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Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2009 1:08 pm
by arete
I plan to conquer more territory, and make our kingdom as defendable as possible. I will be expanding our glorious names into the savagelands for a few reasons. 1. I want our troops to experience war/combat, 2. I want to enforce our divine mandate(sub txt translantion I want power/resourses) 3. I do not want a boarder conflict directly on top of our people.

About this time lapse. I as a general rule do not like giving out time lapse exp, but after talking with cheyne I think this could be fun. We just need to be careful, and find a balanced xp package. Currently I think the package is good depending on what we plan to fight.

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2009 6:39 pm
by arete
I would like to write in a glorious battle between Bull of the North, and Adorjan were BoTN wins decisive victory that was only possible due to dragon blood, our characters (maybe from both games), and the silver pack. I think it be a cool historical event that forshadows our ways of taking creation back.

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2009 8:10 pm
by Amseriah
OK, this is something that I think could be very worthwhile depending upon how it works with mass combat, but I was thinking about possibly expanding out into the animal training charms so that we can mutate (which I can do through the charms or through the wyld) animals to use as mounts for our tiger troops. I don't know if there is actually a place in mass combat for cavalry but I think that there should be and giant birds could also be mutated to twice their size in order to carry tiger trained archers and sorcerors....just a fun little thought. Also depending upon a gm ruling on this it might actually be possible to awaken the essence of an intellegent animal (intellegent through the training charms) in the wyld, and if that is so we could possibly add jade barding to our list of artifacts for our ground pounders.

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2009 11:55 pm
by rydi
arete wrote:I would like to write in a glorious battle between Bull of the North, and Adorjan were BoTN wins decisive victory that was only possible due to dragon blood, our characters (maybe from both games), and the silver pack. I think it be a cool historical event that forshadows our ways of taking creation back.
I won't outright say I hate this. However, I would like to know what this would add to the game, and why it is worthwhile. Our phone conversation did little to make me understand the motivation for this.

You listed several things reasons for doing this:
Epic encounter
Make solars appear to be a threat
Provide a safe place
(I may have missed some, feel free to remind me)

All of these are already accomplished by other things. We have several epic encounters coming up. We have several safe places. And the solars are very clearly some of the greatest threats to the Primordial's plans.

If this happens, I don't see it adding much. But I do see it taking away.
it makes the world less dark and threatening
it makes the end battles seem more trivial
it is unrealistic (the north is useless, well defended, and the only yozi interested in it is crazy, even by yozi standards. Oh, and Adorjan has no way into creation. And the Bhodisatva already is hitting the NW section of the map, which would be a bit close for comfort)

The only major threat I see as viable to attack the north are the Fae, and I am fine with the Bull repelling them. And I'm fine with the Bull blocking Realm/Bodhisatva advance.

But as I said, I would like to hear more.

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2009 2:19 am
by Amseriah
The thing that I don't like about that idea is that I feel as though that takes away from our coolness. It's our game, not the BotN, as such we should be the ones that get all the really cool camera time and credit. If this were a Siddie game things would be different but lets face it, this is a gloryhound Solar game.

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2009 8:58 am
by Avilister
I don't see why any encounter in the North requires the presence of either player party. He's got at least a full circle of Solars. Assuming that others retreat to safety under his banner, he may even pick up a few Northern Lunars and miscellanious other Solars. Our overwhelming presence takes away from the coolness that is the barbarian warleader semi-ally at our backs.

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2009 10:35 am
by arete
I said over the phone that it would not matter who was there. I mainly wanted a conflict to occur with some of the badass solars in creation vs something irresplacely badass. I will post more after i get to work.

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2009 1:06 pm
by arete
I think it would be good to make the world less dark by having a solar victory on an epic level. The BotN is suppose to be more powerful than we are, and so it does not steel our thunder. I like the idea because I think it puts things on more of a razor edge if one of the beings on this magnitude has been defended. I think its real possibility that the eterinally powerful beings that have successed in concuring will turtle knowing they have time to recoup from the massive battles they have won, but if they know/think the solars could come succeed it keeps the action going.

I could also see this being a good event for later if now is a bad time.

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2009 8:38 pm
by rydi
later would be more sensible. just b/c doing something in the north would be a really dumb "war 2" level of mistake. Forces spread too thin and all. And honestly, the bad guys are afraid of the big solar bogeyman anyway. Not sure how I feel about lightening up the setting either, but that's just my personal thing. The setting has been pretty light so far, and that's been part of the problem. No stress.

But yeah, I think that it is inevitable that the BotN would have to fight eventually, and the scenario can play out that way I think.

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2009 5:18 pm
by arete
After looking though some stuff I am likely going to buy the gem of perfect mobility after all. It works out a little better than I thought.

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 11:15 pm
by Amseriah
Another thought that I had talked to Jason about is now that we have 2 crafters and a Factory Cathedral we can make actual airships. So now we have an opportunity....Sky Pirates!

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2009 5:27 am
by rydi
Also of note, with the death of kejak, there can now be conversation w/sidereals again.

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2009 9:03 am
by Avilister
In game Kejack isn't dead.


Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2009 12:16 pm
by arete
Good cause needs to do something be he dies.