate point...)

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2008 8:41 am
by Thael
*roll Navigation (at 15+) to determine the expected course and check for any known bodies/events that might negatively affect the derelict*

On second thought Captain it seems the hulk is dense enough our drones wont impact it effectively. I suggest still using the homing becon and then dispatching a drone with the logs and any information Ignac can glean from the new lifeform.

Exemplar do you wish me to send over some maintenance drones to assist with patching the hull since your suit was compromised in the explosion. Alternatively I can send over some new suits for the away team to change into from the air lock of a second shuttle.

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2008 9:41 am
by rydi
"if you want. not required though."

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 2:09 am
by Alpha Phoenix
Seeing the ensign and the Grimlackian chief engineer preparing to board an incoming return shuttle to rendezvous with the ship, but not wanting to break rank and file during an expedition, Asa hails the ship over the comm.

*Mild white noise bleeds through the open channel*

"Captain, requesting permission to re-board, and to extract some of the bodies for further inspection in the sickbay. I believe an autopsy of the black-armored organisms found within the airlock will be more insightful than my preliminary conjectures of them being 'insectoid psions.' Perhaps Engineer Ignac would be interested in examining the composition of their armor? For quarantine reasons, I would like to transport the bodies of the two black-armored organisms and one of the organisms that operated this derelict via another shuttle altogether; I am as yet not certain, to my satisfaction, that these organisms do not contain any contagious agents, and I would be remiss if I exposed the entire crew to potential vectors of unknown diseases. Likewise, I would suggest that the entire away team undergo standard sterilization protocol: although I have determined that the bioengineered microbial substance is, in fact, non-toxic, I have not had sufficient time to do a thorough scan of this vessel for potential pathogens. If you wish, I could work with the Chief Engineer to commence work on synthesizing the signal molecule, as well. Over."

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 8:27 am
by Avilister
"Permission granted to bring the bodies aboard. I'm sure anything we learn about them can be useful. Go ahead and go through sterilization - no sense in taking chances this far from home." Indeed, if they all died out here and never got word back home, no would would know for months, maybe years.

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 8:54 am
by Rusty
*it seems that aside from physically completing the tasks you have decided to complete, your work on this encounter is done. Unless anyone wishes to do anything else with the derelict, aside from what has already been scheduled, then we can consider this thread closed. With a full day spent conducting your work, in addition to the time spent exploring and using skills, your journey will resume on 758.1.30. Everyone who participated in the thread as of this post receives 3 experience points. RP was good for this session. I felt that chris, thael, and cheyne did the most IC. Steven and Omar made a few posts, partly because they came in late and partly because their characters didn't have a lot to do. 1 bonus RP xp for everyone who has a post in this thread, and 2 bonus RP xp for chris, cheyne, and thael. So, 4 for everyone, and 5 for chris, thael, and cheyne. Different encounters will focus on different characters, and as this was mostly an exploration and solving mission it seems logical that chris, the engineer, would play a central role. Keep in mind in the coming encounters that everyone, regardless of their job on the ship, can contribute if for no other reason than that they are ambassadors.*

*if you asked me for information or made a die roll to which you haven't received a reply, please post so now, and in future, if I post after your roll and without responding to it, please PM me.*

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 9:38 am
by Thael
Ugghh... now I have MORE xp to allocate... still haven't finished character creation... Gideon your killin me :lol:

all in all if this is how this will typically play out I think this will be enjoyable..

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 3:29 pm
by rydi
(seems good. we still need to get pts for backgrounds, but that can wait till everyone is done probably)