fucking CEO comes in here and bitches that I (and the person that takes me to my stop) are leaving too early (4:40) instead of at 5.
1. Both persons mentioned are salary
2. We both are here before 9am and still are in the office our 40 hours
he even complained about the people staying till 5 and leaving because he wants people here till 5:30-6 to answer the phones. I said there is no reason for the helpdesk to be here past 5 since we have cells that we forward the phone to so we can answer it (till 11 fucking PM.) and since the parts depot people leave at 5 there is nothing useful to hold us here. His response basically boils down to he wants someone else here till at least 5:30 to answer the office lines (ie not helpdesk) and answer any questions (which helpdesk has no answers for because they wont be our clients)... He said it was him alone getting those calls and he wants another "extra hand" to help out (ie too fucking lazy to do it himself unless it is a call for him)... there are 4 other office people (besides him) here that could at least answer any questions that arose from those calls including the front desk person who answers them all day and the sales guy that covers them when she is not here.. doesnt ask one of them to do it... he wants us to... because the front desk probably told him NO... and ditto from the sales guy likely... and he is such a classist elitist snob that he wont even fucking change his own tire but tells someone else to do it... his car has a flat here becuse he is living out of his fucking office and leaking fumes into the helpdesk office now...
all this from the fucking asshole that refused to fucking pick up payroll checks earlier in the day than normal because either he or his brother dropped the fucking ball for doing our EFT requiring me to get to the bank and cash the check soon enough to have it be available before monday... his outdated reasoning feels that getting checks sooner is bad... like I am going to fucking just up and leave at noon cause I got my check.... if he got off his ass and made sure the EFT (which he is also against) went through I would still be here despite getting paid the previous midnight... in fact I would not have to leave extra early to have time to hit the bank before going home...
Moderator: Mods
venting Office Rage
That which is not dead can eternal lie and with strange eons even death may die
My Color is Blue
I value Knowledge, logic, and deceit. I love to pursue wisdom but also to manipulate and deceive. At my best, I am brilliant and progressive. At my worst, I am treacherous and cold. My symbol is a water droplet. My enemies are green and red.
My Color is Blue
I value Knowledge, logic, and deceit. I love to pursue wisdom but also to manipulate and deceive. At my best, I am brilliant and progressive. At my worst, I am treacherous and cold. My symbol is a water droplet. My enemies are green and red.