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Posted: Fri May 28, 2010 1:30 pm
by rydi
need to assign people to cars soon.

Posted: Fri May 28, 2010 1:49 pm
by arete
I have to go to Tulsa on thursday. I can take 1-2 people with me as long as you are willing to sleep at my parents house, and you want to shoot guns. I will want to follow someone out to the cabin from Tulsa just to make sure I do not get lost.

Edit thursday after work.
Edit2: gun range activities are optional

Posted: Fri May 28, 2010 2:28 pm
by rydi
So, yeah, start signing up for car space.

Me: Angela (front), Steven (back), Adam (back), 6pm-ish that friday
Jason: 2 slots, thursday
Temple: Gideon, ? slots remaining, friday evening
Meril: Emily, friday evening
Paul: Lacie, Dani, Saturday morning
Zach: Andrea, Wednesday

Also, money. It isn't an expensive trip for 3 days of entertainment, but there are gas/tolls going down, feeding while there, and the boat/jetski gas.

>People driving will charge you what they feel is appropriate for car (probably less than $10, more than $5 for a two way trip).
>Those riding the toys should look at reserving $5-$7 to buy gas.
>Money for food is uncertain, just give haley/cassie a courtesy tip for feeding you.

Haley just suggested that $20 total might be a good number to look at for the full 3 days, though ymmv with that advice.

Posted: Fri May 28, 2010 7:01 pm
by adam
I would like to go to the mystical outdoor place. The game is also something I would like to do, seeing that I need to learn more about vampire before the summer game starts. I would be willing to drive down in my car if there is no room in another.

Posted: Sat May 29, 2010 1:56 pm
by rydi
After Adam, we're capped. No more people.

Sleeping arrangements: We are trying to get bed-ish stuff for couples, a few singles can get couches. But, you might contemplate bringing a sleeping bag if you've got one handy and don't overly mind it, b/c we just flat won't have space for everyone in beds.

We are also going to work on setting up arrangements for the non-boat people to have stuff to do, and for the non-game people to have something to do in the evening. If you have any suggestions do feel free to mention them here.

Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 12:24 pm
by rydi
Alcohol: Bring Your Own Shit (BYOS)

First page updated. Will try and get sleeping arrangements and possibly a meal schedule posted soon.

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2010 9:20 am
by angelicyokai
I'm bringning an inflatable mattress, short of stealing a pillow somewhere I'm good.

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2010 12:21 pm
by rydi
unless you just want one for the apartment, it won't be necessary at the lake, you've been assigned one of the twin beds.

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2010 12:57 pm
by rydi
updated the first post.

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 9:05 pm
by Amseriah
I am going to call the stables to arrange for a ride on Sunday morning, how many people are wanting to ride so I know what I need to reserve. So far I have Lacie, Dani, and myself. If you are interested respond here or text me tonight (Wed.) or tomorrow morning: (405) XXX-XXXX

First rule of internet club: "Don't put your personal information on the interwebz."
Anyone know what the second rule of internet club is?

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 10:13 pm
by rydi
updated to protect Paul's innocence, and guard him against the impure.

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 2:06 am
by angelicyokai
Horseeeeeys!!!!!!!! (that was an affirmative btw)

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 3:42 am
by rydi
Do note that horses and hiking may or may not be mutually exclusive...
I think the hiking will occur in the same general area as the horses, so that is cool, but scheduling might be an issue.

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 5:23 pm
by Amseriah
4 horses have been reserved for Sunday at 11:30 people going are myself, Lacie, Ange, and Dani.