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Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 11:31 am
by rydi
you might just try adding the wildcard skill to the talent instead. i think that the way wildcards are supposed to work is that they actually become a new skill with sub-actions.

but you know, the 4th ed supers book has alot of stuff detailing wildcard skills... if you were to get it, i'm sure it would clarify everything and then make you dinner and have sex with you... and then you could give it to me...

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 11:39 am
by Thael
assuming a person would do such things with a book... would you really want it afterwards??

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 11:40 am
by rydi
depending on its format... sure.

btw, i don't think you need ST

Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 9:46 am
by Alpha Phoenix
Hey you guys,
I have to really apologize for not posting yet. I have all the books, but I have never played GURPS before and am not familiar with the system of character generation. I have not made the time to read all the books (my reading list right now consists entirely of medical texts, lmao), but I was wondering if someone can help me with my character creation, please? Cheyne, I have very reliable information that you are very vesed in GURPS character creation ;-) :-). I'd welcome any help from anyone right now. I read the post of the game, and it looks great so far :-). I definitely am going to jump in (and I think it'll be much easier to play after the wave of exams goes by). I am planning on playing a psionic physician, but I really would like a condensed character creation system, or at least references to the least amount of reading I need to do to stat my character. Thanks you all! :-D

Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 11:16 am
by durden
The neat thing about psionics is that it makes advantages chaeaper. You get a nifty -10% off the price of the advantage by making it psionic (coming from the fact that psionics may be blocked). Cheyne is a min/max god. He made unkillable cheap by adding nuisance effects. I mean damn.

Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 11:28 am
by Avilister
Alpha Phoenix wrote:I have never played GURPS before and am not familiar with the system of character generation
Welcome to the club. We're all learning the hard way. Almost all of character creation can, convieiently (god I can't spell...) be done with just the Characters book, or at least thats what I found. I had to dip into Ultratech for gear, but otherwise, pretty much everything was in the characters book.

Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 1:52 pm
by rydi
if you trust me, i'll just make it for you. really isn't that hard now that i know the system.

just tell me what you want to play, what you want your race to be like, and how you want interact w/the game world, and i will endeavor to build you something simple and straightforward that is still effective.

Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2008 1:58 pm
by Amseriah
OK, so changing my concept a little bit since we already have people with piloting and we don't as of yet have any powered-armor users...I am sticking with the insectoid race, high TL and dreadnought type armor...should have more soon....possibly even a completed character (god I suck)

Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2008 2:04 pm
by rydi
just give your powered armor space flight and the ability to change shapes, and you can do both!

Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2008 2:08 pm
by Amseriah
Thats what I really want to do, just don't know how to within the scope of rules for Ultratech...throw more money at it??? And if so how much....a little overwhelmed by the wealth of knowledge presented in these books

Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2008 8:25 pm
by Alpha Phoenix
Hey Cheyne, thanks for the offer; I appreciate it very much :-)! Of course, I trust you entirely to make a totally bad-ass character for me; after having heard from Gideon of your impressive character-creation abilities, and having personally seen your character for this adventure (kudos, btw :-)), I have no doubt that I'd love a character that you make for me :-D.

However, that being said, I think this is something I have to do on my own. I say this for two reasons: 1. I realize we all have very busy lives, and I feel it would be highly rude of me to push yet another task on you, another burden, that should be mine to handle; and 2. if I do not get a handle on game concepts right now, especially something as basic as character creation, I'm in serious trouble in the long-run.

Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2008 8:49 pm
by rydi
that's cool. i'd prefer not to have to anyway.

i'm sure you will do fine. it is a pretty simple process once you get started, and especially for characters that don't have alot of super powers, it is also pretty fast/easy.

Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2008 9:29 pm
by Alpha Phoenix
Okay, so I spent yesterday night (after getting over my anatomy-practical-induced stupor) looking into GURPS character creation. I made a rough character concept, and have the sheet down. I do not have any equipment, and would welcome *any* advice, tips, or comments on my character, lol.

Name: Asa Rachim Chananya (pronounced "AY sah" "RAY kim" "hah nahn yah")

Player: Omar Shri Buddhu

Height: 5'10'' Weight: 150 lb Size modifier: 0 Age: 30 yrs

Eye Color: Turquoise Hair Color: Strawberry-blond Sex: Male

ST 9 [-10] HP 9 [0] TL 12 [10]
DX 15 [+100] Will 15 [0]
IQ 15 [+100] Per 15 [0]
HT 9 [-10] FP 9 [0]

Reaction Modifiers:
Status: +0
Other: +0

Basic Lift: 16 DAMAGE
Basic Speed 6 [0] Thr 1d-2
Basic Move 6 [0] Sw 1d-1

Templates: None

Ambidexterity [5]
High Manual Dexterity 1 [5]
Language Talent [10]
Photographic Memory [10]
Psychic Healing Talent lvl 4 [20]
Telekinesis lvl 4 [20]
Telepathy Talent lvl 3 [15]
Teleportation Talent lvl 2 [10]
English (Native) (Native Language) [0]
*Includes +1 from Language Talent

Perks: None

Code of Honor (Professional) [-5]
Combat Paralysis [-15]
Flashbacks (Severe) [-10]
Light Sleeper [-5]
Nightmares (12 or less) [-5]
Pacifism (Reluctant Killer) [-5]
Post-Combat Shakes (12 or less) [-5]
Selfless (12 or less) [-5]

Quirks: None

Beam Weapons/TL 12 (Pistol) 15 DX+0 [1]
Electronics Operation/TL 12 (Medical) 14 IQ-1 [1]
Electronics Operation/TL 12 (Scientific) 14 IQ-1 [1]
Electronics Repair/TL 12 (Medical) 14 IQ-1 [1]
Electronics Repair/TL 12 (Scientific) 14 IQ-1 [1]
Expert Skill (Epidemiology) 14 IQ-1 [2]
Expert Skill (Psionics) 13 IQ-2 [1]
Medicine! 12 IQ-3 [3]
Pharmacy/TL 12 (Synthetic) 13 IQ-2 [1]
Physician/TL 12 (Human) 14 IQ-1 [2]
Physiology/TL 12 (Human) 13 IQ-2 [1]
Research/TL 12 14 IQ-1 [1]
Surgery/TL 12 (Human) 14 IQ-1 [4]

Conditional: +1 from "High Manual Dexterity" when performing DX-based tasks, +4 from "Telekinesis" when performing DX-based tasks.

Is this post is getting very busy, I'll post a short character bio and concept right now, after this post.

Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2008 9:45 pm
by Alpha Phoenix
Now, I realize there are several ways of making my powers a lot more efficient, cost-wise, by putting limitations on them and nuisances, and such. But I am not sure exactly how to go about that, yet, lol, heehee. I'm just glad I got a basic character sheet done, for now; you gotta learn to crawl before you walk, right? ;-)

Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2008 10:47 pm
by Alpha Phoenix
Asa is a Human born to a technologically-advanced society on the rimward world of Heimat; unfortunately, this vast knowledge of creating and maintaining extraordinary machines did not come with enlightenment in terms of equality and acceptance. Natural electromagnetic phenomena around focused parts of the planet exposed its inhabitants to mutagenic amounts of radiation, primarily in the form of very low concentrations of gamma rays. The incidence of malignant cancers in the populations who lived in these areas of dispersed EM radiation increased dramatically. However, very rarely, other mutations presented as well: people with the ability to glimpse into the future (not mere con-artists who claim to possess this power), people who could read other people's thoughts, and even people who could alter the time-space continuum and teleport through space instantaneously, without the aid of technology.

These individuals became prime targets for the quasi-totalitarian Central Planetary Government (CPG) of Hemait. The government figured they could use these individuals as interrogators, informants, spies, and a host of other capacities. Heimat had never seen psionic individuals before, and knew very little of psionics. Eventually, the general populace began to fear psionic individuals due to their "differences." It became worse when many psionics did not wish to aid the government in espionage or interrogations; many of these individuals merely wanted to be left alone.

The government corralled the populace against the psionics of Heimat. They were hunted down mercilessly. Those who did not want to "help" the regime of the planet were placed in concentration camps, and rarely heard from again.

Some of the psionics banded together and formed resistance groups that waged a futile guerilla-style campaign against the CPG. Caedmon Chananya was one of the most prominent figures of the Resistance. He had seven children, five sons and the youngest two were twin girls. Asa was the fifth and youngest son. He trained them all to be warriors from a young age.

When Asa was 8-yrs-old, his world fell apart. He and his family (his parents, four brothers, and his little sisters) were encamped in their bivouac deep within the Asgorth Forest. Earlier in the week, they had finished executing a successful campaign to obtain supplies and munitions from raids on CPG depots.

Little did any of their Resistance cell know that they had a mole in their midst. The mole, Lancelot Iscariot, was a childhood friend of Caedmon and a trusted advisor. He had been bought off by the CPG several months ago, and had managed to inform the CPG of Caedmon's location in the Asgorth Forest.

At roughly 3 a.m. UTC, the CPG launched their ambush. The camp was thrown into disarray and engulfed by chaos. Asa awoke to the sounds of screams and gunfire. Caedmon aroused those in the tent who were not yet awake, and after arming themselves they went into the fray.

Although Asa was well-versed in the usage of energy pistols by now (his small hands precluded the usage or practice of heavier weapons), this was the first battle he had experienced. In the first few exchanges, he watched his two eldest brothers fall in a concentrated cross-fire. Salvo after salvo of weapons fire ignited the air. Asa became panicked, and went for his mother, who he found lying in a pool of blood--her own. He started to cry, and sank to his knees beside his dead mother.

In the aftermath of the ambush, both of his parents were dead. Asa, his younger sisters, and one of his brothers were among the survivors; the only ones left alive were those too young or too old to fight effectively. Everyone else was killed. The survivors were herded together and brought to the nearest concentration camp.

Asa lived for two years in the camp, experiencing horrors best left unsaid. Experiments were conducted daily upon the prisoners, the CPG scientists trying to evaluate the differences between the psionic mind and the "normal" mind. By the time Asa was 10-yrs-old, news of Heimat CPG's illegal experiments and concentration camps leaked out to neighboring planets. The governments of these planets were horrified by the atrocities that were rumored to be committed in these camps. After diplomatic efforts with Heimat CPG failed, diplomatic efforts to persuade them to discontinue their anti-psionic regime, the planets formed a coalition to break the prisoners out by force. One such coalition task-force broke Asa out from the camp he was being kept in; unfortunately, by this time, both his older brother and one of his sisters were dead. The only survivors of the Chananya family were Asa and one of his sisters. His sister chose to remain on Heimat to try and rebuild the government, a less corrupt government, as CPG was completely dissolved after the war.

Asa chose to move to a neighboring planet, Schlem, where he learned the finer arts of medicine. He became a physician, but never forgot his harrowing past. He is haunted my memories constantly, and sworn to protect the innocent, no matter what the cost.

How does this concept sound??