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Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 5:01 pm
by Rusty
take notice!

250 starting points
max of 75 points worth of disadvantages
of which only 5 points may be quirks
starting TL 10 + $50,000

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 5:03 pm
by rydi
fuck. me.

does space flight include flight in atmo?

and where did you find those? the book i have didn't seem to show that stuff...

and fuck, where am i going to find the points for this character? oh well, time to start the min/maxing goodness. really i think character building is my favorite part of games.

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 5:06 pm
by Rusty
rydi wrote:fuck. me.

does space flight include flight in atmo?

and where did you find those? the book i have didn't seem to show that stuff...

and fuck, where am i going to find the points for this character? oh well, time to start the min/maxing goodness. really i think character building is my favorite part of games.
all of that is from basic book, powers may have better versions or a unifying power for living through space. And yes, it does work in atmo, the enhanced speed lets you accelerate at your base move x2, without it you only fly at base movex2.

there's a reason that supers games start at 300 points

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 5:17 pm
by Rusty
I would recommend putting super strength off if thats your main damage method, a blast of some kind would probably be more effective, seeing as how powers will eat up most of your points and you won't be skilled out for guns and ships as much, yet capable of operating independent of them entirely. Keep in mind you ought to have some kind of defense aside from 'dodging a lot' in space, missile can be set to detonate when they get near you, and brilliant missiles can predict your course and overtake you. A shield of some kind, or natural armor, or something.

Course I do like the idea of flying right up to a ship, bashing in a door, and racing through the whole thing killing everyone inside and claiming it as your own.

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 5:38 pm
by rydi
do you have a base book you can lend me?

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 6:23 pm
by Rusty
rydi wrote:do you have a base book you can lend me?
gmail is being fussy, could you log into aim?

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 6:28 pm
by durden
I am reading Gurps 4e now. Go me.

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 6:35 pm
by Rusty
durden wrote:I am reading Gurps 4e now. Go me.
if you have all the books would you share them with cheyne? I can't seem to send them to him.

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 7:02 pm
by Avilister
I have them, will share over the weekend if nothing else.

Ignac - Chief Engineer

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 8:05 pm
by durden
Name: Ignac

Ignac was born and raised on the “primitive” reptilian world of Grimlack IV. The son of a shaman (his mother, a powerful woman in the matriarchy) and a pilot, Ignac got the best of both worlds as his connections to his people’s culture remains strong to this day and his embracement and understanding of new technology experienced through his work with his father allows him to easily adapt and thrive in the Federation. His mother, Swamp Mother Threenicar, raised him in the old ways of his people. Learning natural healing techniques, combat, dance, dream visions, and hunting, Ignac seems an odd fit for a starship engineer. It was through his work with his father, Frikkin, that Ignac gained a knowledge and love for technology. Frikkin was a test pilot for a new program on the planet meant to integrate the old technology with the new Federation technology. This new hybrid program already showed promise in energy and medical technology.

Ignac is a bit of an oddity on his planet due to his current career choice. While there are Reptilians in the Federation, they typically hold small, menial jobs and are treated with a good deal of paternalistic discrimination. Grimlack IV was colonized over a century ago by the Federation to provide a strategic base along the border of [insert enemy group here] space. Nobles on his family are also not likely to leave their affluent setting. As a head Swamp Shaman, his mother is in the ruling elite on the planet. That is, the ruling elite of what little temporal autonomy the Federation allows. It is hoped that by selectively modernizing, the Reptilians may officially join the Federation in a more equal footing, not as the benevolently conquered.

Showing skill in tinkering and engineering, Ignac found berth aboard a stationed Federation ship. The ship spent years making several extended runs into a nearby system, doing mostly scientific exploration. Months in space in a system that was full of nebulas and communication-disrupting radiation made for a claustrophobic environment. Ignac soon became known as the unofficial ship’s counselor. Despite his naturally repulsive appearance, his honest and generous nature won over the captain. Soon acting as a trusted advisor to the captain, Ignac found opportunities to increase his work and skill as the stereotypes plaguing his race became less of an issue. After years of such exemplary service, it was time for his commanding officer to move on. Unable to take Ignac to his new assignment, the captain called in a favor to secure Ignac a chief engineering position aboard a new starship he would help to develop and build. Eager to take on more responsibility and further prove the capabilities of his race, Ignac brings enthusiasm, skill, and some old reptilian wisdom to his new crew.

I'll add other info as I learn the system. Does this look okay so far?

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 8:11 pm
by rydi
well, I like it. sounds versatile and interesting.

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 8:14 pm
by Rusty
most of it is good, but you've missed some key details of the setting.

There are no known enemies. Anywhere. The GF controls all known space.

The GF is a utopian society of freedom and equality, so you would not have experienced segregation of any kind.

Think idealistic gene rodenberry. Everyone gets along fine. Mostly. Rebel factions of course exist, but are pretty much dictatorship attempts that get quashed.

The players are the ambassadors elect of the GF, so they are famous in their own right, and carry political authority.

other than that I think you've got it. I like the background and the names, very cool stuff.

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 8:23 pm
by durden
Ah man, I was thinking Roddenberry when I wrote this. That's where the paternalism idea came from. Same with the enemy. I can change the strategic military location to strategic scientific. I'll change things when I get done with this book. Is there a reptilian trait or something I can take? I also thought about some very limited magic or dream travel stuff. Not imagining a combat character, but he should have some inherent skills related to his race. Like catching bugs really well...

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 8:31 pm
by Rusty
durden wrote:Ah man, I was thinking Roddenberry when I wrote this. That's where the paternalism idea came from. Same with the enemy. I can change the strategic military location to strategic scientific. I'll change things when I get done with this book. Is there a reptilian trait or something I can take? I also thought about some very limited magic or dream travel stuff. Not imagining a combat character, but he should have some inherent skills related to his race. Like catching bugs really well...
scientific works perfectly. I'm largely shooting for a "what if the federation in original star trek united all the races under their ridiculous but utopian society" without a lot of the gay parts of star trek.

Could take amphibious or something. I think there's a teeth trait you can take to where they are weapons. Nothing like watching the ships counselor bite someones face off with those teeth that have been bothering you the whole time.

Psionics might include what you're looking for, and they have some cool abilities.

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 8:40 pm
by durden
Can I get a list of the books I should go out an acquire? Not sure what I need other than the basic Gurps 4e. I found a Traveler book, but it's older. Not sure it's right.