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Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 12:21 am
by Liquidprism
There are words... he actually sang about several in fact. I think what you wanted to say, is that there are no words to adequately describe the things that clip made you feel. I agree.

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 5:06 pm
by rydi

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 8:04 pm
by Amseriah the banks and lending institutions KNEW that they were selling mortgages to people that would most likely foreclose but sold them anyways because they needed to "push those houses" so that their numbers looked good? That is disgusting, they actually ruined lives because of that. A lot of people assume that if the bank will give them the money for a house then they can afford said house, not taking the home owners insurance, increased utilities, property tax, and maintenence into account. The fucking house-flippers are just as dirty if they were using false pretenses and income statements to purchase their projects.

Fuck the banks, fuck the oil companies, fuck the man!!!!

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 8:06 pm
by Rusty

you want to fuck the man? doesn't that make you gay?

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 8:26 pm
by arete
Um rusty incase you did not know amseriah has always been gay

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2009 2:57 am
by Liquidprism
HELL YA..> DAMN THE MAN! THis is now the official punkrock, anti-establishimentary, not concervative (at all), break your self, hedonist, sex-god of wakka thread. I am the mascara ladden, neo-hippie-rocker-elf-pirate messiah here to take your minds and free your hair!

The message is clear...DAMN THE MAN...THE MAN!!!!!!

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2009 10:19 am
by angelicyokai
Not to speak against the mindless masses of humanity, and in favor of evil corporations or anything, but a person possessed of a working brain should be able to open their check book (portfolio, shoebox, ect) and say "Hey, I live on ramen and easy mac, maybe the 5 bedroom super bungalow is a bit above my price range." Don't get me wrong, all banks and lending institutions are generally evil, but to my knowledge, they haven't quite gone mafia enough to force people to sign the mortgage paperwork.

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2009 3:21 pm
by Amseriah
but what if they did....hmmmm??? What if they did....

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 6:59 pm
by Rusty
I'm watching conan the barbarian. At about 40 minutes in he punches out a camel for no reason at all. I now love this movie.

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 7:27 pm
by rydi
no, there is a reason... he's high.

conan is among my 5 favorite movies of all time.

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 5:22 am
by Rusty
now I'm watching a wonderful gem called "Mutant Chronicles", it's fucking spectacular.

In the distant future, there is only world war one. And 1984, and apparently Dungeons and Dragons. Also undead tyrannid mutants. Ron perlman stars as little red riding hood.

Features a great scene towards the beginning in which a woman and her child make it to an evacuation site, but she lost one of her tickets, so a soldier tosses her child into a leaving craft, which immediately collides with another one, and fills with flame, and then both of them fall twenty stories onto some fleeing refugees. That was the entire point of the scene, as far as I can tell so far the woman was otherwise pointless.

Anyone else seen/enjoyed this bizarre film?

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 3:36 pm
by Avilister

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 5:45 pm
by Avilister
If any of you care at all, or frequent them, the White Wolf forums were reset on 3/1. Re-registration is now required.

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 9:33 pm
by Lady Kitsune

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 11:01 am
by Avilister