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Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2008 11:15 pm
by durden
Lancelot Iscariot. Now there's a name you can trust!

Sounds good. I was thinking of Trek and the broken-down crazy-ass Human colonies they always came upon. Live is great on Earth, but it sucked to be a pioneer.

Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2008 11:16 pm
by Rusty
it looks like you thought it out very clearly, and it's very dramatic, but it really doesn't fit in the setting. The GF would have stomped that government flat for setting up 'concentration camps' of any kind, and has seen psionics, powers, magic, and technology of every type, so would certainly not have found the behavior of the government tolerable.

Please review the setting material and rewrite your history a bit.

Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2008 11:51 pm
by durden
Hell, in original Trek there was a Psionic divion. Had it's own insignia. They considered them more evolved humans. Roddenberry never really returned to this idea, sticking with the eugenics program instead. Those are some possible ideas. Also, Ultra-tech details various brain augments that I think allow for some powers. Bio-Tech too.

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2008 2:10 pm
by rydi
I liked it alot. it also seems within the scope of the plot. the rim would be hard to patrol. and the neighboring "good" planets, probably all fed, stomped on the offending world immediately after finding out. 50ish years is an eye blink for a massive beuraucracy like the fed, even if it is a "good" and well intentioned organization, and what was described could easily have taken place in an even shorter time period. what's the problem?

also, a problem that has to be addressed: if all conflict and negativity is removed as a possibility for the setting, character/players are going to have difficulty making good background stories. "I was born, lived happily, trained hard, turned out exceptionaly well adjusted, then went into space. the end."

did you take psi talents, or psi advantages? talents modify skill rolls, while just the advantage is the power itself... ill look at it tonight to see if u did it right. and there are some discounts I know will go well.

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2008 3:01 pm
by Amseriah
I agree with a Utopian society, even an interstellar one, there would seem to be a very negative association placed upon any military that there might be. Most likely there wouldn't be a military force, or even police since a society such as this would realize that such forces would create the possibility for abuse in any individual that might be less enlightened than the rest of society. Unless of course this Utopian society is a police state of course, in which the population has effectively been tamed to be a very passive herd of cows, with no resentment because all of their needs are taken care of and those that might rebel against it are erased. I can see a Utopian society in which there is no military and therefore no weaponry and soldiers, or a very good society that still experiences its little uprisings. Don't know, just my 2 cents.

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2008 5:45 pm
by Amseriah
And now presenting after many hours or character: Challx Rshosth

Racial Template: Zzalex warrior caste


Flight: +40 (-75%)= +10
-Wings -25%
-Obvious -5%
-Temporary disadvantage: Bad Back -15%
-cannot carry heavy loads for fear of injuring themselves
-Temporary disadvantage: Lame-parapalegic -30%
-cannot use legs to do anything when in flight with wings

DR 3: +15 (-25%)= +11
-Nuissance effects:
-hideous -20% (-4 reaction mod)
-obvious -5%
-big bright yellow and black striped...not hiding at all

TL 12: +10

360 Vision: +25 (-20%)= +20
-Easy to hit -20%
-big compound eyes

Psi-static: +30 (-20%)= +24
-Reaction Penalty -4: -20%
-how can you trust someone when you cannot read their mind?

Altered time rate: +100/lvl (-80%): +20/lvl [Latent: +10pts]
-Temporary Disadvantage: Absent-mindedness -37% (Hard to focus on subject at hand when everyone is so slow)
-Temporary Disadvantage: Impulsiveness -25% (Very hard to wait on others at this speed)
-Temporary Disadvantage: Disturbing Voice -10% (Talks almost too fast to understand)
-Temporary Disadvantage: Noisy Lvl 4 -8% (Constantly moving, clicking, ect.)

Hard to Kill: 2/lvl, Lvl 3= +6

DX +2: +40



Bad Temper (Save at 15 or less) -5
Low Empathy -20
Mundane Background -10
Monstrous -20
Fanatacism -15 (fanatical to the Queen )
Numb -20 (Due to the exoskeleton)
Cold-blooded -5
Frightens Animals -10 (animals sense the predator in them.....they react accordingly, have never domesticated animals for livestock or pets)
Berserk -10 (All the Warriors are Berserkers)
Clueless -10 (they do not understand mammalian emotions or motivations)
Restricted Diet -10 (Carnivores)
Social Stigma -15 (Monsters, monstrous, these creatures are totally alien and violent)


Total Template Cost: -19



Nightmares -5
Bloodlust -10
Duty -20
-Military, Always on, Very hazardous
On the Edge -15
Odious Personal Habit -3
-Constant moving and twitching
Overconfident -5
Code of Honor -10
Lightsleeper -5
Quirks: Sterile, Staid -2



Accelerated Time Rate Lvl 4: +70
Immunity: +15
-Space sickness
Ambidexterity: +5
Daredevil: +15
Extra Attack: +25
Gunslinger: +25
-Guns (5/lvl) 1: +5
-Pilot (5/lvl) 1: +5
Wealth: Filthy Rich: +50
DX +3: +60 (DX 15)
IQ +1: +20 (IQ 11)
Rank at 10/lvl, 3: +30



Gun! (all Beam weapons, gunner, guns, and liquid projector, as well as all related Fast-draw skills. Make an IQ based roll for Armoury) At DX: +24
Aerobatics at DX: +4
Brawling at DX: +1
Enviro Suit at DX+1: +4
Force Sword at DX: +2
Pilot! (all Piloting, Free fall, Electronics (vehicle), Navigation, Mechanics (vehicle), Crewman) at DX: +24
Shield DX+1: +2
Soldier at IQ: +2
Tactics at IQ: +4
Search at IQ: +2

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2008 10:27 pm
by Amseriah
The last point about points remaining is for my notes...sorry, lol. Anyways I am thinking about removing the Psi-static and then upping something else or getting minor regen....blah...any suggestions?

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2008 11:58 pm
by Rusty
So, I seem to have failed in my job as GM to accurately describe the setting. The GF, and all that crap. I say this because almost everyone who has made a character for this game has made it clear that I had not impressed upon them what the GF is and all that.

This is science fiction, and for the first time in my gaming career I am introducing an element of 'political science' fiction. The feel I've been going for is that from the old black and white and early color sci fi stories, such as forbidden planet and others from that era. In the original star trek series, the federation was a bright happy utopia in which everyone was equal and there was no bad, no dark lining. This was also present in next generation until rodenberry died, and a much more 'realistic' image of the federation was painted.

Part of what I like about the GF so much is that it isn't realistic. It's a future society that is in every way perfect, the mary poppins of government. But of course they have a military, because they have always kept open the notion of some unforseen military threat. The two aren't exclusive in a 'perfect world'. Honestly, I had never intended for so much examination of the GF to go on. I think if I were there in person, I would be better able to explain things and a lot of the apparent communication errors would never have happened.

I'm not sure that any of you have read the Lensman series, I think thael has read at least part of it. In that setting, the Galactic Patrol is beyond corruption and avarice, they are unquestioningly loyal and good. I think in the fifth or sixth book there does appear an antithesis to the galactic patrol amongst the boskonians, but it is not infiltrating them. This sense of idealism disappeared from the series in the sixth and final book, which was delayed while Doc Smith worked for the US govt during world war two, and some suspect helped on the manhattan project. This was really the turning point in science fiction that, at least for me, was the end of the idealistic golden age sci fi in which man was essentially good and capable of building a just, sustainable soceity. After this point, with a few exceptions and star trek was one of them, sci fi began to slowly explore a darker vision of the future. Recall that orwell published 1984 in 1948, which is directly in the axis of this turning point.

So, I'm a reasonable human being, and not so bent on an idea that only I was aware of to insist any longer that all of you conform to it. I agree with some of your points, wholeheartedly that it is idyllic and unrealistic, but that was part of the point. Also, I acknowledge without reservation, that it is difficult to write interesting characters from a utopian society. However, I don't recall the crew of the first enterprise having that much in the way of interesting background. I mean, the scottish engineer? wtf?

So, since I'm not even playing in this game, I will ask the players.

Would you rather go for a 'harder' more contemporary sci fi feel than I've been working towards? Most of you are intimately familiar with the starforge game and all of its incarnations, so I can say with confidence that I can make this game gritty, dark, and multifaceted. If you'd rather the GF resemble the alliance from firefly then that's reasonable, and I get the impression that some of you may have already gotten that impression.

If you'd all rather have this, then I'll happily do it. I am in no way interested in cancelling this game, but I have suffered some significant frustration over this matter, so, let's ALL have fun, and make sure we are all on the same page on this matter.

To clarify how I originally foresaw this game being focused on, was that your characters, as ambassadors and paragons of your races, would have an almost irresistable platform from which to negotiate with new alien races, and that platform would be to join the GF. If we go in this alternate route, then that will change and from the outset of your first encounter with sapient life, things might be a lot more difficult than "come join us" = "ok, let's be friends".

I do apologize if I've been bitchy about this, I hope you can understand my frustration at saying something, and not being understood. I claim responsibility for this, it is my job as GM to illustrate the setting, and I seem to have failed at that, in this respect.

So, a vote from everyone who has already posted a character, black and white pre-WWII utopia or other. Please elaborate on your responses as much as you can, I want to run a game that everyone enjoys.

Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2008 8:45 am
by rydi
i understand your frustration, and have been there many times myself before.

i suppose my problem is that i didn't think the two were mutually exclusive. like with omar's post. the gf IS good. it whips the shit out of the dicks that fucked with his people. but it didn't get there quite in time to prevent all the suffering. because there is always going to be one bad apple. and not even in the government. it may just be a random fringe element in some backwater world. the government in a utopian society would likely be a good group, that screened for the most honorable and capable individual the galaxy over. in a utopian super-powered setting, i think the problems would come from the populace more often than not.

or my background. what is a good, perfect society to do when faced with beings that could fuck entire world? be nice to them? sure. live by their existing ideals of justice and equality? definitely. plan for the eventuality that these gods go mad and start fucking with shit? hell yes. that doesn't make them evil, just not stupid. and when they work with the supers government to start powering down the genome of the supers, that is actually looking out for their people as well as the entire gf. what happens when phoenix and magneto and superman and thor all disagree over who won the recent game of hopscotch? or when one of them starts suffering from dementia? Boom. so the universe is a better place without quite so much power in the hands of fallible mortals. and for those that still have it... well, it wasn't taken away. those that know about it just live in fear :)

no, i think we can do bright shiny goodness. i just think that a utopian gov will always face problems, and conflict will always arise. even if just at the interpersonal level. in a society without money, there will be some people that go after fame instead. or prestige. or the better living accomodations. anything to get ahead. its hard wired into genetics. and if we solve that problem, there are still hundreds or thousands of species that probably won't. which makes the government peace keepers and military even more important. and i think the government, in its search for the best people for the position, would likely take on those who have experienced iniquity first hand. who better to put down a rebellion or capture a criminal than omar's character? he's seen it, fought it, and is more dedicated to the federation than any 10 others.

anyway, i need to go to work. but in closing, i want happy shiny. the only realism i would like is the concession that human (or alien) nature will occassionally result in badness that has to be dealt with. isn't that the case with even golden age sci fi?

Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2008 3:15 pm
by Thael
I am fine with the "perfect GF" concept and since I read the first 1 or 2 lensman books (and others of similar style) I know what Gideon is looking for... thing is though even what I read of the lensman books did not paint an omniscient government that stopped the bad before it happened... things like the occasional bully/bank robber will happen but they are usually stopped quickly and nothing horrible (like a serial killer going for months uncaught) ever happen... there are plenty of things that can drive the characters to reach their epic abilities and hence get them selected for this mission but most of it would be minor (in our realistic view) and very transitory... I personally am suffering an accident by some rogue business competitors who anonymously attacked my ship as revenge for cutting a better deal and "stealing" their business...

Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2008 9:48 pm
by rydi
on other topics...

i just got 4th ed supers. i will be making changes to my build. mostly little ones, but one big one: no visible damage! it's a perk that can only be taken by unkillable characters, and it does what it describes. and more specifically, it says you can't suffer dismemberment. that means i don't have to buy regrowth (didn't make sense anyway; i can die and regen everything, or i can live and never get my arm back if i don't haver regrowth?! dumb. but i guess that's why they made the perk).


supers, 4th ed says:
In a campaign that uses wildcard skills (see Wildcard Skills,
p. 36), these shouldn’t benefit from a Talent. Talents cost as little
as 5 points per level; after the first level, wildcard skills cost
6 points per level, and 12 points per level from then on. GMs
can either rule that Talents still exist but don’t benefit wildcard
skills because their scope is too broad, or simply disallow
Talents entirely. The former approach has more to recommend
it if some Talents, such as Green Thumb, also serve as power
Talents for such things as Plant Powers.
your character looks good. not sure what would be worth getting though. minor regen is a waste for the most part. you're in a ship/exo-suit. if you take damage, you're dead anyway. don't bother.

also, supers has a pilot! skill in it as well. works differently. allows for all piloting, even large starships, and use of weapons systems while piloting, but doesn't include a few of the skills on your list. i think it is probably appropriate to take either one though, so you should probably read the other to see which is more effective for you.

I looked up your power costs, and you were using the talents instead of the powers themselves, as i had feared. this means that you will have to re-examine some of your costs.

warp = 100 base cost (teleportation)

healing = 30 base cost, +80% to affect all living things, or +100% to affect all animate things

telecommunication/telesend = 30 base

you also can add some restrictions to make all of these cheaper. the best one for your story, off the top of my head, is just making them all psi (-10% each). there are others. i'll look some more later.

on the bright side however, you can erase all other skills related to medicine, since you took it as a wildcard skill (they're all covered) which leaves you a few more points.

also, i assumed you actually wanted the powers active at character creation. if you just wanted the latent abilities, then ignore the stuff i said, and go with the talents you've got.


Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2008 10:28 pm
by durden
No Chris recommendations??

So Gid. I understand that I was a little off in my original story regarding a paternalistic attitude toward my race by the GF. I wasn't thinking so dramatic, just a sort of, "Bless their little hearts," type. I am fine with a perfectly accepting and embracing federation. I like Golden Age sci-fi. I don't know if you didn't say "Golden Age" before or if I just missed it, but I get it and think it's cool. Requires some real suspension of disbelief at times, but that's part of the fun! Politcal feng shui. "I rush across the room, do a front flip, and shake that man's hand to welcome him into the GF!"

Btw, I'd love to build some pots-and-pans robots.

Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2008 10:49 pm
by Rusty
allright then, I'll concede that the GF keeps a standing military and is prepared to swat injustice wherever it rises, but strongly encourages and in fact requires that member races police themselves to that same end. Cool. Onwards and upwards.

Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2008 11:23 pm
by rydi

and no chris. you're too cool to need my advice.


Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2008 11:41 pm
by Amseriah
I am not dead, I will comment tomorrow...long day at work, much back pain, very tired....