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Posted: Sat May 17, 2008 4:14 pm
by Rusty
Paul, your Tea colored urine should be your biggest concern and you know it. I recommend a mayonnaise diet for six weeks, on a trial basis, and if that works then stick with it.

Posted: Sat May 17, 2008 4:46 pm
by rydi
there is such a thing as solid energy cloth? where do i find it?

Posted: Sat May 17, 2008 4:55 pm
by Amseriah
Yeah there is, its what most of the light armor is made out of in TL 12....its in you want clothes that have DR 30 cover your entire body, offer that DR against all attacks, are flexible and don't look like armor at all but look like 20th century suits or Starfleet uniforms??? Look at Ultratech....TL 12 ROCKS!!!!!

Posted: Sat May 17, 2008 11:15 pm
by durden
There is no way in hell I am running GURPS. I am currently unemployed and out of school and I still don't feel I have the time to learn that shit.

Gid, try some low impact gaming. Head over to Dark Ages.

I'd play Encounter with Cheyne, but I don't see it happening. Summer game and everything else will see to that.

I will, however, play Cheyne: The Hating

Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 8:19 am
by Thael
I too look forward to having a doctor that I can get free advice from without appointment... just like I have to give out free tech support... so study hard so you can get a job under a doctor like house...

as to the games either way is fine...

Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 3:21 pm
by Rusty
Well, if no one wants to run it then it will probably just die. I don't see the game coming back in the future, I'd be more likely to run starforge under gurps or starforge under its own system then resurrect the game later. So, a vote, who wants the plot threads?

Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 3:40 pm
by rydi
i want the game to exist in a time loop. we are stuck for a stupid long time in the observation deck having conversation. sounds fun. i'll keep going if everyone else will. and then if anyone gets time, they can run the real plot.

i'll pick up encounter slowly i guess. it isn't that much work, though the game style is at odds with what i am normally good at and i so wanted to play my infirm veteran.

and i'll play da. it has been fun so far.

and i'll play cthullu if thale ever does that. i need a new mommy or daddy though.

Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 3:45 pm
by Rusty
or you guys can make a decision about something in game. If I recall correctly by the time you come to a consensus I'll be ready to run.

and thank you all for your support...

Cheyne: you should run bolth. Your character is almost unmanageable anyway.

Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 4:05 pm
by rydi
exemplar is just unkillable, but lacks extreme ability or stats to back it up. she could become unmanagable with enough points. but then again so could anyone else, and probably with greater ease.

Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 9:52 pm
by Amseriah
Blah....I'll just focus on fucking with Mage...Mages can be SOOOOO Exp needy. Infinite cosmic potential.....itty bitty dice pools.

Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 10:22 pm
by rydi
i hate people. i like talking in character. it is the only cool part of roleplay for me anymore, as the fighting/mechanics are all so predictable. but it seems like the actuall talking/roleplaying part is the part people don't want to do. makes me not want to play games anymore.

and when talking is going on, games end. fuckses.

Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 10:38 pm
by durden
The fight in the DA game was not planned. On a whim, I decided to attack you. Otherwise, you'll be doin nothing but talking unless you decided to frenzy on a town of fishermen.

Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 10:59 pm
by rydi
oh, don't get me wrong. i like the occassional action. its just that for so many of the games i've played in or ran, it has always been about the quest and the action. partly my fault, but even when it isn't that is the mindset that perpetuates itself.

Posted: Mon May 19, 2008 7:04 am
by Amseriah
Let me clarify something here, I love interaction, you know that in the Summer Game for a long time thats all my character ever did. Thats how I rose in rank and all of that, just through rp. Right now however with the reset about to take place and the drastic changes being made upon my character I feel like I cannot do any rp-ing right now. I don't have a clue where he is at, what he is doing, what he knows, who his allies remain to be, what anyone else remembers, if we are all suffereing from amnesia or whether we are essentially in an alternate universe at this point. I am very very very excited about the game so I am doing the one thing that I can at this point to satisfy my need, and that is work on my character. My discouragement comes from not having low dice pools like my previous post stated, I was just trying to alter the saying from the cartoon Alladin "infinite cosmic power....itty bitty living space" to have it refer to Mage, that is apparently my bad. My frustration is coming from the fact that in order to accurately portray what my character was like before the shift I have to dump all of my points into Arcana, and I do mean ALL of my points. In order to accurately portray Lure of Flames at any level you have to have Forces 4 (thats when you can start to create fire), in order to portray Presence and Dominate at the levels at which they were at I have to have Mind 4, I originally had Death 5 but am probably going to have to get rid of it and not have any Arcana at 5, so in order to portray counter-thaum I need to have Prime 2 at the very least, at 4 preferably. There are a couple other little things that I am forgetting that I need to have different Arcana for, but lets just go with what I have now. The path that I have to be on in order to be a Tremere is Moros, their primary arcana are Death and Matter, the two things that Jacob really didnt' have much of.....thats alright I'm ok with that, but what that comes down to is that I am essentially having to buy multiple 4th ranks in "out of clan disciplines", now while I am not bitching about having shitty stats for the purpose of min/maxing, what that leaves me with is dismally few points to add to skills or I have a first game character that has starting character stats just because I have had to dump all my points into arcana. That leads to another problem, rotes cost points but are better if you have stats and skills...since I will have neither is it better for me to risk higher paradox and spend more mana and just be an improv caster or should I go ahead and get the rotes....damnit its just frustrating...I love the system for Mage and I love the character and game but I do not love how unreal it is that a person with as much exp (not points but life exp) as Jacob has is forced to not have a many skills or attributes at all. I may not be able to take academics at the level that a lawyer would have it (4-5) just because the points aren't there, does that mean that new Jacob is not a lawyer or in this alternate 'verse is he just horrible at what he does instead of being the best of the best...what part of the character is preserved the power or the fluff????

Posted: Mon May 19, 2008 7:32 am
by Guardiankrillin
Even with only one summer of play under my belt my character stats fell as well. I did not fall as far down the preverbial ladder but I did fall. I had all my points pumped back into a 5th level discipline to keep it. So my fluff was downgraded as well. It hurts but it happened to us all, (snikers in a corner at Jason) with that being said we all lost alot some more than others. It is like the ships in a bottle. We are putting our characters into the bottle but we don't all fit as well as the others.