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Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2008 4:02 pm
by Alpha Phoenix
Being Hindu myself (although, I do believe in reincarnation, and always thought it would be an interesting story to have someone who, in their past life, was a horrible and despicable person, and was plagued by past memories in their current life. I mean, being plagued by memories that aren't yours, but at the same time are yours, as well; isn't that wild? That plays into a lot of philosophical traps, such as "is there such a thing as the soul?" and some such. Now, being a scientist (somewhat...I guess that's debatable :-P), I realize that there is no empirical proof of a soul, and I do not want to get into a debate about it on this board. As such, in my revised history of Asa, I specifically said that his "visions" might not really be from a "past life." It could be induced by the radiation, for all we know. I tried to make it ambiguous and up to debate; sure, Asa believes it's reincarnation, but that does not have to be the truth. I think it is important to note that these visions are not a form of psychosis; they actually are visions of past events. And, he would definitely not tout this belief to anyone and everyone (I mean, it's not a real ice-breaker or conversation-starter: "hey, I think that in my past life I was a Hitler-esque figure!"); but it gives my character motivation for being selfless. Also, it explains his character traits of "nightmares," "flashbacks," and "light sleeper."

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2008 4:23 pm
by Amseriah
Wow....I like it....between, this and Cheyne's story however I feel like I should just write mine in crayon with bad spelling and backwards letters....Oh character and story will develop albeit slowly.

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 2:22 am
by Alpha Phoenix
Thanks, Paul. But your character history is revealing and succinct, which is, IMO, a lot more effective than long and overly-detailed. I admit that I put a lot of data that is totally unnecessary for the game itself in the history (in retrospect, I should have done what Cheyne did and start a new thread within this board to post Asa's full history; I think I will cut and paste the history into a separate "character thread" once it is in sync with the setting, finalized, and approved). I can take one look at your character's synopsis and get an precise (if somewhat generalized) definition of your character: a bad-ass, cyberred-out warrior of an insectoid alien race who uses insane battle armor :-D. Lol...if you ever have played Battletech (or are familiar with the setting), you would get what I mean when I say your character sounds like a "bug Elemental ODing on steroids" ;-) :-P.

Plus, I personally prefer to have character development occur mostly in-game. I try to have a detailed history for all my characters, just 'cause I love exploring back-stories in general, but I think sometimes that it's pointless because they usually do not factor into a game with any significance, and I go way too overboard with I could probably cut half my history out and I'd still be good :-\. Ah well, I'm's all good.

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 2:36 am
by rydi
you should post in the threads i've already set up if you post your planet and stuff. that's what they are there for. background was good btw. i liked it.

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 9:33 am
by Thael
and don't forget Gideon actually likes them long like that.... I suspect it is why he is offering free xp for writing things up... now what he does with all that info once he has I am not going to speculate but I am WAY less suspicious of that than I am about Cheyne's so called "survey"... I am waiting for that stuff to pop up in a thesis someday... kinda like the guy who did a thesis on MMORPG players...

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 9:53 am
by Amseriah
Hey what rank would Security Officer be? In ST they are Lt. don't know what number rank that translates to...

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 10:25 am
by Thael
I am guessing 3 or 4... Stephen is 6 as Cpt and I am 5 as XO... so no more than 4 for sure but maybe as low as 3

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 10:47 am
by Rusty
3 is fine.

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 11:07 am
by Amseriah
Updated character skills and added rank 3

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 3:15 pm
by Amseriah

This is the best image of my character that I have found. IRL he looks more monstrous, instead of having a mouth like a human's he has mandibles, longer wings, and yellow and black as opposed to yellow and purple.

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 3:27 pm
by rydi
i thought purple was very fitting...

so, someone did a thesis on mmorpgs? interesting. i'd like to read it.

and no, at the very most all that survey would be is a point in a direction to do further research in, as it was actually rather filled with errors and the questions were not anywhere near clear or direct enough for actual science related surveys.

Posted: Sat May 03, 2008 4:17 pm
by Amseriah
Hey Gideon if you are around I have a question for you. Where would I find information on teleporters, such as cost and size?

Posted: Mon May 05, 2008 8:23 am
by Thael
as I remember they were mentioned in the Space book... don't have it with me so can't be positive...

Posted: Tue May 06, 2008 6:32 am
by Amseriah
cool thanks, I will look at it tonight