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Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 3:55 pm
by durden
Sorry if the formatting is weird, but I wanted to put him up before I left...

ST: 9 [-10]
HT: 9 [-10]
DX: 13 [+60]
IQ: 13 [+60]
Will: 13
Per: 13
HP: 9
FP: 9
TL 11 [+5]
Basic Speed: 6 [+10]
Dodge: 9
Basic Move: 8 yard/second [+10]
Water Move: 8 yard/second
Build: 5’8” , ( Skinny) 90lbs [-5]
Wealth: Very Wealthy _$1,500,000
Reaction Mod: ___
Status: 5
Rank: 5 [+45]
Age: 20
Languages: Grimlackian and Common
Reputation: Resourceful,

Total: [+110/-20 (race: +80/-5)] / Net: +165

Bowlegged -1
Code of Honor -5
Cold Blooded -5
Curious -5
Disturbing Voice -10
Hard of Hearing -10
Light-Sleeper -5
Monstrous -20
Selfless (pack mentality) – 5
Truthfulness -5

Absent-Mindedness -15
Charitable -15
Clueless -10
Humble -1
Impulsiveness -10
Likes (Gadgets) -1
Pacifist -5
Vow (Represent race in only the most positive ways, protect animals) -10
Workaholic -5

Total: -141 (Limit 75): char: -72 / race: -71

Amphibious +10
Claws +5 (Armor Divisor 3 +100%) +10
Nictitating Membrane +1
Regeneration +30
Regrowth 8
Speak Underwater +5
Teeth +2
Affliction/1 (Disadvantage: Very Fat +30%, Secondary Disadvantage: Heart Attack +30% (Limitations: Melee attack, FR Use 1, and Blood Agent -80%) +3 (or 6 w/ DR),

Gizmos +5
Psionic (ESP): Racial Memory (Preparation – 1hr 50%, Psi -10%) +6
Psionic (Psychic Healing): Healing (Psi -10%, Injuries Only -20%, Nuisance -10% - Obvious and Partial Concentration) +12
Psionic (Telepathy): Animal Empathy (Psi – 10%, Uncontrollable -10%) +4
Psionic (Telepathy): Empathy (Sensitive) (Always On -10%, Psi -10%) +4
Psionic (Telepathy): Speak with Animals (aquatic animals -40%, Limitation: Twice per Day -30%, Psi -10%) +5
Quick Gadgeteer +50
Wealth (20x starting) +30

Talent (Artificer p.90) +10
Versatile +5
Acute Sense (Smell & Taste) +2
Breath-Holding +2+
Psionic (ESP): Channeling (Psi -10%, Preparation -40%, Accessibility [only on earth] -30%) +2
Resistance +15
Infravision +10
Metabolism Control +5
Plant Empathy +5
Psionic (PK): Enhanced Move (Water – Limit: Handling -4, Emergencies Only – 30%, Once Per Day -40%) +2
Filter Lungs +5
Perks: Sanitized Metabolism +1
High Manual DX +5

Total: 185 / 452 race: +69 / char: 116
Skills: Skill of 14 is really good!
Animal Handling (IQ/AVG): [12] +1
Aquabatics (DX/Hard): [11] +1
Bioengineering (IQ/Hard): [11] +1
Biology (IQ/Very Hard): [10] +1
Brawling (DX/Easy): [15] +4
Breath Control (HT/Hard): [7] +1
Carpentry (IQ/Easy): [13] +1
Climbing (DX/AVG): [13] +2
Computer Hacking (IQ/Very Hard): [12] +4
Crewman (IQ/Easy): [13] +1
Dreaming (Will/Hard): [11] +1
Environmental Suit (DX/AVG): [12] +1
Expert Skill (IQ/Hard) Military: [11] +1
Free Fall (DX/AVG): [12] +1
Hazardous Material (IQ/AVG): [13] +2
Judo (DX/Hard): [13] +4
Leadership (IQ/AVG): [12] +1
Mathematics (IQ/Hard): [11] +1
Meditation: [Will/Hard]: [11] +1
Naturalist (IQ/Hard): [12] +1
Occultism (IQ/AVG): [13] +2
Research (IQ/AVG): [12] +1
Search (Per/AVG): [12] +1
Stealth (DX/AVG): [12] +1
Survival (Per/AVG): [12] +1
Swimming (HT/Easy): [11] +4
Teaching (IQ/AVG): [12] +1
Veterinary (IQ/Hard): [11] +1
Technology! [(Computer Operation, Computer Programming, Electrician, Electronics Operation, Electronics Repair, Engineer, Machinist, Mechanic, Weird Science): [13] +24
Guns! (DX/Very Hard): Beam Weapons, Gunner, Guns, Liquid Projector, Fast Draw skills (IQ/Very Hard): Armory skills – [12] +12
Total: +79

Overall Total: +288

(I used color coding in Word to seperate racial template stuff with others, but you get the idea)

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 4:05 pm
by Avilister
Note that Ceremonial Status/Rank is different from normal Status/Rank. The 'ceremonial' bit means that it is very cheap (1 point per level) and is little more than a fancy title. Actual status/rank comes with actual power and, in the case of rank, responsibility as well. Rank has a variable cost, 5/10 points per level. This is because rank entirely replaces status in some environments (like an entirely military one).

While one can have Status (Military) at some high level, this more likely indicates that you're some sort of war hero and don't necissarily have to be high ranked. A good example of this in modern terms would be an enlisted man that earned the Congressional Medal of Honor. While he might only have Rank 1 or 2, he'd have Status (Miltary) 4 or 5, as there are very few people who achieve this honor, and most are well known (or, at least, recognizable on sight when in uniform). On the flip side are honest-to-god generals, who would have the 10 point version of Rank at 5 or 6 and have the full weight of both responsibility and social status that come with it.

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 4:07 pm
by rydi
looks highly effective to me. not sure what else you would need.
true. didn't really contemplate it much since it didn't impact me. agreed.

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 7:54 pm
by durden
Heh, just realized my color-coding got me. I do not have the following, which are all placed together above:
Talent (Artificer p.90) +10
Versatile +5
Acute Sense (Smell & Taste) +2
Breath-Holding +2+
Psionic (ESP): Channeling (Psi -10%, Preparation -40%, Accessibility [only on earth] -30%) +2
Resistance +15
Infravision +10
Metabolism Control +5
Plant Empathy +5
Psionic (PK): Enhanced Move (Water – Limit: Handling -4, Emergencies Only – 30%, Once Per Day -40%) +2
Filter Lungs +5
Perks: Sanitized Metabolism +1
High Manual DX +5

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 8:03 pm
by durden
I also changed to Ceremonial Rank. Thanks Steven. I don't have subjects, but my family is recognized.

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 8:33 pm
by rydi
:( why don't you have more goodies?

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 9:16 pm
by durden
I will buy some neat tech to go with all this. Hell, some of the brain stuff is really cool. I can afford some pretties.

Is it better to up my DX to 14, or gain the following:
Talent (Artificer p.90) +10
Versatile (+1 on Engineer and Gadgeteer rolls) +5
Psionic (ESP): Channeling (Psi -10%, Preparation -40%, Accessibility [only on soil] -30%) +2
Metabolism Control +5
Psionic (PK): Enhanced Move (Water – Limit: Handling -4, Emergencies Only – 30%, Once Per Day -40%) +2


Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 9:47 pm
by Avilister
I need DX and INT for everything, but they're really expensive :(

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 11:14 pm
by Avilister
Alright, further development has yielded the following:

I'm looking at being TL 12 and Rank 5 (10 point version). My hand lasers are going away, I just don't have the spare points. They're being replaced by high-tech weapons and armor. The armor is way better anyway.

I'm still hashing out the exact points, but I'm definitely going for a very military type. He's going to have most of the skills needed to captain a ship, and skills enough in other areas to play the 'face' for the group, as it doesn't appear we really have one yet.

Here's my big question: Am I making the CO or the XO? This affects where some of the points get allocated. Also, if I'm making a CO, I may have to suck it up and buy another level of Rank to justify it. He's also got the cheap 5 point) version of security clearance, go go need to know!

As far as justification for TL 12: This character is human, he's from Mars, as Earth was long ago rendered uninhabitable in a series of nasty wars. Frankly, we're not hard-pressed enough for the space to bother trying to reclaiming it, so we've left it there as a monument against war. "Look!" we say, "This gets us no where! What good is a dessicated husk of a homeworld?!"

Earthlings, now dispossessed and effectively Martians, were not the first race in the galaxy to reach out to the stars, though they were certainly some of the most ambitious. The virtually unlimited resources they've gained via access to the stars was, after their long and bloody wars finally ended, turned towards "the betterment of mankind" which largely involved inventing weapons and armor that were better than everyone else's. They spent some-thousands of years after that playing the role of evil empire as they conquered their way across the stars. Finally, enlightenment dawned and they retreated into a short (a few hundred years) isolationist period before emerging as one of the major forces of peaceful unification.

While Mars is looked to for its technological prowess, it's inhabitants seem to have outgrown their forefather's bloodthirsty and territorial ways. Humanity still keeps a decently tight grip on most of its technological innovations, reasoning that it was better for the other peoples of the galaxy to make such innovations on their own. Several "in the know" refer to this principal as the Prime Directive, much to the confusion of most of the rest of the race.

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 11:31 pm
by Rusty
looks good, couple things to keep in mind, which may have been uttered elsewhere but repetition can't really hurt, just annoy.

You still have the starting cash of TL10, as that is the TL of the setting.
TL12 equipment still costs 4xlisted.
Your "at cost" skills are TL12, if the skills specify a TL level and you want them to cover TL11 and TL10 equipment, you may have to pay a fee or buy the skills twice, fortunately, skills can be cheap, depending on what they are.
As mentioned earlier, only buy enough gear for yourself, you aren't supposed to equip the party with game breaking superweapons, only you (and everyone else who buys TL12 for 10 pts) can have them.

Sounds good. You should be the CO and spokes-thing for the party, that simplifies my life immensely. You should work closely with chris and thael in outlining the parameters of the ship, seeing as you'll be commanding it. Recall the scene in Galaxy Quest when the enemy captain is interrogating Taggart about what the Omega 13 does, he says "what kind of captain doesn't know every bolt, every weld in his ship?!?" You might also venture an opinion from the perspective of your character as to whether you would be better commanding a live crew or a robotic one, as the process of automation or its absence can determine a lot about the ship. You should be at least *almost* as familiar with what the ship can do as chris, who is the designer. It's no good charging into battle if you don't know how much armor your ship has.

Also, as captain, you would have picked your XO. If no player ventures to take the role, I'll assign a point total. Like a vice president, this would be someone who complements and contrasts your own abilities, and who would be capable of running the ship in your absence or demise. Riker to your Picard, Chewy to your Solo, Zoe to your Mal, R2 to your Luke.

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 11:32 pm
by Rusty
Also, there's stuff happening on the bridge. Stephen: as captain, you should post in the ships log, though I'll update it from time to time as well.

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 11:46 pm
by Avilister
Steven with a 'v' :P

I've largely been ignoring the ship-building thread, since it will take reading even more rules, I'll probably read the thread at work tomorrow and the book when I get home. I'm aware of the costs for things. Stuff is expensive enough that I've had to upgrade my wealth to 'Very wealthy' at minimum to afford anything. Fortunately, this actually overshot what I needed, so now I'm going to go back and add on modifications and pick out some gadgets.

I hadn't considered the skills thing though, so I'm glad you pointed it out. Given the general tech-level of the Federation as a whole, I'll probably end up buying most of them at TL10 or 11, reasoning that someone who's in a galaxy-wide military would probably be more familiar with the more common equipment than the specialized toys available on his homeworld.

Anyhow, bed time. Hopefully with some more point-pushing tomorrow I should be done. I've figured out gear, atts and most of the advantages, but still need to figure out disadvantages and skills, and clean up a lot of the rest.

Here's the status for the laser-beam hands that I came up with, even though I'm not going to use them. They were mostly designed to pack a punch, but not as hard against an armored opponent. DR pen is expensive :P

Innate Attack (burn) - Laser beams! 5/lvl -10% (total 4.5/lvl)
1d (2 +50%)/lvl
10d (2) = 45pts
1/2D 50(+15%), Max 50(-10%), Acc 3, RoF 1, Shots N/A, Recoil 1
Takes two seconds to activate (-10%)
Costs 2 FP/use (-10%)
Accessibiliy: Must have bare hands, both hands empty (includes gloves), Somatic component -10%
Nuisance: Obvious -5% (Shooting lasers from your hands, here)
Nuisance: -4 to reactions -20% (Also causes eyes to pulse an evil red; general aura of malice)
Magic -10%

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 11:48 pm
by Rusty
hmm, there's tech for that by the way. It's in ultratech somewhere in covert ops, weapons, or something. I saw it.

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2008 12:06 am
by Amseriah
OK, so the way that my character is starting to look, I would be suited for a role as an all around warrior, with a specialty in pilot. He seems to parallel Worf in ST:tNG in some ways...a very pissy, impulsive, freaky looking alien, that is very very good at all things combat, since we don't seem to have anyone that excels at that. Anyways I should be done by tomorrow, or at least close to being done.

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2008 12:11 am
by Rusty
we have a rather 'offensive' crew so far. cool. and mad props paul for not playing a little asian girl.