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Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 11:00 am
by Thael
::The contents currently displayed by Jade's "book" concern the practices and mental excercises to increase one's focus, to make one aware of his inner chakra's and chi flow. He looks back over his shoulder::

"Is there something I am doing that summons you? Is it what I'm reading?"

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 11:42 am
by rydi
''bored. why you read that?''

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 11:55 am
by Thael
::Closes his eyes to help remember and "channel" the personality of his instructor when he asked the same thing, repeatedly::

::Spoken in a stiffer and slightly deeper voice than normal::
"To better understand the power one contains within, you must first be able to recognize that power. What good is it to try and shape wood into a bow staff if you cannot see the wood or feel the wood."

::Opens his eyes and speaks normally again::

"That is why I read this. I train myself to better myself. I better myself to better help others."

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 12:07 pm
by rydi
''wood is yucky, sticky. not clean like what I have... but I guess you're alright anyway. other dragons are ok too, but... so much... too moving... its all pretty though, even the sun and moon and stars, though ghostman and the others like me don't think so...

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 12:20 pm
by Thael
"He did not mean it literally. He meant how can I harness my potential if I cannot recognize it and control it accordingly. The wood was a metaphor."

::Pauses for a moment with a slightly unfocused look::

"What did you mean when you said wood is not like what you have? What were you referring to?"

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 12:30 pm
by rydi
::she takes on a slightly exasperated look at having to explain. perhaps she thinks you already know and are playing a strange and dull game. she speaks with the volume and excitementof spring trees scraping against the outer walls of a mausoleum::

''spear man is sun. dragon man is moon. rainbow man is stars. dance girl is water. bow man... you are wood. hiding girl is sun. funny when sun hides... fire lizard man is moon, but also wyld... I like him but he feels so yucky... metal man is sun. i'm me.''

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 1:36 pm
by Thael
::Jade's face loses its confusion as he makes the connection::

"I see what you are referring to but that was not what I meant. My master used a craftsman as an example, one I knew and trained with as part of my education. He crafted wooden tools and parts of weapons for the Order. The reference was meaning he could not ply his trade without first seeing and recognzing the wood. Its properties, weaknesses, strengths all played into how he would use it best. He then had to be able to touch the wood to manipulate it to his desires and goals. Without those abilities to percieve and interact with the wood he could not shape it into a finished product. According to my Master, we are the same. We have to look at ourselves and see our abilities, our flaws and our strengths. We have to look with a critical eye unclouded by our desires of what we wish to be percieved as. We also have to learn to take what we see and mold that to produce the effects we desire. To become stronger I must focus on the excercises, to build my body, perform the excerises that build the type of strength I want, cleanse the body of those things that would counteract development. If I want to become more knowlegeable and increase the strength of my mind it is no different. But if I cannot perceive myself, truly see myself, then I cannot see the wood beneath my fingers and the flaws would destroy my efforts. If I cannot manipulate my body then knowing my flaws does little since they remain unchanged. If I can do both I can become better. I am merely a craftsman and my life and self are my medium. The tools that I shape myself are what I read this for. I need better tools so that I can have more control and better percetion."

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 1:52 pm
by rydi
''sounds hard... I just do stuff when I want something to happen instead of thinking about it so much...''

::she reaches over and pages forward in the book if she can and makes a face::

''dancing girl doesn't like the way I dance. maybe if I do it like this she'll like me better.''

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 2:12 pm
by Thael
::Grins slightly::

"She does not like anyone else's way except hers. She did not so much graduate from the order as walk out when they were telling her to leave the Order for mis-conduct. Basically she was kicked out but don't tell her I said that, she's a bit touchy about it."

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 2:32 pm
by rydi
::peace looks happy and excited, then becomes serious::

''she can touch ideas?! if I make her like me will she teach me?!''

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 2:53 pm
by Thael
::Looks quizzical then laughs::

"No she cannot physically touch ideas. She is easily angered over that subject. What she believes and what others believe do not agree and the majority do not agree with her."

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 3:30 pm
by rydi
::looks dissapointed, but then perks up::

''that's ok. everyone is wrong anyway, so that makes her right.'