Rachnar looks at the rude and annoying thing. "You seem to have been alone in this tower for far to long." Feel especially foolish says "fine forge me into perfection"
::The great construct regards you for a moment after your bumbling commands, then manipulates a few objects on the back of the anvil. A pathway hardens in the molten soup, and the door opens.::
"You should take off your clothes first. Then come in here, and climb up on the anvil."
[Like the other templates, this will permanently change the way your character interacts with the game, and has no guarantee of being optimal for your character build. Aspects of this template and its changes may in fact disrupt your build in ways that decrease your net power level or may require restructuring of your planned classes and abilities. Consider yourself duly warned, and proceeding beyond this point, knowing full well that you may be "nerfed" by this in certain ways, should be something you put thought into and roleplay through. There are no "take backs" for these templates, you're expected to RP through any changes that happen to your character, and to enjoy doing so.]