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Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2008 10:36 am
by rydi
::as valarie continues her pjone conversation smething catches her eye. in the area she was just viewing with her telescope, a star suddenly winks out.

drawn by the odd disappearance, she moves to her telescope with the phone still pressed to one ear and a strange sense of dread growing in her mind.

when she puts her eye to the telescope, valarie is frozen in horror, unable to look away despite every fiber in her being yearning to do so. an inky blackness, darker than darkness, moves in the void, its tendrils swallowing the very stars. it is still far distant, but it moves inexoribly closer. and nearer to home, in the shadow of the consuming darkness, a small saucer approaches earth, hidden from all but those with keen supernatural senses. are they heralds of the darkness? or refugees? either way, is it possible to share the world with them? or are they here to take control and enslave the planet, kindred and kine alike? your beast fears the worst...

and then the starship falls below the horzon, and you are left alone in the night as someone speaks to you on the phone, as though nothing had happened, and the weight of the world resting firmly, and heavily, upon your shoulders.::

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2008 5:01 pm
by ladydragoon
:: Uneasiness sets upon Valerie as she realizes what has happened...they have now --after years of searching-- found her. Panic and fear floods through Valerie at an accelerated rate. As she realizes that there is someone on the other end of the phone, Valerie knows she must warn her fellow kindred of the city of the terrible occurrence that has descended upon the city. ::

(In a change of tone of voice from calm to very panicked) "L-lucretia, I-I have to go. Something t-terrible h-has happened. 'They' have come...they have found me. No one is safe. No one is safe. Warn others. Warn Nick. Flee the city. Get out while you still c---.........."

:: Valerie then without warning hangs up the phone abruptly. She looks around in a panic. She had to warn the others. She immediately redials Denton's phone. She still continues speaking in a panicked voice. ::

"D-Denton....*pause* h-have to call N-Nick. Warn him. Save yourselves. Its not safe. Here is not safe. No one is safe. I've been found...."

:: Valerie then hangs up in a panic. She unplugs the phone disconnecting it. She then moves into one of the dark corners of the observatory and sits down with her 'foil' hat firmly on her head. She begins rocking back and forth facing the entrance to the observatory. Quietly repeating 'They've found me.' ::

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2008 8:34 am
by Jack
Being completely oblivious to the events unfolding at the observatory, Johnathan places a call to retrieve his Car. After a few moments, it pulls up and he glances over to Denton as his phone rings.

Johnathan makes a "get in" motion before climbing in himself and leaving the door open. After a few moments, he pokes his head out of the car and looks at a now confused Denton. "Coming?"

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2008 9:51 am
by Guardiankrillin
::During Valaries call Denton tries to make a statement during the pause but is cut off by Valaries rambling.:

"Ah Valerie, any news from Lucretia.?"

::Valerie then goes on about her rambling. Denton a bit bewildered by the unfolding phone call slowly walks towards the car and takes a seat. Valarie then hangs up the phone and proceeds to disconnect it from the wall.::

"I am going to try to call Valerie back."

::Denton calls Valerie and recieves a busy tone.::

"Start driving towards the observatory that Valarie stays at I will make the appropriate arrangements."

:Denton gets on the phone and calls Lucretia. Denton will leave this in message form if Lucretia doesn't answer.::

"Hello Lucretia, this is Denton. I just recieved a disturbing phone call from Valerie a few moments ago. As a friend of Valeries I am requesting permision to assist Valerie in your clans territory. I have a guest taking me to the location named Johnathan and he is of clan Mekehet. I do hope you accept this request and if all is well with Valerie you would not mind giving Johnathan here a personal tour. Thank you for your time and good evening."

::Assuming permision is granted or a message is left, Denton will waive the driver on. Denton then makes another call to Nick.::

"Hi Nick, it is Denton. I have some possible disturbing news. Valerie wanted me to warn you and the city of the possibility that the city is not safe. This could be Ventru of the insane variety antics or it may be a omen. Currently I have contacted Lucretia, I and Johnathan are headed to Valerie to see what is going on. Valerie's phone has no dial tone at the moment so we are worried for her own safety even if the city as a whole is not in danger. What do you suggest?"

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2008 12:39 pm
by arete
"You should have notified me 1st. But use extreme caution, and update me when you get there"

::nick begins heading that direction via the sewers if tunnels lead there, and if not uses the car. obfuscating a few blocks from the scene including the car.::

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2008 1:23 pm
by Jack
Other than his eyebrows climbing an impressive distance up his forehead, Johnathan remains impassive to the conversation as it unfolds. A simple application of Auspex had allowed him to hear both sides of the conversation this time. A nod to the driver signalled the go-ahead to take directions from Denton, and they were soon off. Johnathan remained silent while the interchange took place, thinking it the better course of action in unfamiliar waters.

He was, however, highly curious to ascertain what he and the others would find upon reaching the observatory.

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2008 4:16 pm
by Sephone
::Having already advized her driver to change course tward Valarie's she quickly tells him to go faster hearing the sudden paniced histeria in her voice::

"Valarie?! Val, honey? What happened? Val, I need you to calm down and tell me what you saw. Valarie?!"

::The line goed dead::

*mutters* "Damnit"

::Lucretia starts groping about in a compartment under the seat and after a minuet pulls out what appears to be a large foil umbrella. (a photographers reflector) She pauses a moment::

"Well, better safe than sorry, I suppose."

::She proceeds to grab a few more items of a more threating nature. While tucking the last of it in her pockets she grabbs her phone and dials::

"Denton? Have you heard from valarie? ... Yes, she got ahold of me. I'm on my way now. I hope you'll understand, however, if I reschedule the tour for a bit later in the week."

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2008 4:26 pm
by Sephone
::Lucretia calls Ben::

"Hello Ben? It's about Valarie. ... No, I don't know what is wrong exactly, I'm on my way to the obsivatory now. For all I know she's just having some kind of episode, but on the off-chance she isn't? Could you give me a hand over here if I buzz you?"

::Lucretia hops out of the car as it pulls to a stop, telling her driver to circle around the building 'till she gets back::

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2008 4:33 pm
by Guardiankrillin
::Before finishing conversation with Lucretia.::

"Lucretia I understand completely if a rescheduling of our tour is at hand. Is it safe to help assist in this situatuion as she is a close assosiate of mine?"


Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2008 4:40 pm
by rydi
(she responds "yes". all of you meet at valarie's, and take it from there.)

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2008 4:47 pm
by Sephone
"I will know soon enough. Come if you like, I'll give you a call back if it's nothing. I have to go, almost there."

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2008 4:51 pm
by Sephone
::Lucretia rushes into the building carrying the umbrella, the other hand in her coat pocket::

"Valarie? It's Lucretia. Where are you honey? I'm here to help."


"Valarie, I really think it's better if we get out of here, don't you?"

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2008 4:58 pm
by Guardiankrillin
::As they approach the observatory and park, Denton Cloaks himself, Johnathan and the driver and the Car.::

(Intelligence + Stealth + Obfuscate -5 dice for car Roll to Cloak)

"Not to take Johnathan's thunder but Driver be ready in case the situation gets hostile. Johnathan lets go and see what Valerie is up too."

::Denton locates a side entrance or fire escape to enter the building through.::

*****Rolls sent by pm***********

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2008 6:47 pm
by arete
After seeing Lucreita show up Nick Follows her in obfuscated

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2008 7:28 pm
by Jack
"Well...if you've got the stealth covered, I'll come loaded for bear." Johnathan says as he pulls a sawed-off double-barrel breakover shotgun from under the seat with his left hand and a pistol appears in his right hand, drawn from his shoulder holster.

"Oh...uh....if you see me take aim with this bad boy," he says as he motions with the sawed-off, "get the hell out from in front of me and close your eyes. I don't need everyone going squirrly on me if I have to get serious in here. Best way in?"